in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph

. C. both Documents BBB and CCC 1) The first sentence is my topic sentence. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. D. suggest that her high school was not sufficiently supportive of students in her situation When the author refers to her "rocky existence," she suggests that although she had good friends, she faced a number of . The potential benefits of monitoring sleep patterns using a fitness tracker, however, outweigh the negatives. B. cite a factor that inspired her to take on a particular screen role . Paragraph Writing - Introduction, Structure, Example and Writing Tips The writer is considering deleting sentence 13 (reproduced below). The author recounts her family's story to illustrate a variety of ways in which deportation negatively affects not only those who are directly affected by deportation but also society as a whole, which must deal with the costs and consequences of children being separated from their family. in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph - The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. history") (B) Q&A. Answer: B - unity, order, coherence and completeness. Which version of the underlined text in sentence 14 (reproduced below) most effectively accomplishes this goal? Body: follows the introduction; discusses the controlling idea, using facts, arguments, analysis, examples, and other information. to trudge through our sleepless days," beginning her larger discussion of Americans' attitudes to napping. make readers aware that what they're about to read won't provide new information. A. improving the immigration system would benefit the entire country It is usually 5 letter spaces. No, because it offers information that may be helpful to the audience in understanding a potentially unfamiliar term. A. sense of compassion: these lines show that undocumented immigrants are overwhelmed by having to appear before judges without legal representation APA Style 6th Edition Blog: Abstracts PDF Name RETEACHING: simple sentence S COMPOUND compound - Scholastic If the researchers' conclusions are correct, careful attention to your behavior is an important tool for ensuring smooth interactions with others. Sun and Vazire conspired on an experiment to study the latter category. D. the education system can help provide the support that children of immigrants require D. neither Document B\mathbf{B}B nor C\mathbf{C}C. In "Of Mice and Men", what does George Answer when the boss asks what is he trying to put over? You must do whatever you can to lure your reader into the web you've woven by writing a sentence so provocative . In these sentences, the author describes the obstacles her family faced in their attempts to become legal, including being deceived by attorneys. An idea or emotion that is associated with a word. nor defeat") ? Napping is too luxurious, too sybaritic,2 too unproductive, and it's free; pleasures for which we don't pay make us anxious. Which of the following changes to the underlined portion of sentence 16 (reproduced below) most effectively expresses the relationship between ideas in the sentence? Attention de bien insister sur les voyelles nasales. Is rap t Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? First paragraph. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. It engages the audience's sympathies by suggesting parallels between Rowling and her fictional hero. the works of H. G. Wells, for instance, depicted voyages to the Moon and to the bottom of the ocean long before these achievements were realized. . The data these devices provide are not as accurate as the data that come from a sleep lab. Which of the following changes should the writer make? In recounting her family's experience, the author repeatedly connects the problems they faced to aspects of the existing immigration system. The first speaker in the debate welcomes the participitants and express her wish that woman would assemble for such discussion and debate more freequently.How does this speaker cntrast the situation of woman with that of men? Solved Question for You on Paragraph Writing. Sleeping Frenchmen are surrounded by sleeping compatriots, but Americans who lie down by day stiffen with the thought of the busy world rushing past. ; Even though her parents were absent while growing up, she never gave . A. claim that her family's experiences run counter to shared national ideals Those who get paid to investigate such things have proved that people deprived of daylight and their wristwatches, with no notion of whether it was night or day, sink blissfully asleep in midafternoon as regular as clocks. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? [1] tan + adjective + como = as _____ as C. It anticipates an objection about the legality of her parents' deportation. The purpose of a paragraph is to express a speaker's thoughts on a particular point in a clear way that is unique and . There we lie, visible and vulnerable on our day lit bed, ready to cut the strings and sink into the dark, swirling, almost sexual currents of the impending doze, but what will happen in our absence? What is a Paragraph? Definition, Examples of Paragraphs Complete the following survey about your preferences in clothes and colors. A topic sentence is an introductory line that addresses what the main idea or thesis of the paragraph will be. tanto(-a, -os, -as) + noun(s) + como = as much/many _____ as A. imply that her audience would find it difficult to imagine her predicament The remainder of the paragraph focuses on the way Nawab attempts to . , Read the first paragraph for understanding. The topic is dogs and the main idea reasons why they make great pets. Jo Rowlingshe adopted "J.K." on the publishing truism that women authors did not sellwas born in 1965 and was raised in modest, rural comfort. In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? he best kind of music? In order to make the passage appropriate for the intended audience, which sentence is most necessary for the writer to delete? It can be a question, famous quote, a story or other idea. Lights were on and dinner had been started, but my family wasn't there. B. was a prolific author who wrote both novels and poems Example: I listen to K-pop music more frequently than Reggaeton music. The writer wants to avoid expressing the argument of the passage in absolute terms. Which of the following is a logical conclusion that can be derived from the final two paragraphs of the passage? This isn't the place to delve into details, but draw off your hook to share a little more information that is crucial to the storyline. 6. The writer wants to add the following sentence to the third paragraph. Some examples of topic sentences for this age group include: When we had a snow day, I made snow angels, drank hot cocoa, and went sledding. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? "Know yourself" is a well-known maxim, but the latest findings in social psychology suggest. Topic Sentences Lesson for Kids: Writing & Examples D. An unfulfilled pledge by a . Second 4. These stories highlight the impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families. Should the writer add this sentence? In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. Remember not to introduce the culmination right from the start. The writer is considering changing the beginning of sentence 1 (reproduced below) to better introduce the topic and engage the reader's attention. None of the places Chanu wants to visit are entertaining b. A. Provide appropriate credit to the source (e.g., by using an in-text citation) whenever you do the following: paraphrase (i.e., state in your own words) the ideas of others. . E. explain the daily routine of a French lockkeeper. D. urge the government to increase financial support for single-parent households E. the foster care system is underprepared for the needs of immigrant families. B. The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 11 to conclude the passage with a quotation that effectively restates and reinforces the overall argument. C. Significant changes in the number of immigrants to the United States These parts are the topic sentence, development and support, and conclusion. The writer is considering changing the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below) so that it conveys the information in the sentence in the most precise way. indifference and contempt. Good paragraphing also greatly assists your readers in following a piece of writing. answer choices . Por ejemplo, en tu opinin, es mejor la msica rock que la msica clsica? The topic sentence is the sentence in the paragraph that gives the reader not only the general topic, but also the main idea, or what the paragraph says about the topic. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 6. Should the writer add this sentence? The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 11 to conclude the passage with a quotation that effectively restates and reinforces the overall argument. So did much of the civilized world. Is rap The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below) from the sentence. Like skydiving, napping takes practice; the first few tries are scary. Read the first sentence of each paragraph. Which of the following best describes how the author represents "western American history, written by Euro-Americans" (paragraph 4, sentence 4) ? He embodies the virtue of humility in Lakota society. As Williams and Bizup[3] explain, cohesion is about the "sense of flow" (how each sentence fits with the next), while coherence is about the "sense of the whole."[4] For the most part, a text . In the first sentence of the passage, the speaker engages the attention of the audience with which of the following types of statement? . Paragraph Writing: Building Blocks of Everything We Read, Tips - Toppr Which of the following changes to the underlined portion of sentence 16 (reproduced below) most effectively expresses the relationship between ideas in the sentence? In this way, she establishes a point of comparison between the two cultures and uses it as the basis for developing her thesis about Americans' fear of napping. Here, this sentence refers back to the first paragraph's summary of online education"what we know"and introduces the idea that there are things we don't know about online educationthe focus of the second paragraph. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, Match the following items. It previews the author's line of reasoning by listing the main points of the argument. How To Write Narrative Essay A Step by Step Guide - EssayWriterUSA The increasing number of people seeking asylum in the United States See Page 1. (A) Opportunities that disproportionately In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), which many critics consider the first science fiction novel, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a new form of human life, only to find his creation hideous and regret his actions. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? D. establish a cultural comparison for her argument about napping (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. I came home from school to an empty house. Describe vividly all scenarios and actions of the characters such that a reader is able to visualize them. ms/menos + adverb + que = more/less _____ than Some time ago, I wrote an article on how to set up the structure of a blog post. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph because it gives an overview of the sentences to follow. Our stocks will fall; our employees will mutiny and seize the helm; our clients will tiptoe away to competitors. The author introduces her essay by relating an anecdote from her vacation in France (paragraphs 1 and 2) primarily to HOW TO TEACH PARAGRAPH WRITING - Rockin Resources In Japan, the productivity wonder of the industrialized world, properly run companies maintain a nap room wherein the workers may refresh themselves. ApLang Flashcards | Quizlet 2) the context- this is called the background information that helps connect the . Which of the following choices accurately describes a strategic stylistic decision that the speaker makes in the first two sentences of the second paragraph ("It is not . (1) The use of steel transformed cities during the 1800s. He acknowledges it while suggesting Lakota stories offer a different perspective. For the self-controlled, it's frighteninghow far down am I falling? For example, you might put a sentence into your own words, or you might summarize what another author or set of authors found. B. P : Read the first sentence only of each paragraph after the first, until you get to the start of the next section. E. In sentence 16, changing "impossible" to "improbable". They see it as goofing off. Instead, it reflects the concerns of Shelley and her contemporaries about the consequences of unchecked technological development in the Industrial Revolution, such as pollution and the loss of traditional ways of life. This suggests that the author will argue that Americans' attitudes towards naps are irrational rather than based on sound reasoning; she does this both by pointing out the benefits of naps and by playfully discussing the qualities of napping that make Americans uneasy with the practice. * I don't believe her life would have turned out this way if her father and my parents had been here to guide and support her. Neighbors broke the news that my parents had been taken away by immigration officers, and just like that, my stable family life was over. Whether the audience is likely to regard Frankenstein as a science fiction novel. Which of the following best explains the author's use of the qualifier "probably" in the first sentence of the seventh paragraph? I really liketan + adjective + como = as _____ asExample: My favorite band is not as popular as my friend's favorite band. My parents came here from Colombia during a time of great instability there. (The following passage is excerpted from an op-ed published by a Colombian American actor in 2014.). A. AP English Language + Composition - MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet I consider myself lucky because things turned out better for me than for most, including some of my own family members. energy consumption data shown in Document AAA ? E. The author's desire to acknowledge her parents' efforts to support her despite their immigration status. In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her "rocky existence"" during high school in order to. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences. In the third paragraph, she explicitly contrasts the French with herself and her friends who "were Americans, condemned . A compound sentence is a sentence made up of two simple sentences joined by a comma and the word and, but, or or.