what happened to diane coy

When I say I have no sympathy for the adulterer, I mean I dont but the excuses oh, he was tempted (the other womans fault) oh he is a celebrity (other people s fault for putting him up too hign) -oh, well his wife got fat and ugly you can go on and on. As someone that leans amill and reformed, its all I can do to bite my tongue jeesh. God credits His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation, thereby justifying them in His sight. To err is humanto forgive..divine. Pastor Bob has always reminded his congregation that they should look to Christand not to man. The world will know you by your love for one another Lets starting loving a little more and get back to our Fathers business. They'd already sold their Coral Springs house about six months after he resigned; the settlement divided their substantial remaining assets including a $330,000 Hillsboro Beach condo he still owns and defined custody of their two children. Is God through with the nation of Israel? Bob chose to do that. The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. Lorenzo is in great need to know about Jesus from the gospels. maybe you could pray for everyone and call it a day. And when I was little, they often took me with them to church, and I remember the impression the services made on me. ALL in South Florida. One too many run-on sentences of ignorance for me today. What did he confess too? 18 But what does it matter? . Was awake a lot last night both praying and reliving my own similar, tho much smaller scale experience. Lol, they remind me of the dwarves in The Last Battle, who couldnt see the reality of Aslans return because they were so locked up in their dark world (help yourself to the symbolism there mr. Calvins disciple, plenty there for you)! The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged, raise new questions about the pastor, his church, and the police who handled the case. Would the owner of this blog if he was a Christian be relishing and rejoicing in the fall of a Christian pastor, if he was a Christian? Coy also claimed that he passed a polygraph test to prove his innocence. Coy has had a national ministry, not just one to the local church and his fall is a matter of national news. I especially loved Pastor Bobs teaching. The cost is too high for all involved. That was my first church. As for your other questions well the answers from my point of view are complex and mixed. NOBODY forget that because yes i kniw he did something bad but god doesnt deserve you walking away from him for a mans mistake. E, that mindset makes your continuing sin worse as you then are aware of what you are doing is wrong but do it anyway. Florida Megachurch Pastor Resigns Due To 'Moral Failure'. If a Pastor is sinning in his personal life, how can I have confidence in what he says from the pulpit? Sorry Michael force not biting my tongue harder and spoiling your thread. The danger with the Calvary Chapel transformation Gospel is that it makes your walk and your fruit the evidence of your official saved-ness. There was too much drama with Kennedys passing at Coral Ridge. And since you have it all sorted out there is no reason for anyone to talk to you about it. MLD, so satan has been bound over that 2000 years? I suffered many years after leaving this church. Many people- even as of yesterday didnt even know he was gone. If his marriage survives and I hope it does Bob will have to spend the rest of his days on his knees begging their forgiveness and thanking God for giving especially her too him. Im just sick to death of Christians jumping all over each other when theyve fallen. Coy isnt not saved for his moral failure, hes simply human with a dual nature that can produce both good and bad fruit from the same tree.just as atheist friends of mine and Mormon friends of mine produce both good fruit (sometimes more than evangelicals) and bad fruit from the same tree. One day I will explain to you what the means. I thought so. Lots of supportlots of informationas well as a lot of CC nuts. I remember him saying many times, do not put your faith in man because man will let you down including me, put your faith in God. He is human, I will be praying for him and his family. . John MacArthur has been and is a great man of God and a faithful servant of the same. I am deeply stunned, sickened, hurt and devastated about this news. Resigned or fired? My children very young at the time and all of this confused them. Youre going to find many branches of the faith represented here which adds to the richness of what takes place here. Coy sales millions and that has all changed. Hate the sin; love the sinner. The dicey part for this church is that there is a chance that some leadership people knew this was an ongoing problem for years. I didnt attend the church Coy pastored or hear Coys doctrinal messages, but I can tell you this, if his doctrine was sound and according to the Scriptures then it will produce sound fruit! We must forgive himit could happen to anyone and remember to watch your words,,,,,,dont ever say you would never do itbecause those who say it..always seem to fall in the area they say they would never God Bless Diane.the children and Pastor Bob and all the Calvary Ft. Lauderdale Families and everyone he affected.. Fact. Good or them!!! 87 . Hugh said @10:31pm Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, . He had no reason to suspect that Jake would be an alcoholic. No one seems to care about that. A man of that importance-you dont think would have been brought before the congregation and prayed off as they have done in the past with others who have left? Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida Jimmy kind of got thrown under the bus, he did not get all of these gracious words for his infraction. Hugh. You, on the other hand, seem to have difficulty. The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged,. I am sure he showered, put on clean underwear. Im not too concerned about Bob Coy right now. If Coral Ridge is teaching doctrines that contradict Gods word, then Yes, they are leading Gods people astray! Coy Randall Gibbs (December 9, 1972 - November 6, 2022) was an American NASCAR driver, assistant coach for the Washington Redskins, and co-owner of Joe Gibbs Racing. MacArthur isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing, hes just a self-righteous pious a-hole from the pulpit, but at least he tows his own line in his personal life. And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! This will certainly be a season of emotional turmoil for CC Fort Lauderdale, as they lose their senior pastor. But the report is true, the blog host reported accurately and now that the rest of the media is reporting the same thing, these voices have quieted down and are left to the long task of relating to a new devastating reality. To all who insist he honorably initiated his resignation: His last fb post (Thursday at 3:37) was I cant wait for beach baptisms next month! Does that sound like a man who plans to end his pastorate that same evening? A poor man has the few options left to him when she leaves him with his shame. If I were in sin, my church would handle it and those who needed to know would know. Its not that I am questioning you, just that what you say rings truer to what I have heard in the past. I attended Calvary and sometimes was there 5 times a week for classes etc. Your silence at the question presented to you is not a projection but a resounding answer to your hypocrisy, and the points I present are nowhere addressed, except to say Im an angry man, didnt Jesus speak of righteous indignation, but what did he say of cowards and hypocrites? Thanks for sharing that Laura. That is so true. , -, -, ; , . To all of those who are criticizing: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I listened to the message at calvary today. All sin is equal. Give it to God. Coral Ridge is an excellent church. Statistics. I would imagine Bob is fine with that it allows him to retain leverage for a future power-play if needed. I have proof. It was masterful manipulation off the main issue. He might have won this particular battle, at least temporarily but we read the ending to the story and The Lord Wins and us with Him ! Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark? Wonderful speaker, truly inspiring, but Gay all the same. Did anyone see Fireproof? why do the most ardent Coy defenders have to use capital letters and too much punctuation? Coy is friendly and voluble, but his lively green eyes suddenly brim with tears when he's asked about the sexual assault claims. Instead go to the surest source about Jesus, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. he returns to earth 2.) What Happened to Aunt Diane? None are incapable of doing very bad things after they are saved and many on here point to guys like King David who was a polygamist who had sex slaves, committed adultery, murdered the husband of his mistress and was generally a bad guy for big chunks of his lifeyet he was a man after Gods own heart. I am crystal clear on everything you have told me and havent told me anything I didnt already know. The ecstasy of the evil one, and the sighing of the Lord begin with the actual sins of the pastor and the unfathomable wreckage now in the wake. One of the women confided in her friend, and her friend confessed to another high profile pastor in the area that had a friendship with Coy. 8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adders den. It was failing, no one knew it because they were told and shown drawings of a new church in the works. He is being made a point of so that repentance can take place. Paul dealt with this. Ixtlan, Yes I completely understand this. No, he needs some healing and then he can work his way back into place just as two of the current worship members did and are clean now. And he also claims falsely that he was able to gain access because these crime scenes were unprotected. In Coy's case, Bailey made a relatively unusual ruling: All financial documents would be kept secret. Life now consists of unfair scorn for Diane and the kids. 3rd, there is a difference between millennialism and dispesationalism . 20:2 and a great chain. Without right doctrine, it doesnt matter how well they were behaving. There has not been joy expressed here for the scandal by the vast majority of people including the host. And you can prove it. Thank you. They didnt have to. I have looked this for years, and I think there are several groups that are maintaining biblical integrity and calling. This is between God, his family and him. for those of us in the cheap seats, it might be wise to be prayerfully patient & turn the hobby horses out to pasture for a bit. The tribulation as Jesus described in Matthew 24:15 is at the middle of the week. Robert J. Same with apologies. Put away your golden calf and stop your man worship. Coy is lordship salvation enough that he has undoubtedly taught it in such a way as, now, the finger is pointed at him. Get back to us in a year. Because God blesses their marriages, they experience genuine love which is far more satisfying and pleasurable than a lifetime of dishonest and destructive one night stands and empty relationships. I am not telling them to let him keep his job. BC was seated at their table, even though they were new compared to others who attended for over 20 years at that point. Certainly they sinned as well, but Im only seeing defense of 1/2 (or 1/3, or 1/4, or.) Antonio- its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. Some who have been mistreated by Coy will rejoice and have an I told you so attitude and I understand that. Well, thats simply not true either and not quantifiable. The Bible is clear on how to handle all this so there really isnt much to argue about. Skip Heitzig (born 1955) is the American founder and senior pastor of Calvary Church, a Calvary Chapel fellowship located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.External links. Ok I got it:) So do you NOT believe jesus is coming back for the bride one day? You may buy the old line well we were just standing there and our clothes fell off I dont. I think it is a great post. I do not think praise Bob poor guy comments should be happening about his noble repentance when so many facts are unclear. I wonder how this Bob Coy episode of Christian failure will end. Daughter- There area few Pastors there (wont mention names) that have taken on BCs mannerisms and style. I think I beat you to your passage and posting the Hebrew is a nice try for a save but to no avail. Not everyone should stay married for their reputation in a church. What I remember is that BC was supposed to speak at Fidels church and never did. Chuck Smith did it to mehe got diagnosed with cancer a month laterdied a year later to the day. In other words you are fighting for a literal 1,000 yr period for a non existent kingdom. Where am I wrong on this? Now after commenting about 1st looks etc, I must confess that I have the hots for Stevie Nicks. {} 10 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the root of Jesse, that standeth for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the nations seek; and his resting-place shall be glorious. So, that right I have no sympathy especially for what may be coming Bob Coys way. You know these guys are sinners and men and not Jesus, just like the rest of usyet you allow your Church System to put them on a pedestal and give them all the Power at a particular CC franchise by designits a CC distinctive.