The 16,34% of the companies in Castile and Len belong to the auxiliary sector of construction. The City Council of Cullar initially adhered to this autonomic initiative in agreement adopted by the corporation on October 5, 1981. Just another site who dismissed justice sajjad ali shah; jackson high school soccer; do military jets leave contrails It is possible to visit many wineries in the area to try the local wines and food, or simply visit the vineyards. Astorga, Burgos, Len, Miranda de Ebro, Palencia, Ponferrada, Medina del Campo and Valladolid are all important railway junctions. andrew oberg superintendent - The GDP per employee was 97% of the EU average. The city hosts a regional museum (El Bierzo Museum), a radio museum (Museum of Radio) and the National Energy Museum, in addition to music and cinema festivals each year. The solitary evergreen oaks and junipers (Juniperus sect. Please follow this link to see his introduction: 2023. The painting Mara de Molina presents her son Fernando IV in the Cortes of Valladolid of 1295 presides today the Spanish Congress of Deputies along with a painting of the Cortes of Cdiz, emphasizing the parliamentarian importance that has all the development of Cortes in Castile and Len, despite its subsequent decline. In the mountain rivers live the otter and desman and in its waters the trout, anguillidae, the common minnows and some of the increasingly scarce autochthonous river crabs. GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power was 25,800 euros or 85% of the EU27 average in the same year. On the right they reach the Sabor, the Tua and the Tmega, born in the Galician Massif. However, in the late 1990s the city underwent a major transformation with the establishment in the city of several industrial and services firms, the reintroduction of commercial wine production, the opening of a local branch of the University of Len offering several undergraduate degrees, and in general a radical improvement of the town's infrastructure. . )", "Poblacin extranjera por Nacionalidad, comunidades, Sexo y Ao", "Datos sobre el lesmo y lasmo de persona en el habla de la ciudad de Burgos", Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia, "Apuntes sobre el habla de la Merindad de Sotoscueva (Burgos): lxico", "La Junta facilitar diccionarios a los inmigrantes para aprender espaol", "Poblacin superficie y densidad por CCAA y provincias", "Censos de Poblacin y Viviendas 2011. Based on the position goals, Dr. Andrew Oberg was rated overall as Proficient. The leader of the opposition is Luis Tudanca. In addition to legumes, such as carob and chickpeas, sunflower cultivation has spread in the southern countryside. Although the most traditional crop was wheat, the production of barley has gained ground since the 1960s. Ponferrada also has an urban bus network called SMT (Servicio Municipal de Transporte). [28] Languages spoken by some of the largest immigrant communities include Bulgarian, Romanian, and Arab.[29]. 24 . The Roman conquest resulted in warring with the local tribes. : March 20, 1991 No. Likewise, the flag is described as follows:[6]. During the coldest month, January, the average temperature is 9C (48F) during the day and 1C (34F) at night. It is not uncommon that the temperature exceeds 35C (95F) during heatwaves. The church of Santiago de Pealba (an example of Mozarabic art), the Hermitage of Santo Toms de las Ollas (10th century) and the Romanesque Church of Santa Mara de Vizbayo are also nearby.[9]. Las Mdulas, ancient Roman gold mines also included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site List, are only a few kilometres away from the city. Producto Interior Bruto regional. In the agricultural industry, within the production of fertilizers, the Mirat, founded on 1812 in Salamanca, stands out.[43]. Animals adapted to life in the high mountains, inhabitants of rocky places, inhabitants of fluvial courses, species of plains and forest residents form the mosaic of the Castilian-Leonese fauna. In Castile and Len the cold extends almost continuously for much of the year, being a very characteristic element of its climate. Castile and Len constitutes one of the main Spanish cereal areas. According to the same study, only half of self identifying Catholics go to mass regularly with those considered practicing Catholics attending more regularly than those considered non practicing. For foreign trade, according to the region, vehicles and car chassis are mainly exported in Province of vila, Province of Palencia and Province of Valladolid, tires in Province of Burgos and Province of Valladolid, steel bars and slate manufactures in Len, beef in Province of Salamanca, pigs in Province of Segovia, rubber manufactures in Province of Soria and goat and sheep meat, together with wine, in Province of Zamora. Passenger trains link the city with major population centers in Spain, including Madrid or Barcelona. T +1 212 269 4900; F +1 212 344 4294; Email. [citation needed]. The romanization was unstoppable, and to this day great Roman works of art have remained, mainly the Aqueduct of Segovia as well as many archaeological remains such as those of the ancient Clunia, Salt mines of Poza de la Sal and the va de la Plata pathway, which crosses the west of the community from Astorga (Asturica Augusta) to the capital of modern Extremadura, Mrida (Emerita Augusta). Location. Hotel Himdhara Dalhousie- Home No credit card required. The karst complex of Ojo Guarea, consisting of 110km of galleries[15] and its caves formed in carbonatic materials of Coniacian which are situated on a level of impermeable marls, is the second largest of the peninsula. Superintendent Evaluation_Posting_2021-2022.docx . Andrew Oberg's email & phone | McGuffey School District's Sabina) that now draw the Castilian-Leonese plain are remnants of the forests that covered these same lands long ago. El Morredero peak (2135m), 20km from Ponferrada in the Aquilianos mountains, hosts a small ski resort. On the sunny slopes the sessile oak, the European oak, the ash, the lime tree, the sweet chestnut, the birch and the scots pine (a typical species from the north of the Province of Len). The local football team, SD Ponferradina currently plays in the Spanish 2nd Division. [20], Although Castile and Len is framed within the continental climate, in its lands different climate domains are distinguished:[21]. The agricultural holdings, due to the need of land for the cultivation of cereal and pastures for the immense herds of the Castilian Plateau, supposed the deforestation of these lands during the Middle Ages. The highest view from the city, is the Torre de la Rosaleda, in the Roseleda district, the tallest building in Ponferrada. 740 park avenue documentary netflix . Castile and Len (Spanish: Castilla y Len [kastia i leon] (); Leonese: Castiella y Llin [kastjea i io]; Galician: Castela e Len [kastl leo]) is an autonomous community in northwestern Spain.. Ponferrada is also noted for its Castillo de los Templarios, a Templar castle which covers approximately 16,000 square meters. [25] The largest groups of foreigners were those of Romanian, Bulgarian, Moroccan and Portuguese citizenship. The McGuffey school colors are navy blue and gold. [37], In July 2009, in full Great Recession, unemployment reached 14.14% of the population,[38] when in 2007 it was half, 6,99%. Among the forest raptors are the accipiter, the eurasian sparrowhawk or the tawny owl, which frequently attack other smaller birds such as eurasian jay, european green woodpecker, fringilla, great spotted woodpecker and typical warbler. No credit card required. Superintendent of Schools @ McGuffey School District Senior Consultant @ Nove Education Vice Principal - Faison Elementary @ Pittsburgh Public Schools see more Head of School Georgia Cyber Academy @ K12 Inc. Among the amphibians, the salamanders and as remarkable species: the Almanzor salamander (Salamandra salamandra almanzoris) and the Gredos toad (Bufo bufo gredosicola), which are two endemic subspecies to the Sistema Central. free lookups / month. The life expectancy is higher than the Spanish average: 83.24 for women and 78.30 for men, a superiority that in 1999 was repeated in the register, since women added 1260906 and the males 1227156. After the creation of the Castilian-Leonese pre-autonomous body, which was supported by the Provincial Council of Len in its agreement of April 16, 1980, this institution revoked its original agreement on January 13, 1983, just as the draft of the Organic Law entered the Spanish parliament. In an agreement adopted on July 31, 1981, the Provincial Council of Segovia decided to exercise the initiative so that Segovia could be constituted as a uniprovincial autonomous community, but in the municipalities of the province the situation was equal between the supporters of the uniprovincial autonomy and the supporters of the union. [42], Other industries are textiles in Bjar, roof tiles and bricks in Palencia, sugar in Len, Valladolid, Toro, Miranda de Ebro and Benavente, the pharmaceutical company in Len, Valladolid and mainly in Aranda de Duero with a factory of the GlaxoSmithKline group, the metallurgical and steel company in Ponferrada and the chemistry in Miranda de Ebro and Valladolid, the aeronautics in Miranda de Ebro and Valladolid. Several archaeological findings show that in prehistoric times these lands were already inhabited. Sign up for a free account. Andrew Oberg, Oakdale, Pennsylvania professional. Expert Superintendent After the sentence, there were several demonstrations in Len in favor of the Len alone option (see Leonesism), one of them according to some sources brought together a number close to 90000 people,[13] This was the highest concentration held in the city in the Democratic period until the demonstrations rejecting the 2004 Madrid train bombings.[14]. It was created in 1983 by the merging of the provinces of the historic region of Len: Len, Zamora and Salamanca with those of Castilla La Vieja (Old Castile . Even so, the average GDP per capita of the community of Castile and Len is slightly below than average, at 21,244 euros per inhabitant. million verified professionals across 35 million companies. In 2011, it was one of only four autonomous communities that lost population along with Asturias, Galicia and Aragon. A long way away is the goats (166,200 heads) and horses (71,700 horses, mules and donkeys). Simultaneously, a county of this Christian kingdom of Len, began to acquire autonomy and to expand. Edad Contempornea", "Gua resumida del clima en Espaa (1981-2010)", "Valores extremos - jueves, 14 julio 2022 - Agencia Estatal de Meteorologa - AEMET", "Municipality of Ponferrada (ponferrada)", "Estadio Municipal de Atletismo "Colomn Trabado"", Press release - 2014 UCI Road World Championships: Ponferradas candidature retained,, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 23:59. Ponferrada is easily accessible by highway (Autova A-6) and intercity public transportation is readily available, as several daily ALSA bus services. Education. During the winter, temperatures generally vary between 5 and 15C (41 and 59F) during the day and between -2 and 5C (28 and 41F) at night. The subsequent arrival of the Arabs was followed by a process known as the Reconquista (Reconquest). Office of the Superintendent of Schools - The Egyptian vulture, a small vulture, is black and white with a yellow head. The coldest periods of winter are associated with invasions of a continental polar front and strata of marine arctic air, rare is that they do not reach temperatures of the order of -5 to -10 C. According to the barometer of the Centro de Investigaciones Sociolgicas (CIS) conducted in October 2019, 76.8% of Castilian-Leonese are considered Catholics (43.2 Non-Practising and 33.6% Practising), and non-believers 20.3%. Sign up for a free account. The Energy City Foundation Spanish: Fundacin Ciudad de la Energa was established in Ponferrada in 2006 and is currently overseeing the construction of the National Energy Museum (Spanish: Museo Nacional de la Energa) in the city, as well as sponsoring several other initiatives that should further boost tourism and the economy of the city and its region.[4]. As with many other historical sites in Europe, many of the blocks that at one point formed the walls of the castle were removed and used in local construction projects. 54 Jobs in Ponferrada, Castilla and Leon, Spain - LinkedIn Today, he officially introduces himself to the McGuffey Community. Surrounded by mountains, the city straddles the course of the Sil River. The popular and political support that maintained the uniprovincial autonomy in Len became very important in that city. The vineyard (56,337 ha) saw the number of hectares cultivated during the last three decades of the 20th century decrease considerably; However, the application of the most modern aging techniques has notably improved the Castilian-Leonese wines, which compete in quality with those of La Rioja and begin to be known outside the Spanish borders. The nuclear power is 466 MW, having produced 3,579.85 GWh in 2009. In 2021, it had a population of 63,747.[2]. Many of these natural lakes are being used as an economic resource, boosting rural tourism and helping to conserve ecosystems. In that year, 59 children under the age of one year died. andrew oberg superintendent Par . Temperatures generally vary between 14 and 25C (57 and 77F) during the day and between 4 and 10C (39 and 50F) at night. Many of the people of the territory, who devoted themselves mostly to agriculture and livestock, gradually abandoned the area, heading towards urban areas, much more prosperous. The autonomous community has a very low population density, around 26.57 inhabitants/km2, a record that is more than three times lower than the national average, which indicates that it is a sparsely populated and demographically decline, especially in rural areas and even in small traditional cities. The modern name of the city derives from the iron reinforcements added to the ancient bridge over the river Sil (Latin pons for "bridge" and ferrata for "iron"), commissioned in 1082[3] by Bishop Osmundo of Astorga to facilitate the crossing of the Sil River to pilgrims in their way to Santiago de Compostela. Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H. Anlisis de su peligrosidad",, "Los bisontes regresan a la pennsula mil aos despus de su desaparicin - Castilla y Len -", "Where do people live longer and shorter lives? During the Late Middle Ages there was an economic and political crisis produced by a series of bad harvests and by disputes between nobles and the Crown for power, as well as between different contenders for the throne. The black stork, much rarer than its congener the white stork, is of solitary habits and lives far from man. The average annual temperature in Ponferrada is 19C (66F) during the day and 7C (45F) at night. In the Atapuerca Mountains have been found many bones of the ancestors of Homo sapiens, making these findings one of the most important to determine the history of human evolution. The last Castilian and Leonese forests of junipers are found in the Provinces of Len, Soria and Burgos. The first Castilian count was Fernn Gonzlez. If you're not automatically redirected, please click here. Actual attendance at a church is on average less than these figures show. There is also an increase in the population of metropolitan areas around cities such as Valladolid, Burgos or Len. "Highlanders" has been adopted as the official school nickname. Find contact details for 700 million professionals. Maueco's investiture was supported by the party Citizens, with 12 representatives. It is the last major town on the French route of the Camino de Santiago before it reaches Santiago de Compostela. The School District is composed of four schools: McGuffey High School, McGuffey Middle School, Claysville Elementary, and Joe Walker Elementary. Resultados nacionales por Comunidades autnomas y provincias", "Cifras oficiales de poblacin resultantes de la revisin del Padrn municipal a 1 de enero de 2011", "Ley 7/2013, de 27 de septiembre, de Ordenacin, Servicios y Gobierno del Territorio de la Comunidad de Castilla y Len", "DISPOSICIN EN HTML BOCYL-D-04052015-1| BOLETN OFICIAL DE CASTILLA Y LEN", "La Junta presenta el primer borrador de unidades bsicas de ordenacin del territorio, abierto a aportaciones previas a la propuesta inicial para su tramitacin", "Regional GDP per capita ranged from 30% to 263% of the EU average in 2018", "El paro baj en Castilla y Len un 5% frente a un incremento nacional del 6,5 -", "Encuesta de poblacin activa del cuarto trimestre 2014", "Fichas Municipales - 2008 DATOS ECONMICOS Y SOCIALES", "Ranking 2009 de las 5.000 mayores empresas de Castilla y Len - year = 2010", "El mapa de la electricidad en Espaa: qu comunidades producen ms energa y cules son las mayores consumidoras? In 1960 the urban population meant 20.6% of the total population of Castile and Len; in 1991 this percentage had risen to 42.3% and in 1998 it was approaching 43%, which indicates the progressive state of rural depopulation. . This situation was further aggravated at the end of the Spanish Civil War, with a progressive rural emigration. (business & personal). As regards imports, vehicles and their accessories, such as engines or tires, are in the lead. [citation needed], In 1921, on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the Battle of Villalar, the Santander City Council advocated the creation of a Castilian and Leonese Commonwealth of eleven provinces, idea that would be maintained in later years. The highest temperature ever recorded in Ponferrada was 41.5C (106.7F) on July 17, 2022 and the lowest -10.4C (13.3F) on January 4, 1971. [25], Spanish is the only official and preponderant language throughout the territory. Among the largest companies in the sector, the following stand out: Grupo Pantersa, Begar, Grupo MRS, Isolux Corsn, Llorente Corporation, Volconsa and of auxiliary construction sector, Artepref of Gerardo de la Calle Group.[44]. June 8, 2022; group homes for adults with mental disabilities; 24x48 polished porcelain tile . from Brooklyn Law School, where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and Brooklyn Journal of International Law. end of year poem from teacher to students; how to know if your nail salon uses mma; land for sale in southeast south dakota; Castile and Len is the largest autonomous community in Spain in terms of area, covering 94,222km2. [49] Traditional hydroelectric power It has been added with force since the late 1990s and 2000 wind power, with more than 100 parks in operation and a production of 5,449 GWh in that same year. In the case of Cantabria the creation of an autonomous community was advocated for historical, cultural and geographical reasons, while in La Rioja the process was more complex due to the existence of three alternatives, all based on historical and socio-economic reasons: union with Castile and Len (advocated by the Union of the Democratic Centre political party), union to a Basque-Navarrese community (supported by the Socialist Party and Communist Party) or creation of an uniprovincial autonomy; the latter option was chosen because it had more support among the population. In 1918 the Ponferrada Mining, Iron and Steel Company (Spanish: Minero Siderrgica de Ponferrada (MSP)) was founded to exploit coal deposits in the region, and it grew to become Spain's largest coal mining corporation. McGuffey School District employs 187 employees. The region contains eleven World Heritage Sites, making it (along with Lombardia in Italy) the region with most UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 61 Jobs in Ponferrada, Castilla and Leon, Spain (4 new) - LinkedIn Other national parties with presence in the community, either locally or regionally, are United Left (previously as Communist Party of Spain) and Union, Progress and Democracy, with a significant presence in the provinces of vila and Burgos. In addition, four more formations obtained parliamentary representation in the region: Podemos (2 seats), Vox (1), Xvila (1) and Leonese People's Union (1). Finally the province of Segovia was incorporated into Castile and Len along with the other eight provinces and legal coverage was given through the Organic Law 5/1983 for "reasons of national interest", as provided for in article 144 c of the Spanish Constitution for those provinces that have not exercised their right on time. Castile and Len has a Continental Mediterranean Climate, with long, cold winters, with average temperatures between 3 and 6C in January and short, hot summers (average 19 to 22C), but with the three or four months of summer aridity characteristic of the Mediterranean climate. The phenomenon is also reflected in the number of municipalities with less than 100 inhabitants, which was multiplied by seven between 1960 and 1986. The Camino de Santiago, running along the northern part of the region, was a major part of the route of pilgrimage, so it contributed to the spread of European cultural innovations throughout the peninsula. Today the Camino is still an important touristic and cultural attraction. Little by little, with the abandonment of rural areas and the reforestation policy of the Castilian and Leonese governments, this situation has been reversed. [citation needed]. The line from Paris to Lisbon crosses the region, reaching the Portuguese frontier at Fuentes de Ooro in Salamanca. Despite this, Christian and Muslim kings maintained diplomatic relations. During the summer, temperatures generally vary between 25 and 32C (77 and 90F) during the day and between 12 and 17C (54 to 63F) at night. The flag will fly in all the centres and official acts of the Community, to the right of the Spanish flag. During the Second Spanish Republic, especially in 1936, there was a great regionalist activity favorable to a region of eleven provinces, and even bases for the Statute of Autonomy were elaborated. [citation needed], In times of the First Spanish Republic (1873-1874), the federal republicans conceived the project to create an federated state of eleven provinces in the valley of the Spanish Douro, that would also have included the provinces of Santander and Logroo. Len and Castile continued to expand to the South, even beyond the Douro river, seeking to conquest lands under Islamic rule. The Meseta Central is a high plateau with an average altitude close to 800m (2,600ft) above sea-level; it is covered by deposited clay materials that have given rise to a dry and arid landscape. Spring and autumn are mild to warm and wet. andrew oberg superintendent. In the warmest month, July, the average temperature is 29C (84F) during the day and 14C (57F) at night. While a capital has not been explicitly declared, the seats of the executive and legislative powers are set in Valladolid by law and for all purposes that city (also the most populated municipality) serves as de facto regional capital. Get Contact Info for All Departments The first and fourth quartering: in the field of gules, a merloned golden castle of three merlons, drafted of sable and rinse of azure. The philosopher Jos Ortega y Gasset collected this scheme in his publications. Livestock represents an important part of the final agricultural production. Later, and with the support of important personalities, the first known exhibition was held among the public, which was that of Valladolid. [5], The Statute of Autonomy of Castile and Len, reformed for the last time in 2007, establishes in the sixth article of its preliminary title the symbols of the community's exclusive identity. The castle hosted the Knights Templar's Grand Master of Castille. Ponferrada lies in the Way of St. James, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and every year many pilgrims pass through the city in their way to Santiago de Compostela. One clear example is Rodrigo Daz de Vivar, El Cid, paradigm of the medieval Christian knight, who fought both for Christian and Muslim kings. Ponferrada comes from the Latin Pons Ferrata, Iron Bridge. Before the arrival of the Romans, it is known that the territories that make up Castile and Len today were occupied by various Celtic peoples, such as Vaccaei, Autrigones, Turmodigi, the Vettones, Astures or Celtiberians.
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