which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?

A. naive immoralist. The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that: C. makes grease payments mandatory in order to obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a Naive immoralism Which statement is true of cause marketing? which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? Only (ii) is true. respective cultures. A. d. A person at this level is more concerned with how an action will be viewed by others. A. Friedman doctrine B. Utilitarianism A. The means used to motivate others and achieve one's goals plays a key role in distinguishing between: B. fundamental rights. a. social sustainability. Jonathan is the manager of his company's facilities in the Philippines. D. Involving in moral imagination True In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. C. propagating home-country standards of ethics. E. believe that social investments made by their companies can always compensate for their unethical actions. Making a decision In order to build large production units and expedite certain routine government actions related to this, Scorpius Inc. made legal payments to the government officials of a host nation. C. Auditing of decisions It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be 63. A. minimizing the amount of political liberty permitted to each person. D. developed nations. Role ethics d. affinity marketing. Solved *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of - Chegg a. Philanthropy E. Laws of equivalent trade. The utilitarian theory of ethical behavior is a belief in time-and-place ethics, that is, ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. 76. C. The manager at Almas Inc. has to make a vendor choice between his underqualified cousin and a highly experienced, trusted supplier. They are underlying beliefs that cause people to choose one way or another. The fast paced world of business allows little time for contemplation on ethics. C. Hiring independent auditors to ensure that subcontractors used by the company are living This behavior of the company illustrates the straw man approach of: It has decided to open a plant in the United States, and has determined that it would not offer any facilitating payments to U.S. officials. A. unrealistic performance expectations. b. Sustainability Hence, the firm has now been able to gain competitive advantage by avoiding costly pollution controls. a. He will be concerned about how people will view his decisions. B. Inequalities in income and wealth distribution should not be justified under any condition. B. demonstrate moral imperialism. Which term refers to the optimum utilization of assets so that a firm continues making profit in the long run? B. a. Deontological theory E. cultural relativism. A. fail to take into account the ethical dimension of business decisions. 42. Ethics are moral principles unrelated to the conduct of an individual or a group. CONCEPT Support for Virtue-Based Ethics 11 "Capital punishment is morally acceptable if it prevents more people from being murdered." To which theory of ethics is the person who made this statement likely appealing? (b) Utilitarianism matches well with moral evaluations of public policies. Adoption of which of the following ethical approaches is most likely to cause a company to use tools such as cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment to weigh all of the social benefits and costs of a business action? Which of the following is the reason why normative myopia is especially liable to occur in a business context? D. normative myopia, "_____" include all of the groups and/or individuals affected by a decision, policy, or operation of a firm or individual. b. Cultural relativism B. Moral relativism theory The deontological theory compares a current ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a belief in time-and-place ethics. A. d A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system, 72. A. Javier has been doubtful about a car he purchased recently, and hence has been reading only good reviews about the car to console himself. Consequences are the only important consideration. IB ch 5 Flashcards | Quizlet c. Corporate self-dealing Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism a A. a role conflict. E. a negativity effect. a. Intentional deliberation A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. b. effect-related marketing A. Happiness is related to the mind, whereas pleasure is related to the body (for example sexual pleasure, eating, drinking) Pleasure is of shorter duration than happiness. In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. C. Virtue-based ethics It is wrong to punish an innocent person, because it violates his rights and is unjust. It is most effective when presented in a long list of dos and don'ts. B. News headlines were constructed within three distinct categories. At postconventional morality level of ethical development, people are less concerned about what others think about them and more concerned about how they handle their problems over the long run. E. Identifying the stakeholders a decision would affect, Which of the following steps in ethical decision making is most likely to help businesspeople know if their decision process is working and if changes should be made to ensure greater compliance with a code of ethics? C. universal rights, cultural norms, and morals. c. philanthropy B. b. Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Sam has had a home in the same neighborhood for 30 years , and he loves his home .Now the city wants to buy his home , demolish it , and build a four - lane highway . This is in contrast to: Which of the following refers to accepted principles of right or wrong that govern the conduct of a person, the members of a profession, or the actions of an organization. It states that social responsibility is best carried out by government agencies. C. This declaration states that it is ethical to treat people as means to the ends of others. Aristotelian ethics. d. Self-regulations. Which of the following theories assumes that the outcomes of a current ethical dilemma will be comparable to the outcomes of similar ethical dilemmas? Following simplified decision rules a. Philanthropic responsibilities a. Philanthropy should be the most important function of a corporation. Which of the following statements is true about value-based cultures? In the analysis of the statements from round 2, items B8, B12 and B13 were found to constitute the subtheme epigenetics and ethics. D. considers payment of speed money to be moral, but illegal. A. help them navigate through difficult ethical dilemmas. The straw man approach of righteous moralism is typically associated with managers from: B. By protecting employees, trade unions violate the fundamental rights of stockholders. Which of the following statements is true of facilitating payments? C. Pressuring managers to meet unrealistic business goals d. Competitors. D. Marxism. B. a. Opportunism B. Descriptive imagination or right to hold personal property. D. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty that is compatible 18. D. Multinational corporations bribing poorly paid government officials in a foreign market Anything that is legal is ethical. _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates. D. It believes in maximizing personal well-being and the False, 13. a. Casuist ethical theory Corporate cultures remain unaffected even in the presence of strong business leaders. B. inattentional blindness a. a. morals A. a multinational's home-country standards of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow in foreign countries. C. Such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. d. moral relativism, 59. It fails to consider the benefits, costs, and risks of a course of action. utilitarian ethics. However, the firm has been appreciated for abiding by the laws while earning profits. b. C. Taking care of the interests of external stakeholders c. Legal responsibilities D. Obeying the law and keeping promises, Amanda and Jeremy argue about the employment of children in tobacco farms in a certain part of the world. c. Conventional morality a. c. It is permissible to lie to someone if it helps many other people. D. Such practices do not produce beneficial consequences to children. Ethical responsibilities of a corporation provide the basis for other responsibilities. Moral relativism which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? 5.3 Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making B. Which of the following statements is true about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? D. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes, Which of the following considerations can sometimes override consequences when comparing and weighing alternatives for ethical decision making? B. a. Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. SCO101: Why Do Good Pre-Course Quiz 1 - StuDocu Naive immoralism B. Friedman doctrine C. Ethnocentrism In this context, Silver Meteorite Inc. is following the approach to ethics known as: In a business setting, which of the following practices is most likely to be considered as unethical? A. E. preferred dividends. A code of ethics: C. Practicing superior standards of employment in the host country D. Empowering people with fundamental rights and privileges A. impartiality in justice. D. Asian cultures are more economically advanced. Just distribution followed by other corporations in that host nation. Ronald Systems Inc. has developed a line of appliances that runs on solar energy and causes no harm to the environment. E. Treating employees as conscious moral beings. b. Social Studies, 22.06.2019 03:00. a. D. base decisions solely on business variables such as cost, delivery, and product quality. Ethics of duty is a principle based ethical theory attributed to Emmanuel Kant. countries. D. Marxism Which of the following statements are correct? In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. Actions are right or wrong based upon whether they produce happiness or unhappiness b. In ethical decision making, it is illegal to apply the moral principles articulated in any company document other than the code of ethics. A. B. b. a code of ethics was absent from his firm C. strong personal ethics among employees. d. E. Righteous moralism. A. Which of the following is most likely to reduce the pressure on managers to violate their personal ethics? According to the theory of rights: C. income statement (1) I should get a raise (2) because I complete all my projects prior to the deadline, (3) I arrive at work early and stay late, (4) and I always receive positive comments on my work. Boy Scouts have a moral obligation to help the elderly cross the street. a. Preconventional morality Multiple Choice. achievement of hedonistic pleasures. b. E. makes it obligatory for companies to adopt a zero-tolerance approach toward grease host nation. On which of the following statements would a hedonic utilitarian and an idealist utilitarian disagree? Which of the following people is MOST likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than the others? False, 16. D. Compliance-based. a. It takes into account the motivation of the doer. According to Bazerman and Chugh, this phenomenon is known as _____. Why did the Allies consider the League of Nations when developing the United Nations? a. D. An ethical leader allocates corporate resources to support and promote ethical behavior. d. Physical sustainability, 45. Only (i) is true. E. there is unanimous agreement about accepted employment practices. a. Deontological theory PHILL100 - Introduction_to_Ethics_sophia_final_milestone,100% CORRECT. A person at this level performs unethical and manipulative actions. Social sustainability a. Which of the following statements is true of the deontological and the utilitarian ethical theory? 39. B. 1. According to Bazerman and Chugh, this omission is an example of _____. a. relationship marketing c. Preconventional morality 1.Chapter 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics Flashcards - Quizlet; 2.HSA305Quiz2.docx - Which of the following is true regarding 3.quiz 2 bus309.docx - Question 1 5 out of 5 points - Course Hero a. B. administering simple tests that indicate analytical skills of a prospective employee. E. All property should be owned by the government and people should not have the freedom C. cultural pluralist. c. Casuist ethical theory B. organizational leadership. Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? Which of the following occurs when a resource held jointly by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation? Solved Which of the following statements is true of a - Chegg Which statement about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is true? 2. In given of the following sentence, cross out given word that contains a capitalization error. A. Kantian ethics c Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. Both theories compare a current ethical dilemma with similar examples. In order to ensure that the company starts operating in the most ethical manner, the CEO should: the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Capella Sophia Ethics Milestones - Ethics Which of the following B. vision statement d. Corporate social responsibility, 24. c. to set a standard for the suite of educational apps. D. To continuously set moral examples for everyone to follow. c. Legal responsibilities d. social-regulations, 74. According to Rawls, which of the following principles would be unanimously accepted by people under the veil of ignorance? D. Making sure that key business decisions make good economic sense irrespective of their A. bribes. a. Preconventional morality Which of the following is a guideline to help marketing managers and other employees make better decisions? b. Moral relativists believe that an act is always ethically wrong if it is legally wrong. Three Torque Inc., a U.S.-based multinational company, allows its managers to make facilitating payments in host countries to expedite government formalities. C. Sullivan's principles . D. consequences, principles, and personal character. B. excise taxes. According to the pyramid of corporate social responsibility, which component involves being a good corporate citizen, contributing resources to the community and improving the quality of life? E. tax exemptions that are given only to local companies but not to foreign companies. E. Nations should vary the fundamental rights granted to their citizens based on their a. False, 12. The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. D. Immanuel Kant E. David Hume, Cadmium Technologies Inc. believes that the sole purpose of its existence is to maximize profits for its stockholders. b. have an egocentric orientation. c. Results do not determine the rightness of an action. PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 3 (2023) - Tutorials Magnet It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the conseque. Moral relativism theory It is the only moral framework that can be used to justify military force or war. b. B. C. decision makers are adamant on maintaining status quo due to a fear of change We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. D. Ethics of principles, . c. Conventional morality B. b. Postconventional morality C. have a strong system of personal ethics. Short sentences generally create more emphasis . Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory, which states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of people. A. 5. If the project. Keeping in mind that each decision has a moral dimension C. change blindness Actions are right or wrong based upon their usefulness c. Actions are right or wrong based upon our intuitions regarding them d. None of the above According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, "facilitating payments" are as illegal as bribes. For given sentence, write the verb form that agrees with the subject. True Customers b. a. This reflects that: 75. D. actions that maximize the profit of an organization. B. it is unlikely to play any role in determining or influencing the decision making within a firm Which of the following ethical theories believes that people should abide by their obligations and duties when stuck in an ethical dilemma? Accounting questions and answers. E. reviewing a decision to check for its consistency with Rawls's veil of ignorance. 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is TRUE? Tracks 4 Flashcards | Quizlet B. B. following the rules, regardless of consequences. b. C. Utilitarianism Allan protests against individuals who litter on roads because he believes that society expects cleanliness from people. Customers Both theories advocate benefit for people through the fairest and most just means available. c. Moral relativists believe that the most beneficial choice for the most people is ethically correct. She gets married and finds that her husband is highly abusive. C. asking for letters of reference from the prospective employees. E. minimizing the amount of economic freedom permitted to each person. Which of the following best exemplifies an ethical dilemma? According to which of the following ethical theories does a person choose to act in a way that benefits the most people, regardless of law or personal feelings? B. maximize stockholders' wealth. Self-regulation refers to the voluntary acceptance of norms established by nongovernmental entities. Which of the following refers to an underlying belief that causes people to choose between plausible courses of action? C. Selecting the alternative simply because it is the easy way out d. To make profits. c. self-regulations c. If a company does not make a profit, then the other 3 responsibilities - legal, ethical and philanthropic are moot. A. a. All of the above. C. Change blindness d. Philanthropy, 73. 10. Ideas C. identifying the ethical issues involved Which of the following statements is true about an ethical leader in a corporate environment? Which of the following principles does utilitarianism emphasize? It upholds adhering to a. d. green marketing, 69. d. Ethnocentric morality, 36. Corruption seldom occurs in international business dealings. An externality is a situation where a project would have an adverse effect on some other part of the firm's overall operations. A. developing countries. In which level of ethical development does a person move from a self-centered viewpoint to behaviors that adhere to the norms of society? Shangrilah Sandals is a manufacturing firm in a developing country, where it routinely uses grease payments to local officials to expedite overseas shipments. d. Both theories are beliefs based on time-and-place ethics. d. focus on societal expectations. d. Ethnocentric morality, 46. Ethical responsibilities B) It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. When making an ethical decision, if there is strong consensus among coworkers that an action may bring harm to others, which of the following is most likely to occur? False False 3. But he also realizes that by not demanding a better unit, the employees are prone to serious health issues. Employees A. Which of the following best describes ethics? b. E. weighing the benefits, costs, and risks associated with a course of action. A. Values-based C. acting only out of a self-interest. a. PCOQ01 SCO101 JUL21 L01 WHY DO GOOD 3rd - StuDocu and cultures. C. Utilitarianism People should be discriminated on the basis of cast and class. Answered: Discussion 3.1 Comparing the | bartleby A. Principle-based ethics Encouraging leaders to demonstrate strong personal ethics (c) Utilitarianism appears counterintuitive to many people. B. c. Rule utilitarianism b. A. decision makers fail to notice gradual changes over time 2 0 obj It omits the consideration of justice. A. rights-based framework of ethics Happiness may encompass pleasure and pain. C. rich corporations abusing their power for private gain. B. Corporate cultures are static in nature. C. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes B. universal rights, values, and moral principles. Auditing decisions to make sure they are consistent with the company's moral principles B. Identifying the ethical principles followed by competing companies Which of the following is a true statement about norms? True b. b. B. As the air flowed over the___ side of the boat, the sails filled and our speed increased. Moral relativism theory True b. That's how the system works. However, the execution of the contract has been delayed due to certain unproductive, bureaucratic procedures in the less developed nation. B. B. Normative myopia It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act.