is the violet flame dangerous

After 30 days, see what transformative changes happened in your life. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. Whatever you may have manifested in the past through your words, thoughts, deeds, or acts can now be transmuted and released into the light. I almost feel it overwhelmed me. In the center of this blazing white sun, visualize a small violet spark. The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. You will not spill the cup as soon as it is filled and fail to make any permanent progress on the path of discipleship. If youd like to harness the power of the violet flame for yourself, you can do so with a simple visualized meditation. I just read this from another Violet Flame source: One day Science will have the proof that all disease has sour emotions at its roots. We have discussed the seven rays of God as the prism of the Holy Spirit and as the seven paths of Christhood that we can walk. Saint Germain teaches that the violet flame has the ability to change physical conditions because of all the spiritual flames; the violet is closest in vibration to the components of matter. I always had a deep soul call and a yearning to participate in making the earth a better place to live. The Violet Flame - Discover its Power with Help from Angels He didnt think I had TMJ.He asked me to stand up. Why do you need spiritual protection if/when using such a purifying tool? If the intention you set in step one is not a personal one, but a social or global one, bring the image of the external problem into your violet flame. The first time you give a decree, you will want to repeat it slowly and deliberately. What is the meaning of specific colors in the aura? I recognize that these messages are coming from beings of light because of my guru Yoganandas wisdom that is in me now. When one's pursuit of science becomes tainted by a materialism and ignorance of God's laws, then the green of the aura no longer reflects the pure emerald hue of the stone by that name, but it becomes muddiedan olive drab, even a brownish green. I look forward to hearing from you! I have been doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga meditation since 2000 to now and only started the Violet Flame and now Mother Akashas Rose Pink Flames dispensations since February 2019. For centuries, spiritual alchemists have sought after the philosophers stone and the transformation of led into gold. But you will get the greatest benefit from the violet flame if you set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to decree without interruption. Were you connecting to your I AM Presence? . She chose a non-bender with a mysterious past and a strong connection to the . I want to get to the Christ STate of Being where there is no more suffering and stay there for eternity! People have different experiences when they use violet-flame decrees. I bless you all with Pure Love, Light and Om Source purifying energy and the violet flame transmuting power! My Guru Yogananda quoted that phrase from the bible which is my favourite! Thank you Catherine and you are helping everyone worldwide as well! Once you have memorized some of the violet-flame decrees, you can close your eyes and try this visualization. I think you will appreciate the teachings that will come to you each day for thirty days. Recalling a past life is not something to be taken lightly. You never know when on that pathway you will meet your mentor Saint Germain face-to-face. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. St. Germain notes about the requirement of protection while using these purifying tools is that you are still atomic and not yet full embodying your I am electronic garment. I dont know what my throat Chakra would want me to say as Im quite vocallol If you still have fear you need to do the violet flame a lot! Hi Paula thanks for sharing that Mark Prophet also studied the Kriya Yoga technique! Since you have fear when you started to notice the tightening in your neck you have to do a lot of work on fear and your beliefs about that and fear is an indication you need work on your Heart Chakra as fear is the opposite of love! See yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar about six feet in diameter and about nine feet high. Right now I am experience a lot of pain in my ribcage and my pendulum says it is not physical but spiritual and it started with Christies course and has gotten worse. So give your decrees with joy and gusto and know that when you call to Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, they will immediately be at your side. Violet Flame not only cleanses you, however, it also helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development also. Raise your vibration from fear to love and slowly your body will heal on its own. Shield. Master of the Violet Flame, Chohan of the Seventh Ray The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! This changed in September 2019 now there is a pleasant pressure there of my heart flame that was not there before this because it is growing and the decrees help me to bring my attention my my heart flame in my heart area every day. The Violet Planet Main article: Violet Planet The evolutions of the Violet Planet have served the violet flame for aeons and use the violet flame to tend to all the needs of daily lifeto clean their homes, to care for and purify the planet, and even to wash and bathe in. Check and follow our social media accounts to get updated with our recent posts. "If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousnessour mind, our feelings, our emotionsthis . It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light and those who have open spiritual sight have seen it as a beautiful violet aura or flame. Denise Kane 61 Paperback 13 offers from $3.27 Editorial Reviews About the Author Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. I was enjoying my morning decrees. The Violet Flame Is the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy. I am so smitten by God I want to know everything about God! Also called the Flame of Transmutation, the Flame of Mercy, the Flame of Freedom,and the Flame of Forgiveness,the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative karma or blockages. I practice Spiritual Psychologyif you would like to share your issues; e-mail me at or 705-515-1000 or look up my websitemost of the info that might assist you is listed. I had a lot of stuff going on in my life, previous injuries, to back and neck. Spiritual seekers are familiar with meditation, visualization and affirmation. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 St Germain Violet Flame | Visualize The Violet Flame Meditation - SGF I do feel loved and safe with this wonderful gift and know that I will eventually come to grips with this. If the records are painfuland they usually are because your soul is crying out for resolutionyou may feel sadness or regret. The Violet Flame Path to 5D Earth: Saint Germain's Message The Violet Flame and How to Use It - Mad Mimi I am so very happy for you! I too live in Ontario Hamilton. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. What colour flame is the most dangerous? - Quora As described in Exodus 3:2 KJV in the story of Moses and the burning bush: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed., This fire does not burn, its no ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire of self-transformation that some people refer to as the the violet flame.. The best thing out of that mess , was finally finding a helpful doctor. While youre visualizing your violet flame and repeating your decree, hold your hands up in front of you with your palms facing outwards as if the problem were in front of you. Let me know your experiences with this meditation in the comments below. What is the Second Chakra and How Can It Help Me? My pendulum is saying no to the invoker and yes to be an ascended master! The preamble to a decree is like an invitation. Once you start, keep on going. We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. I visualized white, clean energy filling my body and then I pushed it out. Why, with the violet flame in hand and heart as floral offering and as alchemist's kit, you never know what is just beyond the next turn in the road or the next wind in the mountain! Violet Flame never is the cause of any dis-ease in the physical body, or mental or emotional bodies. Violet flame decrees are an all-consuming spiritual fire. On contact with the violet flame, this dense substance is cleansed, purified, and restored to its native purity. The Violet Flame - Wikipedia When we look at the bright side of situations, we release all the stress caused by the things we cannot control. Just as color reflects consciousness, so color amplifies consciousness. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. Thank you for response. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. This is a beautiful way to connect with healing on all levels, dimensions and aspects to fully transmute anything thats making us unwell. One has to remain calm throughout it and never give up the spiritual protocol! Then I thought maybe this is an actual medical problem. I have used violet flame with little knowledge about it. Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. Required fields are marked *. But there is a different power that comes as you gradually increase the speed and raise the pitch of the decree. Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. Thus, the Violet Flame is used for the erasing, or the transmutation, of those . Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection. Meditate, visualize, sing, waltz to the three quarter beat that is the violet flame, and lift up your spirits- send out the Violet Flame and enjoy the return current of joy, freedom and transmutation. The love of my life tells me that I dont understand what meditation is, and that its about concentrating and actually closing your mind off from anything like what Im afraid of. The color violet is usually associated with transformation. A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. What is the Violet Flame? | How to Use Violet Flame Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! Yesterday I was at a energy expo and someone mentioned that from behind she thought I was someone else because she could see violet in my aura. For eighty years, Saint Germain and the Masters have been preparing the world to enter into the Age of Aquarius, the spiritual era when peace, enlightenment and freedom become more possible. It also denotes mastery of the throat chakra in the spoken Word. Start here . The violet flame as Saint Germain has taught it can actually enter the cells and atomic structure, including our DNA, and transmutation does take place. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. Now, Saint Germain reveals, As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercys love. So for over a year I had this tightness in my ribcage. The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, lord of the seventh ray and Hierarch of the age of Aquarius. Why did I do, what did I start ? The Violet Flame was released as a standard CD, a deluxe 2-CD, a digital download, a double album in a gatefold sleeve (featuring The Violet Flame on violet vinyl on one disc and six remixes on white vinyl on the other, via PledgeMusic with more than 500 pre-orders), and a limited edition 3-CD box set which includes the original album as well . I then had a thought one day..maybe this isnt an awakening maybe its my health. Be Empowered. I did do one ethereal retreat exercise and did see Michael come to my third eye and later could see ethereal trees on incline as if I was going up a hill at Banff! Violet Flame Meditation: 5 Steps To Harnessing Positive Energy, Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change, Saint Germain: Mystery of the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul (Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality), The Violet Flame All In One Handbook: Real time modern applications & Violet Flame Decrees (SSD). The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! This group karma affects our destinies. I ask that my call be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need. The negativity in this world is very thick and I see we all need to be doing these decrees and talking to the angels daily if not every second no time to waste! What Is Your True Color Personality Type? The Great Brotherhood of spiritual adepts foresaw that this challenging time on earth required a spiritual miracle. It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! God made me perfect! Bathe the earth in violet fire. Are you a spiritual traveler? Welcome! . This secret wisdom was not given to the public for many long ages. My experience is so wonderful. The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. The person who was talking to me I dont remember exactly what I felt about that person. It diverts negative elements into opportunities and changes our perspective. Too much too fast? Natural Violet Flame Opal, Mexico 925 Sterling Silver Earring Jewelry When youre familiar with the flame decree, you may close your eyes and envision the violet flame. Ive been referring to this as my spirit self because it was in my shape and once it was outside of my body I visualized it being cleansed and taking in more positive energy. As you practice directing the violet flame to help others, you can begin to think of your aura as a violet-flame fountain where all whom you meet can come and drink. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! I am 84 yrs old & caring my partner 91 yrs old with multiple medical problem eg cancer etc. Violet light in the aura, then, denotes that the soul is free to commune with God. I wont quit the Kriya Yoga but I can certainly add to it the Violet Flame. As you give the violet flame, pictures of past lives may come before your mind. When we open ourselves and accept forgiveness or ask for one, we free ourselves from hatred and pain. BONUS: Additional resources about the violet flame. Previously, only those in the spiritual retreats knew of the violet flame.