The large hadron collider has not been turned on since 2012, and now the organization has been planning to celebrate its tenth anniversary. Forgot password? If youre wondering what in the world I am talking about, trust me I am too. This query refers to these conspiracy theories about the effects this Experiment will have; however, these arent based on truth. But as I said, and this is not always stated, in order to have real confidence in the results, it all ultimately rests on the assumption of theories that have exact supersymmetry. The company is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the achievement of finding a rare particle. There were plans to give the AI everyones medical records or something like that. In one particular video, CERN's director Fabiola Gianotti, says CERN plans to study energy with more precision than before, explore different aspects of physics, and try to identify scientific outliers and anomalies. They started doing this in 2010 and ran tests for a few years, then stopped, then started again, and now they upgraded their gigantic machine and turned that shit on today to run even more tests. Norman, or Spock Now you can watch the entire NBA season or your favorite teams on streaming. Its business is There is news buzzing on social media about CERN planning to open a new portal related to Stranger Things. SMB-SMS Service Management and Support group, Featured news, updates, stories, opinions, announcements. Maria Telkes Family: What Is Her Cause of Death? There was a book, I cant remember the title, but the whole of the internet was at an AIs disposal. RTF isnt plain text any more than XML or HTML or a base64-encoded binary is. It didnt take long before many were convinced that on July 5th when CERN turns on their collider, the world would witness either the creation of a black hole or the opening of a portal to another dimension. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the worlds largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Cern is an organization that was created for the purpose of researching nuclear. We can say that whatever the reason, the event will be enjoyable, and those interested can stream on social media platforms and look at how the portal opens. Theres an immense discussion about these theories on the internet, and the scientific community keenly looks forward to these events. But its quite clear that in the world of cosmology/de Sitter space/eternal inflation, that were all part of the same thing. This article discusses the Cern Experiment July 5TH theories and other relevant details about this Experiment. Typically, theyd go unseen, even if you look at them with very powerful detectors. Where did you first hear these conspiracy theories that are gaining traction? And if the string landscape could say that there would be solutions containing the peculiar numbers that we face in physics, that was interesting. The purpose of the The LHC is a behemoth. 5. Its a schema that neatly lays out the fundamental particles of the universe 17 of them and how they interact with each other. That means you can sit and watch their exploration of matter OR the possible end of the world from the comfort of your own home. The Service Portal, the integrated CERN knowledge base used by the CERN user community, and the Service Desk will remain the basis for the smooth delivery of services. This imbalance has no explanation. It exists in flat or anti-de Sitter space (that is, a spacetime with a negative curvature in the absence of matter or energy). Hey Brian, guess what the Ai did today . Media: Theres nothing going on at CERN, thats just crazy conspiracy theories. For decades now, particle physics has lived and died by the so-called Standard Model. If not, we will give you the details here in this article. Why doesnt this woman realize that gingers would be the first to die, regardless of shields? 16:00, Holographic duals of evaporating black holes, 16:00 To help you understand what will happen next week as the #LHCRun3 begins, Delphine Jacquet and Georges Trad explain the beam lifecycle at It holds that there is a holographic duality between anti-de Sitter space formulated in terms of string theory, and quantum field theories that are similar to those that describe elementary particles. Earlier particle colliders didnt have the energy needed to find it. Here's what 5 economists. Scientists think the beauty quark can teach them more about the differences between matter and its opposite-charge, destructive twin: antimatter. Specifically, how will our political and social institutions and practices be affected by that discovery? The chances of that actually happening have to be close to zero, right? We are also eagerly waiting for the day to watch the vent and discover what changes it will bring after the doorway opens. People do that fine by themselves, so having an AI do it as well isnt going to change much.. What about volume? The detailed example of the cosmological constant I am much less impressed by. But its an expanded version, its not supersymmetric. I call that string theory with a capital S, and I can tell you with 100% confidence that we dont live in that world. Some of these unanswered questions have made scientists suspect that theres a fifth fundamental force lurking somewhere out there. But its exciting to be in a situation where there is confusion. So the question is: do we need a precision Higgs factory at the TeV scale or do we want to search for new phenomena at higher energies? A few years after the holographic principle was first conjectured, two precise versions of it were discovered; so called M(atrix) theory in 1996 and Maldacenas AdS/CFT correspondence in 1997. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Happen Dark matter is thought to be five times more prevalent than ordinary matter but does not absorb, reflect or emit light. People think that CERN ripped a hole in the Earths timeline and is the reason for glitches in the Matrix. Integrating it with OS stuff is _exactly_ the kind of increase in value that I was looking for. How to know which are the 1 dollar bills that sell for $150,000: Do you have one and how many there are? CERN For example, the recent claim, involving Google, that two entangled quantum computers have been used to send information through the analogue of a wormhole shows how the methods of gravity can influence the way quantum communication is viewed. Oh yes! However, it was shut down for a few years due to planned maintenance and upgrades before becoming operational again on April 22nd 2022. Posted on 2022. 12:00, Qt and Modern C++ Asynchrony, and other things, too, Non-perturbative Amplituhedron Geometries, 15:00 People of the, are intrigued by the news and are very excited to know that something related to their favorite show is coming up. Bing became silent on me, and I wrote My mind is glowing at the prompt. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I guess my prejudice is that some expanded version of string theory is probably the right theory to describe particle physics. Who knows! The weak-gravity conjecture, which enables you to say something about the relative strengths of gauge forces and gravity acting on certain particles, is another good idea. It doesnt even seem to govern it at the TeV scale. WebPeople have been bringing up theories around the CERNs collider being turned on after years, but it just happens to be scientific research. We advise you to create your incident or request ticket directly from the Service Portal (Submit a request or Report an incident) and to pre-select a technical area in order to optimise the resolution time. CERN is still expected to come back online this year. And then theres string theory with a small s you might call it string-inspired theory, or think of it as expanding the boundaries of this very precise theory in ways that we dont know how to at present. This claim has led to popularizing of some conspiracy theories on the internet. But within 24h, the war turned hot. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. I was surprised and shocked. putting out plain text is trivially secure? Something fishy is happening and of course it comes at the same time you have El and Vecna battling it out in the Upside Down on Stranger Things. Searches have so-far come up empty-handed. CERN is gaining traction as some theories surrounding it are gaining traction. M5 Phillies claim left-handed reliever from the Washington Bryce Harper provides injury update while speaking Is this the most bizarre post in a Philadelphia 76ers Facebook group post ever? CERN is the most significant particle research center in Switzerland that is opening new portals to research and discovery on July 5. But for the July 5 conspiracy theory, no such gimmick was needed. This claim has led to popularizing of some conspiracy theories on the internet. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. It governs three of the universes four fundamental forces: the strong nuclear force, which holds particles together inside the nucleus of an atom; the weak nuclear force, which guides some forms of radioactivity; and electromagnetism. CERN My prejudice is the latter. Witten, who had negative thoughts about the anthropic idea, eventually gave up and accepted that it seems to be the best possibility. Quantum Telescopes Could Offer Clearer Views of Our Solar System and Beyond, Cosmic Rays Reveal A Hidden Corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza, Astronomers May Have Just Solved a Salty Mystery at Jupiter's Most Famous Moon. What Is the Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Estonia. But massively broadcasting hate speech, while forbidden, does not pay very well. Live from CERN: Join us for the first collisions for physics at 13.6 TeV! We are going to increase the number of collisions drastically and therefore the probability of new discoveries also, said Steerenberg, who added that the collider was due to operate until another shutdown from 2025-2027. Leave it to MS to make a word processor that can crash when interpreting plain text). Their highly sophisticated detectors can pick through the debris and find the trails, traces, and fingerprints all those particles leave behind. And what they might find has the potential to blow particle physics wide open. The Service Desk contractor is changing: What will happen? | CERN Each solution has different properties, coupling constants, particle spectra and so forth. People of theUnited StatesandCanadaare intrigued by the news and are very excited to know that something related to their favorite show is coming up. Cool. One of the things that troubles me about the standard model of cosmology, with inflation and a positive cosmological constant, is that the world, or at least the portion of it that we see, is de Sitter space. This was something of a shock and a surprise; not that string theory has many solutions, but that the numbers of these possibilities could be so enormous, and that among those possibilities were worlds with parameters, in particular the cosmological constant, which formed a discretuum as opposed to a continuum. But because the billions of internal parameters interact in incomprehensible ways, almost all researchers refer to large language models inner workings as a black box. CERN is a European organization that operates a large particle physics laboratory worldwide. Those collisions cause the innards of the speeding particles the tinier particles that work as their building blocks to fling loose. to locate the truth amongst the drek. CERN Courier is essential reading for the international high-energy physics community. The white hats job is to secure each and every point of contact, while the black hats goal is to find just one thats insecure. CERN TikTok has reemerged on the trending list, but not because of a potential ban. After being shut down for nearly four years due to COVID-19, the LHC is about to start the third round of experiments and people can watch it too. Many/most of them will be wrong, but it will give it to you. But in de Sitter space there is no boundary; theres only everything thats inside the de Sitter space. Of course they know how the work inside, in the sense of cross multiplying tensors and updating weights based on training sets and so on. 2. that votes skewed beyond hairs splittica. Your email address will not be published. cern 2022 what will happen - Keep reading this article to know more about it. CERN says they "hope for surprises" and to "find something unexpected. If youre wondering what in the world I am talking about, trust me I am too. Indeed, some went as far as to suggest that the world would come to an abrupt end all together. The planets have aligned and theyre about to turn on CERN and open up portals and shit. And with just text was born Theories suggest that this Experiment will open an inter-dimensional portal through which some other beings will pass, and various effects will be seen on the planet. Colliders fall into two categories: high-precision e+e colliders and high-energy protonproton ones. What does that even mean? 2022 During Run 1 and Run 2, it made discoveries and performed These People also believed, and some spread the rumor about. Users in the United States are the ones keenest to know the specifics of this event and the concerned theories. The LHC has now been back on for just over two months, but CERN officially commenced a brand new experiment on July 5th which will run until 2026. Doing that is on their wishlist. Using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments, they study the basic constituents of matter - fundamental particles that are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. 2022 Theyre still worried about how to construct obscure background prompts that prevent their machines from spewing hate speech or pornographic novels. 17:00. 2022 An event called Run 3 will happen on July 5. But on July 27th 2025, Bing and Bard declared war on each other. Though countless folk will point to a social media post - since removed - which seemed to indicate that CERN apologized for ending the world in 2012, such talk has - we said it before - proven to be untrue. People also believed, and some spread the rumor aboutCern July 5TH End of the Worldafter they heard the news of the portals opening. With higher energies, physicists can see more particles when beams collide. CERN WebThe later stages of CERN's development will be building an electron-positron collider to produce and study the Higgs boson. An event called Run 3 will happen on July 5. Many influencers shared videos with thousands of people where they claimed that CERN is going to open a portal and it will have extreme energetic repercussions. To know the news details, people are requested togo through the details here. Also Read :- Louisiana Abortion Law 2022 {June} What Is It All About? The string landscape is one such guess. Im wondering what will happen if you convince chatGPT to write exploits for open-source code it can see the source for. What will happen if this hope becomes reality? Block Monster NFT (Aug 2021) How to Buy? Buckle your seatbelts. There are also conspiracies that odd things will be witnessed on this day, like unusual weather, and unexpected vibrations, among other things. What will happen if this hope becomes reality? CERN, the worlds largest atom smasher, says it has observed three new "exotic particles" while carrying out its third run of collisions. This will explain what is happening when it happens. - But the world looks very much like de Sitter space, so I dont understand the argument and I suspect people are wrong here. So theres potential for great developments by simply understanding a few things about the quantum mechanics of de Sitter space. I call that string theory with a capital S, and I can tell you with 100% confidence that we dont live in that world. whose customer base skewed politica But I sure wouldnt like anyone to take my advice on this too seriously. An experiment will be conducted after restarting this collider which has led to the popularisation of some conspiracy theories. Weak neutral currents, light neutrinos and the W and Z bosons are just a few of the discoveries that were made at CERN. From CERNs headquarters in the Geneva suburbs, this tunnel streaks under the towering Jura Mountains, along the undulating French-Swiss border, and comes back again. photos taken above CERN's Large Hadron Collider CERN I am getting to the point where it is hard to absorb new ideas. The July 5th ignition of CERNs Large Hadron Collider is no different, as a fake report which detailed an alleged black hole accident recently made the rounds. You can only win these Star Trek games when the computer actually _is_ intelligent. String theory is a very precise mathematical structure, so precise that many mathematicians have won Fields medals by making contributions that were string-theory motivated. Ive always been a slam em together and see what comes out sort of physicist. Its supersymmetric. The SMB departments Service Management and Support group is actively working with the new contractor to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible in order to minimise the impact for end users. CERN 's Large Hadron Collider will start its third run on July 5, smashing protons into each other at unparalleled strength. WebBeen seeing on social media that on July 5th CERN is going to be smashing particles with the most power ever used by the hadron collider. To be able to comment you must be registered and logged in. Daniel Valuch Chats About CERNs High Caliber Hacking, Hackaday Podcast 208: Hallucinating Robots, Floppy Cartridges, And A Flexure Synth French Horn, This Week In Security: OpenEMR, Bing Chat, And Alien Kills Pixels, TRS-80 Model 100 Inspires Cool Cyberdeck Build, 40 Years Down The Line. The largest particle collider at CERN was shut for two years and finally, it is being operated at unprecedented energy levels in order to serve the purpose of searching for Higgs particles. Again, no one has a single idea about what will happen that day, and many predictions are on social media.
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