The similarity in appearance between the Panzer IV and Tiger I is often cited as a reason to why there are so many claims made by soldiers during World War II of battling Tiger Is, despite Tiger Is being a fairly rare encounter. [1] On March 6, 1945, when Botsch was ordered to take command of the LIIIrd Army Corps, the 18. Volksgrenadier-Division; 18. Could a Panther be a possibility? Boyer, Donald P. St. Vith The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge 17-23 December 1944 A Narrative After Action Report. It was a new and inexperienced division made up of Luftwaffe personnel, former Kriegsmariners out of a It would be unable to turn its full strength on St. Vith until the American surrender in that area. The 16th Field Artillery also pitched in, as did a battalion of 155mm howitzers sited around Commanster. A scratch force made up of one platoon of riflemen from Company A, 27th AIB and a platoon from Company B, 9th Engineers were sent to contain the Germans. Division 3. The 9th Armored Divisions position at the Our was no longer tenable. 47. VGD) was a volksgrenadier division of the German Army (Heer) during the Second World War, active from 1944 to 1945. 'poor shape' in a sentence. On top of the contradictions and ambiguity of Troop Es entry, there is also the curious fact that Troop A does not make any mention of this event in its morning report and record of events entry for the 18th of December, 1944. The fight lasted for more than three hours before the Germans withdrew, leaving one burning tank and approximately 150 dead. Between these units, a place was found for the provisional company composed of the 424th Infantry stragglers. During the rest of the day and on into the evening of December 17, CCB, 7th Armored moved into St. Vith and began a buildup that resembled a large horseshoe on the high ground to the east of the village. After the Tiger I had passed, the armored car then slipped out of its concealed position and began accelerating towards the tank in an attempt to close the gap between the two. According to Hugh M. Cole, an American historian and army officer. Confusion, darkness, and mud slowed the move, but by morning a medium tank company and a platoon of riflemen had reached the village. Not to mention that the M8s 37 mm M6 gun is more than capable of penetrating the rear hull armor of the Panzer IV, which was only 20 mm thick angled at 10 degrees. Jentz, Thomas, and Hilary Doyle. VGD led by Heinz Kokott, Heinrich Himmler's brother-in-law. While walking to avoid the traffic congestion, Manteuffel encountered his superior, Field Harshal Model. This forest was criss-crossed only by trails. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Our preliminary briefings had told us that there would be no armor in our path. Moreover, it was expected that General Luchts two infantry divisions would be forwarded to the Salm River sector as right-wing cover for two panzer corps. CCB, 9th Armored was linked on its left with CCB, 7th Armored and what was left of the 424th Infantry Regiment on its right. There was little they could do other than vow to get the attack moving early on the 20th. The 7th Armored had taken a beating in defending St. Vith. This German World War II article is a stub. Schiffer Publishing, 2000. Troop D, 89th Recon held the sector from Steinebruck to Weppeler while A Company, 27th AIB put up a defensive line anchored on the high ground east of Maspelt. Im going to guess that they just created this all up in their head. 194311 The troop was to hold until relieved by the 27th Armored Infantry Battalion (AIB) and then reconnoiter farther down the road toward Winterspelt. Now with a new armored combat command due to arrive at 0700 hours the next day, and with the rest of the division to follow, Jones believed he would soon have the potential to deal with both the Schnee Eifel and Winterspelt emergencies. English PDF (15 MB) Jan B-603 352d Volks Grenadier Division (19 Freb.-21 Mar. Tough Stand of the Golden Lions - Warfare History Network Established in 1941, the unit was deployed in German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union, in the Army Group North Rear Area. Add to cart. Manteuffel had hoped for considerably more on the 19th. PDF German 18th Volksgrenadier Div. December, 1944 First Edition, Presidio Press, 2002. Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. Hunnicutt, R. P. Armored Car A History of American Wheeled Combat Vehicles. Volksgrenadier-Division 5 [ ] Volksgrenadier-Division. At 0130 the 27th AIB was hit hard and the sector held by Company B, 9th Engineers was deeply penetrated, causing the armored infantry to fall back under the protective guns of Company A, 14th Tank Battalion. Since speed was the key to success of the German plan, two panzer armies would spearhead the offensive. Penguin Books, 2016. The supply trains led the way north on N27 to St. Vith. EN. Soon after its crossing, B Company ran into German infantry dug in along the high ground overlooking the village of Elcherath. The surviving Volksgrenadiers fled in disarray. Eventually retreating through Germany until the end of the war, when it surrendered. Rodt was garrisoned by the service company of the 48th AIB and some drivers belonging to the battalion whose vehicles were parked there. However, he kept these misgivings to himself. The leading vehicles of General Hoges command entered St. Vith on Sunday morning just as dawn was breaking and halted close to the 106th Divisions command post at the St. Joseph Kloster. (1944) 111 111. One task force was made up of A and B Companies of the 14th Tank Battalion, B Company of the 482nd Antiaircraft Artillery, and another platoon of the 14th. War Department Technical Manual TM 9-1904 Ammunition Inspection Guide. The 18th Volksgrenadier Division (18.Volksgrenadier-Division; 18. After Action Report, Month of December, 1944. By that time the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division should have the bridge at Steinebruck rebuilt, at least two regiments of the 18th Volksgrenadier Division should be forward, and the Fhrer Escort Brigade should be ready to make the principal thrust down the Ambleve highway into St. Vith. Not only does Troop Es version of the story involve a different unit than the original story, it also takes place in a different location, note the following map. December, 1944 By Greg Moore December, 2008 Battalion I x 5 x 4 x 1 x 2 x 12 293rd Volks- . The move had scarcely begun when an enemy attack hit the junction between Company B, 27th AIB and Company D, 14th Tank Battalion. The two commanders agreed that even without the mud to contend with the withdrawal would have to be delayed simply because of heavy enemy pressure. An appropriate start for the investigation of this action is to identify contemporary American accounts. Close. One task force encountered reconnaissance probes on N27 conducted by units of the 1st SS Panzer Division approximately 1,000 yards north of St. Vith. The northern prong of the horseshoe was composed of CCB, 7th Armored Division from Poteau and Vielsalm. 18th Volksgrenadier Division (Wehrmacht) - Alchetron, the free social Adding to the slowdown of operations against St. Vith, the 18th Volksgrenadier Division was still using two of its three regiments and all but one of its artillery battalions against the two trapped 106th Infantry Division regiments on the Schnee Eifel. English PDF (33 MB) Jan B-700 On December 16th at 4:00 a.m., they took the twenty-two foot macadam road following the Our River valley towards Manderfield. Anderson, Thomas. Anderson, Thomas. Panzer Tracts No. This version of the story, which is paraphrased in the introduction, will be referred to as the original version of the story. The column came upon stragglers from the 424th Infantry retreating in disarray toward St. Vith. Sell, buy or rent Panzers in Winter: Hitler's Army and the Battle of the Bulge (Praeger Security I 9780275971151 0275971155, we buy used or new for best buyback price with FREE shipping and offer great deals for buyers. . While on its way, the platoon was commandeered by a colonel from the 106th Division. How to use 'poor shape' in a sentence? M8 Greyhound Light Armored Car 1941-91. Sicherungs-Division) was a rear-security division in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany. Furthermore, General Clarke had no idea when his command would arrive. Pegov in March 1944 on a light tank T-70 destroyed two German Panthers aboard. I mention it for the sake of completeness as I suspect that the whole thing is a myth. Maurice Delaval Papers Collection of the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. The defense of St. Vith was now achieving some kind of order in contrast to the chaos that had reigned during the previous three days. This is puzzling, to say the least. The southern prong was defended by General Hoges CCB, 9th Armored with the weakened 424th Infantry Regiment tied in and bent back protecting Burg Reuland. The division was formed in Denmark, in September 1944, by redesignating 571. Armament T-70 gun cal. Johnston, W. Wesley. Those men were a scrappy bunch. The Unknown Dead: Civilians in the Battle of the Bulge on JSTOR Fortunately for Colonel Reid, word came at about 1730 that his 424th Infantry Regiment was to withdraw immediately. The circuitous march up one road and down another led to a new line just a few hundred yards to the west of the old one and was miraculously carried out while under attack without the loss of any men or equipment. The 18th Volksgrenadier Division(18. Furthermore, the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadrons After Action Report (AAR) for the month of December 1944, written by Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Laurence Boylan, the commanding officer of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron at the time, makes no mention of this event either. Volksgrenadier-Division; 18. Shortly thereafter, Hasbrouck called and asked, Bruce, do you think you can get out? Clarke answered, A miracle has happened, General! Osprey Publishing, 2013. At approximately 0100 on December 18, a German force of about 30 men tried to cross the Our at Steinebruck after a brief artillery barrage. At the close of the first day of battle, General Lucht could look with some satisfaction at the days events, although his 62nd Volksgrenadier Division had yet to break through the American line. Lieutenant Olsons version of the story would be the most contradicting version yet. Company A of the 14th Tank Battalion had some trouble disengaging. Given the unreliability of the American accounts of this supposed event and the lack of any supporting documentation from the Germans, it is safe to say that neither a Tiger I nor a Tiger II was knocked out by an M8 Greyhound on 18th December 1944 in or around the town of St. Vith. 2014. 18th Volksgrenadier Division (Wehrmacht) - Military Wiki VGD) was a volksgrenadier division of the German Army (Heer) during the Second World War, active from 1944 to 1945.. The situation on Reids left flank was unclear, and the Germans were attacking in considerable force against his right flank. 188th Division (Nazi Germany) - General Luchts plan for December 17 was simple. By dark, just as General Hoges command was getting underway from Faymonville, Kittels mobile battalion and infantry from the 190th Regiment were closing in on Winterspelt. All in all, the only things that the American claims concerning the famed M8 Greyhound versus Tiger engagement can agree on are that on the 18th of December 1944 an M8 Greyhound from some unit of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron killed some sort of German tank in or around the town of St. Vith. The 18th Volksgrenadier Division(18th VGD) was a volksgrenadierdivision of the German Army(Heer) during the Second World War, active from 1944 to 1945. Hoge managed to stop the stragglers, and soon a provisional company of men from the 424th was formed to reinforce the 27th AIB on its march toward the Our. The 18th Volksgrenadier Division (18. During the afternoon of December 19, Hoge visited Clarkes command post in St. Vith and expressed his frustration with the current chain of command. German reports are also far from subtlety. Before the day ended, renewed fighting broke out along the entire front. First Edition, Stackpole Books, 2005. Ministry of Supply, 1945. CCBs new position blocked the main Winterspelt-St. Vith highway and the valley of the Braunlauf Creek, a second natural corridor leading to St. Vith. The 18th Volksgrenadier Division (18th VGD) was a volksgrenadier division of the German Army ( Heer) during the Second World War, active from 1944 to 1945. One Day at Stavelot, a Tale of Two Archives The Tiger II vs US Tank Destroyers in the Ardennes. To this end, General Hoge was in the town of Monschau to check on the possibility of getting his command across in that area. Could an M8 Greyhounds 37 mm M6 gun even penetrate the rear hull armor of a Tiger I? Thus, the Fifth Panzer Army commander ordered that St. Vith be taken no later than the second day of the offensive. Griffin, Marcus S. After Action Report, Month of December 1944. Tigers In Combat II. In addition, elements of the 116th Panzer Division and the 560th Volksgrenadier Division were moving against the weakly held southern flank of St. Vith defended by remnants of the 424th Infantry Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division and the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division. 1945). This break appeared to be only a dream, however, as it seemed every outfit wanted a piece of CCB, 9th Armored to help shore up its positions. According to two combat interviews given by men of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadrons After Action Report for the month of December 1944, and Lieutenant Colonel Boylans 1946 letter, on 18th December 1944, the Germans attacked the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (minus Troop B) with infantry and tanks. 12th Volksgrenadier Division 89; 197; 487; 557; 650; 727. This version is also attributed to Captain Anstey and is nearly the exact same as his original version of the story as well as being plagued by the exact same issues. Jentz, Thomas, and Hilary Doyle. The event simply was not that notable. The sector now defended by CCB, 9th Armored extended across five miles of rugged terrain that was primarily held by the three infantry companies making up the 27th AIB. Panzertruppen Volume 2 The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Deployment of The German Tank Forces 1943-1945. The entire division was to follow shortly thereafter. Late on the 20th, patrols of the 82nd Airborne Division, on the other side of the Salm River, established contact with patrols of the 7th Armored Division. 223 () - Hoge pointedly asked Ridgway how it could be done. The brigade had 9,000 men, Mark IV tanks, assault guns, 104mm and 105mm artillery, 88mm antiaircraft guns, and a number of heavy automatic weapons batteries. Situation reports suggested that the Germans were intent on crossing the Our River at Steinebruck. Elements of the 62nd Volksgrenadier had taken the eastern half of Winterspelt during the night, and at daybreak reinforcements finally drove Colonel Reids 1st Battalion from the village.
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