star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a jedi master

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Different Worlds - Nightmare - Wattpad After his parents were taken away by the Empire, he was heartbroken. Star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a grey jedi how to jailbreak firestick 4k deberta v3. Star Wars is a space opera. Having learned from Kanan's example, Ezra set himself to his next task, bidding his master a final farewell as he did so. As the days pass Ezra Bridger is getting more and more closer to the Dark side. Realizing Tseebo's value to the Rebellion, the crew of theGhostagreed to smuggle him off-world. Star Wars Rebels - Wikipedia Kanan, however, who remembered Rau as a fighter instructor pilot for the Republic who he and his master fought alongside in the third Battle of Mygeeto during the Clone Wars, suggested that they infiltrate the base and destroy the Fang fighters before approaching with the fleet. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Ezra seats Sabine on his lap and holds her close, raising a force barrier over the ship with all his strength. You said you had been captured several times?, aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor. Unable to hold out anymore, the two rebels fled back to the Ghost on the magnetic cable system. Fleeing into an apartment block, he contacted Ezra and Kanan, who traveled rejoin their companion only for Ezra to discover one of the Sister's seeker droids hovering at the entrance. "Good morning" whipping his head around, Ezra sees a young man wearing black Jedi robes with some battle armour mixed in, brown hair, blue eyes; it all clicks. After Zeb and Kanan lost Chopper in a game of Sabacc to the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian, they reluctantly struck a deal to help him smuggle goods to Lothal. Ezra claimed that things were going well but Hera quickly deduced he had disobeyed his orders. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Ezra and Darth Maul in Star Wars: Rebels via Disney Plus. Hera orders Ezra to leave but he tells her that he needs to see it through to the end. Having located what appeared to be a suitable system for their base, the Ghost crew raided an Imperial depot in order to secure fuel for their carrier. While imprisoned aboard Kallus' Star Destroyer, the Lawbringer, Ezra was able to open the holocron he stole, allowing it to play a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi warning all Jedi who survived the Great Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone Wars about the collapse of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire. The rebels would also destroy the facility by using detonators to ignite the volatile Clouzon-36 gas around the refinery in order to deny it to the Empire. Depa Billabas padawans padawan, a child plucked from nowhere, and made into something, a rebel fighter, who refused to give in to the dark, even with his master dead on the floor Its very symbolic of you, jedi-like and blinded by so called goodness, for you to be here, still alive, despite appearing as only hanging parts. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. Ezra, Kanan, and Ryder then attended a hologram debriefing with Hera, Sabine, and Zeb. He eventually constructed a new green-bladed Lightsaber, this time with a traditional design. After Rex suggested that the Y-Wings would be good starfighters for the Rebellion, Ezra advocated going ahead with a recovery mission. This message's existence can only mean that the Sith won. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 42 BBY, Anakinwas conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that . The Inquisitors then caught up with them, but Ezra refused to give up Pypey despite being outmatched. While Rex and Gregor are friendly, Wolffe remains hostile to the rebels. However, this activated the four other Sentry Droids which pursued the recovery team back to the cargo bay. What will happen to Ezra? Fortunately, Ryder and a handful of rebels-including Ezra's old friend Jai Kell-continued to resist the occupation. Upon the initial release of Star Wars: Rebels, fans could not stand the whiny and egotistical Ezra Bridger. Ezra's rebel comrades particularly Hera and Sabine distrusted Hondo and his new business partner Azmorigan but Ezra reasoned that the pirate could be trusted since they had come out safely during their last mission to Reklam Station. It all started on a perfect day, a little to perfect if you ask me. Using the Force, the teenage Jedi mind controlled him into ordering the crew to abandon ship anyway. He Wants Revenge. After eleven hours greeting any embarking passenger they were expecting the phrase from, Ezra discovered that the courier was a GNK power droid named EG-86, who had come with the cargo. With their guidance, Ezra developed the skills to face off against Empire greats like Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Grand Inquisitor, and even Darth Vader himself. Enraged, Sidious set his Royal Guards on Ezra, who managed to defeat them using fragments of the temple. Upon reaching the temple, the two Force-wielders used their Force powers to force its heavy stone doors open. A noose restricted his airways, gradually tightening with the purpose of strangulation ; Ezra hoped itd kill him. However, little did he know that assassinating the Ghost Crew would be far from his past encounters with Rebel Cells. Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to cut their way out of their doomed transport. After obtaining the holocron, Ezra and Maul encountered Kanan and Ahsoka fighting the Eighth Brother with the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister. Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. While Hera and the rest of the team departed for Lothal, Ezra, Kanan, and Sabine stayed behind. Ezra objected to Saw's plan to take Klik-Klak off-world for interrogation and insisted that the Geonosian belonged to his homeworld. However, Sabine was unwilling to allow Ketsu to take EG-86. As forces in the shadows work against the Empire and the Rebellion for their own aims, with a interest in Ahkilleons destiny. While Ezra was suspicious of Kallus, the ISB agent managed to convince the rebels of his sincerity by recounting how he had aided Zeb and Sabine in their earlier encounters. Upon arrival, Ezra greatly helped the Rebels get into the correct section and stole the shipments that they discovered were T-7 Ion Disruptors, which were banned by theImperial Senatebecause they were able to instantly kill a living being. Ezra and the other rebels including Cham volunteered to help Hera recover her mother's Kalikori, a priceless heirloom, from the Syndulla House. As such, Ezra decided to turn to his only other option for help: Sabine. Black dots floated in his vision, almost like small particles of dust, and Ezra hoped that it meant he was nearing the climax. Ezra Bridger was born on the planet Lothal to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, on the day the Galactic Empire was established under the rule of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Unfortunately, Sabine discovered that Wolffe had secretly contacted the Empire and hidden Ahsoka's communications with the clones. Ezra accessed the World Between Worlds a place between space and time which appears as a hallway with doors that link all that has ever been, and all that will ever be, together. Later, Sato dispatched the Ghost Crew and Phoenix Squadron to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. During a meeting on the Ghost, Hera announced that they will be embarking on a mission to supply power fuel cells to bring to Rinn, which was having an energy crisis and left Ezra and Chopper behind to clean up the ship. Upon arriving, the two Jedi were greeted by Maul who asked Ezra if he found the Sith holocron illuminating. When the Bendu asked why they had come, Ezra explained their predicament with Maul and the Sith holocron. Following a near conflict sparked by Kanan's distrust of Clone troopers, they are greeted by Rex, who promptly breaks up the fight. The ships resident droid Chopper served as another point of contention for Bridger, with the rogue robot frequently electrocuting the teen and generally living his best nuisance life. (COMPLETE) Hera and Sabine realize that the purrgil are going to jump into hyperspace. Returning to the Ghost, Padawan and droid found Hondo among the rebels and discovered that the Phantom's autopilot had been programmed to return to its mothership. Finally, Ezra also kept a backpack on him, which was filled with stolen gadgets (e.g. Ezra and the rebels avoided the ensuing explosion and fled into hyperspace. Nearby, an Imperial light cruiser was coming after them, but Ezra Force-pushed a TIE bomber that Sabine rigged with explosives out of the carrier and let it drift toward the pursuer. When Saw threatened to shoot the Geonosian queen egg, Ezra countered that doing so would help the Empire to exterminate the Geonosians. Later, after settling back on the Ghost, Ezra opened the Sith holocron in his room. The character made an amazing 180 during his tenure on Rebels, going from an egocentric street rat no one was rooting for to a hero fans could easily see themselves reflected in. After hours of waiting, Ezra began to loose patience until the Lasat finally returned, having discovered that the planet was the original Lasat homeworld and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. However, the rebels' walker encountered two AT-AT walkers, that had been sent to counter Ryder's attack. Escaping into hyperspace and back to the rebel fleet, the Ghost crew were pleased that they managed to get all three ships, and Ryder, now realizing that what Ezra's parents started had become even larger then he thought, agreed to join the rebellion for their son's sake. During the journey, Ezra wept, prompting Kanan to comfort him. While underground, Ezra and his comrades discovered sealed tunnels and the helmets of Saw's Partisans. Over time he firmly opposed the Empire and stood up for the people of the Galaxy who were being oppressed. While Kanan, Sabine and Chopper managed to land on the bridge, Ezra miscalculated and almost fell into the gassy atmosphere below, but Kanan used the Force to pull up and reprimand his apprentice. The rebels eventually reached Saxon's ship but the Super Commandos closed in on them. She eventually met her end at the hands Darth Vader, but not before realizing that the Sith Lord was her former master, Anakin Skywalker. Ezra's outfit was more than meets the eye. During the fight, Ezra used his lightsaber to fire shots at Azmorigan's henchmen. Includes many pranks, family fluff, dark stories and even karaoke. * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. Ezra subsequently returned to the Ghost and, after enjoying a nicer exchange with Gold Two, watched as the Rebel Fleet assembled in response to Mon Mothma's call. And in time, a new hope will emerge. CA: Winter Soldier AU. The man was lying on his bed in some crappy house on Lothal. The mission, however, took longer than expected due to the high level of security at the Academy but Ezra managed to secure one more day rebel colleagues. Having accomplished their objectives, the rebels and Hondo's party parted company. As it turns out, neither has his former Padawan. When Ezra suggested destroying the entire patrol, Sabine disagreed and pointed out that the patrol would have already alerted the Empire. Kalani dispatched a wave of battle droids. Wil Ezra Bridger apprenticed to Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, takes an unusual interest in the former Sith Lord: Maul. Ezra then made his way back to his tower, with his prizes. Slavin then contacted Cham and offered to spare Hera and Ezra if he agreed to surrender by dawn. Together, Kanan and his master traveled to rendezvous with Maul. When the third Dismantler Droid attacked Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb, Rex went back to rescue them. 25 Stories. Despite Kanan's disapproval, Ezra agreed to accompany Maul to the top of the Sith Temple. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. Even if the Rebels come back for him, it might be too late. To avoid triggering the Imperial sensor lights, Chopper threw himself down the cliff instead of activating his thruster. Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Despite driving off the Inquisitors, Kanan and Ahsoka were distrustful of Maul. Caution: May or may not cause uncontrollable laughter. Every action has a consequence. Upon arriving, Ezra and the other Jedi made their way to the Temple while Chopper stayed behind to guard the Phantom. As Ezra's fifteenth birthday drew near, Kanan began to do better and become more strict in training him. Hera ordered Ezra and his team to evacuate but Ezra insisted on finding Azmorigan and Zeb, who had not returned. Yoda became concerned by his reason because what he was seeking was vengeance, which Ezra denied. The two put aside their differences to repel an Imperial boarding party of Jumptroopers from Captain Brunson's Imperial Light Cruiser. This was Ezras gift to him, a night of deep, unbroken rest. Ezra tried to propose a deal between the two criminals, with him taking the generators and the two criminals sharing the proceeds among themselves, but Vizago stole his droid controller back and used it to summon his droids to attack the three intruders. He's told she may not get her memory back and there's no cure. Kanan then hurried his Padawan, who was about to make a snide remark about his master when he suddenly spotted one of the statues moving. As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. Even though Ezra is learning the ways of the Dark Side, a part of him will still be light. Ahsoka, however, was unable to join them and was trapped inside the temple with Vader. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Ezra B., Sabine W., OC, Ahsoka T./Fulcrum - Chapters: 26 - Words: 295,581 - Reviews . They succeeded in this mission, despite Ezra's ineptitude with a jetpack, due in part to the timely arrival of Clan Kryze and its leader Bo-Katan. But He's Wasn't The Only One. As Imperial reinforcements moved in, Hera tried to reason with her father, but Cham remained unconvinced until his daughter she reminded him how he was an inspiration to herself and the people of Ryloth, but she was fighting for everyone in the galaxy besides her own people. Inside the walker, Ezra tried to convince the Clone commanders to join their fight against the Empire. This assault coincided with the arrival of a sandstorm, which prevented the rebels from departing. Despite Kanan's efforts to reassure him that Sabine would be fine, Ezra still voiced his dislike for solo missions. However, Saxon realized that he was a Jedi. Prior to a mission, Ezra and Kanan have a discussion, which ends up with Kanan blaming Ezra for everything. Together with Ahsoka, Kanan, and Chopper, Ezra traveled on the Phantom to Malachor. When Kanan and Rex awoke, Ezra attempted to claim that they were knocked out in a massive fire fight, but Chopper played a holographic recording of what really happened. He was thievish, yet easy going and upbeat, and liked to play pranks and make jokes. Ezra was present with the other crew members when Kanan, Fenn, and Hera convened a meeting aboard the Ghost to discuss the matter of training Sabine how to wield the Darksaber. While Chopper babysat Alora, Zeb went to intercept the courier droid before the Inquisitors could get their hands on Pypey and recovered him just as they pursued. Find out in Taken. But he was no match for Darth Vader. While approaching the Sith Temple, Ezra and his mentors stumbled upon an ancient battlefield from the Great Scourge of Malachor, littered with fallen lightsabers and the statue-like corpses of the belligerents. Main article: Ephraim Bridger Main article: Mira Bridger Ezra loved his parents deeply. Ezra and Zeb expressed interest in accompanying him for the mission, but Kanan planned to go alone because he didn't want to risk any more of his crew members. What will happen to Ezra? Returning to Atollon, Ezra and Kanan traveled on to the lair of the Bendu, which lay in an outcrop of mesas. Still, he thought they would have at least a little tact and wait to ask, "yes; I do. While sleeping on his bunk aboard the Ghost, Ezra experienced a Force vision of his parents, an impending Imperial attack on Garel and a white Loth-cat leading him to a hooded man who opened fire on the boy. Following a brief struggle, the four rebels escaped with the medical supplies and back to the rebel fleet. Ezra began to repair his relationship with Kanan after his master rescued him during a dangerous mission at Reklam Station. How will our young Jedi deal with this new obstacle in his life, while trying to save a galaxy from an empire? The Ghost crew eventually received word about Hera and Sabine's failed mission to seek permission for safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the system's Protectors. The two joined forced to rescue Ezra's master, and Ahsoka immediately recognized his potential, and grew fond of the young Jedi . Despite a rough start, Ezra managed to overcome his fears and was rewarded with a Kyber crystal from a mysterious voice, enabling him to construct his own lightsaber. Without any training, the young Jedi was able to extend the airtime of speeders in flight, persuade authorities to look away from his misdeeds, and understand the feelings of animals. After kidnapping a droid and sending Chopper in its place, they discovered Kanan was being sent to the volcanic planet of Mustafar. Ezra suggested flying with them instead of against them, that way they would not get bashed around so much or need to waste their power reserves. He also befriended Moreena Krai, a girl the same age as him who knew about his under-handed skills. One of his greatest force skills the ability to sense emotion and connect with life forces around him also gave Ezra the ability to work with unsavory types like Hondo Onaka without being blindsided by the pirates penchant for stabbing people in the back. Unsatisfied, Saxon continued the interrogation and forced Ezra to reveal that Rau had sent him. With the crawler under their command, the rebels learned that Mon Mothma had approved an assault on Lothal. Upon returning to the Rebel fleet, Cham had news that his people were rallying against the Empire and before leaving, took his daughter aside to admit how proud he was of her and who she had turned out to be. However, the visitors turned out to be a group of Mandalorian Imperial Super Commandos led by the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon. left kudos on this work. Before they could kill the rebels, Rau arrived on the Phantom II and opened fire on Saxon's ship. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. The captured Pryce, terrified of the giant predators, was convinced to play along as they infiltrated Capital City. Later, Ezra accompanied Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Wedge, Hobbie, and other members of the Phoenix Squadron on a training exercise. They then managed to escape Captain Vult Skerris's TIE Interceptor. Ezra later accompanied Hera, Zeb, and Chopper aboard the Ghost while Kanan attended to a supply mission, and the group witnessed Mon Mothma's denunciation of the Emperor on HoloNet News. This shocked Zeb, who believed himself to be the last of the Lasat, and the rebels quickly attacked the Stormtroopers and Imperial officer in order to free the prisoners. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There, he planted the holocron into the obelisk and was greeted by a feminine entity known as the "Presence"; who told him that the Temple contained the power to destroy all life. Before a showdown could take place, the two parties were visited by a squad of Stormtroopers. When Sabine remarked that the ship was in a state of disarray, Ezra cautioned her to be careful not to upset the crew. In response, Ezra and Rex headed to the command tower to override the locks. Barris. While awaiting Chopper's return, Ezra and Kanan were confronted by a Stormtrooper Commander and his men, who noted they were outside their allocated area. Ezra later awoke in a cell with Hera where Thrawn took the Kalikori into his possession and left Slavin to deal with the prisoners. While one of the shuttles was shot down, the rebels' and Kalani's shuttles manage to reach space. Plus, beyond the potential to see their romance come to fruition, there is the lingering knowledge that last we saw him Ezra warped himself and thousands of his enemies to a distant planet. Hera had made the decision to abandon Lothal. Ezra's use of the Sith holocron strained relations with his master, Kanan. Ezra resorted to finding work as a con-artist and thief stealing in order to survive, receiving his lessons of such art from Ferpil Wallaway, a pawn shop owner and skilled pickpocket with various underworld connections. After receiving a transmission from Ryder about an improved TIE Defender, the Ghost crew managed to infiltrate the planets defenses with help from Vizago. Ezra can't undo the things he's done, but he can stop his past from ruining the future.