But, Lord, sometimes I wonder if he thinks the same things about me. Please, Holy Spirit, breathe Your truth into his heart. However, you can pray to your higher power each day and ask for the courage you need. Never stop. Romans 6:14-For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Praying can help you cope better with the anger, physical pain, and frustration you may feel when youre quitting. For instance, you may focus on the cravings you feel when you see others lighting up or that momentary pleasure you get from holding a cigarette in your hands and taking a puff every few minutes. May Your Word guide my husband as the leader of our home. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Lord, I know that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and do not want this habit to be a master over my body and my will, but rather I want You alone to have first place in my life and within my body. You may find it helps you practice empathy when you think about how cigarettes impact other people in your life who dont smoke or have loved ones who do. A man that smokes can not be a good father to his children and cannot be a good husband to his son. Amen. You knew what You were doing all along. Most smokers dont realize that quitting smoking is a mental and physical process. St. Benedict (jumped in a briar bush when he was tempted by sins of the flesh, so I guess smoking would count, he was . I pray that he would use his words just as You would have him to. I am going to my support group regularly which is so helpful. Having a predisposition to addiction means youre even more likely to develop a chemical dependence on nicotine. 2. He will not stand in the presence of the unknown. Prayer for quit smoking - CHURCHGISTS.COM I pray Lord Jesus, that you will send him help. The benefits of prayer are like meditation. 5. You stop thinking about everything else going on in your life when you pray, which can be especially helpful when youre trying to break an addiction. God heard you and i could not be more grateful. Father, empower my husband to resist the devil from attacking him with the urge to smoke, in the name of Jesus. Funny how I discovered the one who needed to change was ME! Help us grow in humility and recognize when we have wounded each other. From the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, give him what he needs to be the husband, father, employee, and friend You want him to be. God forbid. A Christian's Quit Smoking Prayer. But today, God has promised to deliver everyone who has been addicted to smoking, the hands of God will come upon you and it will change everything about you. Prayer helps you keep a healthy routine and stay on track. Father, help the infirmity of my husband and renew his mind from smoking and also deliver him from the satanic force of smoking, in the name of Jesus. 3. The good news is that you can turn your focus away from your addiction when you pray. He needs You, Lord. When my husband gets tired and beaten down, will You be his strength? Prayer To Quit Smoking | Stop Smoking Prayer That Workshttps://linktr.ee/dailyeffectiveprayerBe sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) to catch all the latest. Praying over your husband is a powerful way to honor, support, and love him. Pray for him just because. (Psalm 90:17), Father, help us to live together in perfect unity by loving, honoring and respecting one another and serving each other for Your glory, honor and praise! Such a man would not even understand when God speaks, he would even see God. We hope you enjoyed these prayers! Younger people also have fewer coping strategies when faced with tough situations, like cravings or stress. 40 Prayers To Stop Smoking-Bibleandprayers.com Father, I nullify and destroy every stronghold of smoking from my husbands family background speaking into his life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. (these 2 prayers are excerpted from 5 Things to Pray for Your Marriage by Amelia Rhodes). When we begin our prayers with thanks, that is the highest form of praise we can give God for all the many blessings He provides to us. Youve given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. God bless you. Similar thoughts will likely come up during your prayers if you have close friends and family members you love who you dont want to harm by smoking. Today we will be dealing with a prayer for the husband to stop smoking. A 'Mercy' Cure for Smoking? | The Divine Mercy Every time you have the urge to smoke is a good time to pray. Amen. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. The loss of a job can be devastating. Your husband can not do the Will of God if hes a chain smoker. Therefore, he is good. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Help us all to remember that all of our good gifts come from you, Heavenly Father. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. -Dear Lord Jehovah, I claim to receive freedom . In addition, nicotine is an incredibly tough chemical to beat. For instance, if youd like to start working out more but havent yet planned your routine, you can pray for the motivation you need to get started. Protect him from temptation and fill him up . A hypnosis app can be very powerful in helping you quit smoking, especially if you are not the type of person to sit through hours-long sessions. There is no way a man can fulfill the Will of God for his life if he is a smoker. I just want to thank You for giving him to me and me to him. Stop this divorce | Holy Land Prayer I quit smoking March 5, 2003, on the first day of Lent. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Lord, my husband is a good man and you know his worth, but he doesnt. Walk ahead of him. I pray that you will help him in his moment of weakness, I pray that you will break him down and remold him to your taste. 4. Through Gods work in my heart, I discovered the importance of praying for my husband and the power of praying for him. Christian's Prayer To Quit Smoking. Let Your Word ring true in his heart. However, prayer can help you see how youre hurting those around you by smoking. I am uplifted, my joy is restored, my soul is transformed and I begin to walk in the light of the gospel of Christ, in Jesus mighty name. Pray for your husbands faith and ask Got to continually show him the way back. I ask for your mercy on him in the name of my savior, Jesus Christ. Check: Catholic Prayer For Marriage Preparation. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Oh Lord my God, I pray that You give me the strength to stop smoking. Our relationship feels broken like an old fashioned phonograph needle stuck on the same groove. Also, you should always consult your doctor before taking any kind of medication or supplement for quitting smoking. As you begin to use this prayer guide which has been titled powerful prayers for my son to stop smoking, I pray that help shall locate your son and he shall be delivered by the saving right hand of God in the name of Jesus. It helps you feel more capable of avoiding your addiction every day instead of giving into it just one time. Once you get in the habit of praying over your husband, your prayers will adapt as his needs change. Help me be a wife of noble character, who strives to bring him good all the days of my life. In my immaturity, I wanted a few things to change in my marriage and so I called on the Lord to change them. I ask all this in Your holy name. Sometimes our Christian journey takes a back seat to career, raising children, or other worldly goals. Holy Spirit of the Living God, I ask that You convict my husband of his commitment to me. Many destinies have been destroyed on the altar of smoking. Therapy can also help you discover what specific factors trigger your cravings and how you can better manage them. 2 - Your immune response to colds will increase; 3 - You will be more productive in every task you have, whether we speak about housework or your job; 4 - You will be a good example to your children; 5 - The morning cough will disappear; 6 - Your blood pressure will be lowered; 7 - You will have more energy. Ever been there? Smoking addiction can be so powerful, it forces you to ignore how smoking slowly destroys your body. For instance, it can cause you to lose your sense of taste and smell. However, you need to make sure you get the right dosage of NRTs. There are many factors involved, from genetics to peer pressure and environmental triggers. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. And you may also want to consider quitting alcohol, especially if you are drinking heavily. Just like you turn the situation of Jabez around, I pray that you will change the story of my husband in the name of Jesus. Spirit of death I rebuke you and bind and break your power in the name of Jesus Christ. This practice also helps you get in touch with your feelings and emotions, which can be very helpful when you are trying to break free from the clutches of addiction. Is it affordable? Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to ye obey; whether sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness Romans 6:16. Proverbs 22:29 NIV. Over the years, God has shown me his work in my marriage through prayer time and time again. So, have faith in God and believe that He is able to deliver you or your loved one. Lord, rekindle Your Fire in my husband's heart, because I'm certain that when he burns with love for You, his love for me will also be . It is our believe that as you pray this day, the desire to smoke shall speedily vanish from your life and from the life of your loved one, in Jesus Name. The short answer is yes, it can be a very helpful tool. Ephesians 5:31 NIV. Father, make your grace sufficient for my husband, that your power rests upon him and cause him to defile the spirit of smoking and stop it, in the name of Jesus. Sometimes even the strongest men get beaten down by life and start doubting their worth. Pray that he is able to balance work and family and that his career doesnt become a tool for the enemy to use against your marriage. Combine all of these elements, and it becomes clear why kicking the habit can feel so insurmountable. Once the addiction takes hold, it quickly turns into a vicious cycle: you smoke for the nicotine, and you crave more of it to keep your addiction satisfied. There are many things you can pray for him about but these are some of the more important ones youll want to include in your prayer time. Spirits of addiction to tobacco, you have to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Father I thank you for your great grace and love towards me despite my evil habits, glory to you in Jesus name. Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:23 PM. My husband has lost sight of the things that really matter. You are so faithful to answer when we call, and right now I just place my marriage at Your feet. . Lord, I know that I am not condemned because of my smoking, nevertheless it is a habit that I truly want to break and have come to You to pray that You would give me Your grace and strength to help in this time of my need.Lord, Your Word says that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength, and I pray that You would indeed give me the strength to completely stop smoking and also to remove the desire that I have to light up. Some smokers are genetically predisposed to addiction. Please guard his heart and mind, Jesus. Praying for your husband will build your own faith and draw you closer to God. I got rid of all my cigarettes and my lighters when I stopped last week. You can quit smoking now through hypnosis sessions. Hail Mary . in my heart I feel that I am not being, and although I know that there is no sin in smoking , nevertheless Prayer for Healing: Dear God, my husband is struggling with addiction and I pray for his healing. Lord Jesus, my children are growing already and I do not want to grow and know a smoker as a father. Our Father, we need Your help to weather the storms of life. When life throws a hard punch, we rely on God to help carry us through, but we also rely on the strength of our husband. All rights reserved. Even the best marriages encounter challenges that strain the relationship at one point or another. Now you cant just expect your body to get rid of all that nicotine youve been putting inside you for years without making some serious changes in your lifestyle. Help him to take every thought captive that is not in obedience to Your Word, and in so doing protect him from pride and temptation.
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