homestuck class personalities

What do you hope your land is like? Answer the sixteen questions as accurately as you can. Homestuck characters are particularly popular to cosplay at anime conventions. Dahni The Doom Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles This potential is also hinted at when Tavros and Aradia talk about how Tavros's Flarp class Boy-Skylark's useful c0mbat abilities [d0n't] c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very high level and here when Aranea said: You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. John Egbert is the main protagonist of Homestuck and the first character that is introduced. He is quick to anger, loud, and often rude, but has a strong sense of justice, and is good at heart. She is blind and able to visualize the world through her sense of smell and taste. Sollux speaks with a severe lisp, and his typing quirk reflects this. Analysis of Homestuck classpects : The Knight of Light The connection between Aspects and character personalities? As such, the definition of Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others. The Maid outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie, similar to the Heir, Rogue, and Page outfits, and features bandages wrapped around the lower legs. It may be significant that two Knights have been seen to have problems with other versions of themselves- Dave being creeped out by the "other hims" and Karkat always having arguments with his future and past selves. Aradia could also use her time powers to freeze Jack in time, thus protecting herself with time. He is shy and unassertive, and struggles with standing up for himself, especially to Vriska. The Extended Zodiac - Hiveswap The tale of Calliope's tragedy, for example, inspired hundreds of souls to seek her out, or, at the very least, to seek a way to kill Caliborn. A Dersite dedicated to the ideals of justice and law enforcement. They would build up the aspect in themselves and others before using it to bring destruction physically or destroy their aspect in others. Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to chat with fellow fans. Alternately, a Mage could be one who uses [aspect] to the benefit of others, but to the detriment of themselves. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. Dave is the fictional creator of Hussie's spin-off webcomic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, in-jokes of which are featured frequently in Homestuck. In the fifth "act" of Homestuck, Hussie introduced an alien species called "trolls", based on Internet trolls, who live on the planet of Alternia in another universe. Reishi, Nettle, and Chamomile! While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. Q13: While doing some late-game grinding, you stop to rest inside a cave. Also, in place of other players, Caliborn, as the Lord of Time, has several underlings with time-themed powers and apparently must learn to command them in order to make any progress in his session. Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. List of Homestuck characters - Wikipedia Lifespan and population Trolls higher on the hemospectrum have longer lifespans, with rust bloods usually living only a dozen or two sweeps (26 to 50 years) and most lower blood castes living roughly as long as a human, with green castes having lifespans extending above a hundred years. Jane Crocker is the heiress to the Betty Crocker fortune,[HS 1] and she is the symbolic leader of the four alpha kids. The Heir is a passive (+) class[1], whose exact definition is not yet known. Additionally, when asked about the possibility of a female character with the Prince class, Andrew Hussie gave a simple "sure". They often do not have to work as . That sweet, sweet Hero Nectar on Tumblr His ancestor is Orphaner Dualscar, who he named his Flarp character after. Equius, the Heir of Void, was known to sit in the background and watch things happen from the shadows. It could also be speculated that the Muse class is based on the traditional role of a muse: to inspire. Where burgundy-blooded trolls are common and fall at the bottom of the social hierarchy, fuchsia blood is exceptionally rare, and its carriers sit at the top of the hierarchy. The Six Major Functions that the classes represent, or in other terms, the 6 possible ways of interacting with any given object, situation or environment. Games Music Resources Tools . The character is notable for having a short-lived crisis regarding their gender identity, due to the differing genders of the sprite's two constituent characters. Though Hussie used death as "the line between relevance and irrelevance", characters generally remain relevant in some way in the story, as there exist various video game-style constructs that allow a character to be revived. A possible third time is when the wind blew out a fire on LOWAS . Bards are somewhat stranger, in that they "allow destruction of [aspect]" or "invite destruction through [aspect]". The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. It shares this quality with the Heir, Rogue and Maid outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. The bodies and biology of Heirs seem to be connected to their Aspects, which fits how familial heirs are blood-related to whoever they inherit a position from. In addition, it appears the right pant leg, along with probably the leg itself, was torn off so that Caliborn could replace it with a gold robotic prosthetic. "[5] She is Equius' moirail, or pacifying platonic soulmate, and has a crush on Karkat. You're curious and sleep-deprived enough to download the file without thinking too much about the potential consequences. Homestuck mentions 14 modules in which 12 classes belong to normal classes while 2 are master classes. Homestuck Theory Synthesis Classpect Title Test Karkat tried to protect his team through his leadership; for example: Gamzee and Eridan in their rampages; and in pacifying Gamzee. Another speculation is that Witch is related to "breaking the rules" of their aspect. Q11: You're traveling your planet, searching for your second gate. Therefore, a Mage may "forfeit [aspect] to gain knowledge pertaining [aspect]". Knights are not necessarily the ones who help the space player breed the Genesis Frog. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. Hussie has stated that the passiveness or activeness of a class is determined by multiple factors, and is related to whether the player is a Prospit or Derse dreamer. His classpect is Heir of Void. Sollux had two dream selves, was able to exit the dream bubble he was in, and only half died, while Meulin seems to have been spared heartbreak despite her romantic troubles. Homestuck Classpect Quiz - Personality Quizzes "[12] Her astrological sign is Virgo. Canon Dubiously Canon Eridan Ampora, also known by his Trollian handle "caligulasAquarium", is one of the sea dwelling Alternian trolls. Not including muse or lord (I don't own homestuck or the pics.) Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. It's a plant personality quiz. Later on he allows his Rage to be destroyed by Karkat and sets a trap for Terezi that, by inspiring Rage against Vriska, invites her to commit destruction. So Knights use their aspect to battle, but they might use it for some other things as well. "[6] Jokingly described by blogger Subdee as a "shoujo [sic] heroine", John's character is notably fond of bad films and has a seemingly irrational revulsion to the Betty Crocker brand. Homestuck Theory Synthesis Classpect Test: More Info, Pt.1 The Prince, as the active, is literally simplified to destroyer of [aspect] or one who destroys via [aspect]. Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. It is assumed that their active (-) counterpart is the Witch, as both John and Jade can seemingly change (with) their aspects, John by initially using the Windy Thing unintentionally and by the will of his aspect, and Jade by changing the form of objects by shrinking/enlarging them. Death is presented as a "leveling up step" for the characters in Homestuck, it being the only way for characters to gain God Tier powers. Due to the contextual relation in the name, Pages are speculated to be the counterpart to a Knight (In medieval times, a Page was a sort of apprentice to a Knight; this interpretation of the title's origin more closely aligns with the feudalistic naming scheme of the classes), although it is debated whether they are the Active or Passive counterpart. John, the Heir of Breath, receives a sort of freedom from the storyline and a disconnection from reality when he is affected by Lord English's "treasure", and Mituna receives a kind of doom when he loses part of his sanity. The options may delineate the roles of the two master classes. A quick quiz to determine your homestuck classes Enter Your Name Start Quiz By TheMoonEnvoy Take later 1.1K Takers Personality Quiz design a bedroom and ill tell you what 1am thing everyone does you are Take later 3.8K Takers Personality Quiz Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivalent Take later 1.8K Takers Personality Quiz What to build in Bloxburg It'll be much more accurate than this stupid fan-made class quiz. It shares this quality with the Maid, Heir, and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. One historical reference for the term 'maid' is "unmarried lady of noble birth who attends a queen or princess," (think Maid Marian of Robin Hood fame) which could place this class among the highly-active royalty derived classes like Lord and Prince. The Seer is a passive (+) class, that uses extensive knowledge to coordinate their team members. Thus, Equius himself died to inherit the true strength of his aspect. (However, this can also be seen by looking at Nepeta and possibly The Disciple, so this may be part of the Heart aspect. How do you respond? The passive/active system exists on a scale, with some classes being more passive or active than others. Gamzee, as the Bard of Rage, could enter some sort of berserk mode, causing deep fear in everyone around and becoming exceptionally strong. [HS 25] The name Eridan is a reference to Eridanus, the river of life in Ancient Greek mythology. A 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. Surrounded by bad video games and junk food,[7] he wears aviator sunglasses, obscuring his eyes entirely, and wields katana in combat situations. This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others. Equius, the Heir of Void, inherits irrelevance when he is killed by Gamzee, as he goes completely unmentioned and forgotten thereafter, and his blood is even used to block out information in Rose's tome. Master modules are not explained in detail as compared to normal classes which are extremely well explained. Witches are possibly the active (-) counterpart to Heir, which both seem to deal with changing or manipulating their aspects. Eridan is shown as an aristocrat with a genocidal superiority complex. The prime example of this is Dirk as the Prince of Heart: 1) He breaks the heart of Roxy and their obsession with him so that they might develop stronger relationships with others over the course of their game. [15] His classpect is Page of Breath. You have total control of the comic for one day, and inherit all of Andrew Hussie's artistic ability. Eridan Ampora | MS Paint Adventures Wiki | Fandom (note: this question only determines which classes you can get). The other option, which could correspond to Calliope's role as a Muse, is for the player to give up all ambition and accept their own death in exchange for the promise that their sacrifice will benefit all who ever lived by ending "a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction" - in other words, the player who chose the first option. Kanaya states that a Sylph is Sort Of Like A Witch But More Magical, meaning that it is possible that the Witch class could be its active (-) counterpart; it could be that Sylphs benefit others in an abstract or psychological sense of their aspect while Witches manipulate it more practically, in a physical sense, which would be supported by the actions of Jade and Aranea, the two main examples of Sylphs and Witches. Crocker's classpect is the Maid of Life. The Knight could be defined as one who serves [aspect] or one who serves through [aspect] for the betterment of others. At the same time, you see your co-player's house off in the distance being assaulted by high-level enemies. Homestuck Classes - Personality Quiz Calliope has stated that these two classes are significantly more powerful than the others[citationneeded], and that these are the classes she and Caliborn have. [7] His weapon of choice is a hammer (strife specibus Hammerkind). The Page of Breath, Tavros Nitram, was shown exhaling with breath that resembled the Breath symbol when preparing to revive Vriska with a kiss. Similarly, Horuss Zahhak, Page of Void starts out with a deficit of nothing, being a high ranking renaissance troll with many skills. The Muse inspires others' actions despite not being in a position to do anything directly by themselves, while the Lord instructs his minions' actions in the places he cannot reach. Telepathy. Homestuck Browser Tools - HOMESTUCK.NET This could make it the passive (+) counterpart to the Knight class, Knights being speculated as those who fight (for themselves/for others) with [aspect] and Maids being those that protect themselves and others. [5] Homestuck trolls are by default bi- or pansexual; this normalization has been described by a fan as "incredible for all the bi and gay kids out there seeing loads of couples that don't think twice about how they're dating somebody of the same gender of themselves. The horse emits a series of telepathic neighs and whinnies, which you immediately understand to be a proposition: The horse will grant you incredible powers, among them super-strength, super-speed, regeneration, and glowy skin, on the condition that if you accept your teammates' sprites will all instantly die. He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline. Introducing the Extended Zodiac, an updated astrological profile for an expanding world. Known Knights are Dave Strider, the Knight of Time; Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood; and Latula Pyrope, the Knight of Mind. The Sufferer (reincarnation of Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood) was able to recall his past incarnation. However, Mituna also saw a great doom ahead of time and promptly stopped it despite being the Heir of Doom rather than a Mage of Doom, leading to a possibility that those with the Doom aspect generally have some ability to foresee doom and calamity no matter which class they are assigned to. I write a lot about Homestuck's SBURB, God Tier and Land Quest (aka "Classpect") system, and I have tags for different things such as: Aspect, Class, Derse or Prospit, Class Active/Passive Spectrum, Inversion/Overembracing, Denizens, Land Quests and finally just SBURB, under which falls all of the above plus the other less important parts of SBURB like . Which is your class? It is speculated that heirs are ones who invite change through [aspect]; they are apparently drawn to their aspect, subconsciously seeking it. I wonder what it means! Who do you save? No example of this has been seen with Latula, however. She also took what was arguably the most significant part of the battle against the Black King of her session, by landing the killing blow. Alternatively, a Mage may display the absence of their aspect. ARADIA: he is a powerful warrior class which exploits the flow of time as a weapon. This "nebulous" actor changes the Homestuck world. Another definition is that a Mage is one who creates [aspect]. [HS 5] He is a fan of action movies and speaks in an antiquated fashion. The Extended Zodiac - Hiveswap Equius is presented as an indigo-blooded robotics expert with an unnatural amount of strength. His associated zodiac sign is Aquarius (), and his horns are wavy which represent his associated symbol. Classpect Mage Mage symbolizes a full of energetic, dominating, and thoughtful class. Terezi was the first of three Homestuck characters to be introduced in Namco Bandai's dating simulator Namco High, of which Andrew Hussie was the creative director. The character is described as "ruthless, manipulative [and] powerful", and was considered among the "most hardcore" eyepatch-wearing fictional characters by The Mary Sue. His astrological sign is Capricorn. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! If you've ever wondered what your Sburb title would be, you've come to the right place! [HS 8] After her robot body explodes, she is one of the only trolls to go god-tier. Q3: If you could have any of the below powers (in real life), which would you go for? It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. Known Maids are Jane Crocker, the Maid of Life; Aradia Megido, the Maid of Time; and Porrim Maryam, the Maid of Space. The garb of Knight is simple, wearing a T-shirt and pajamas while over it a blackish-grey hoodie cape, and flaunty red long-boots. [HS 24] His classpect is Bard of Rage. Sollux is a gold-blood, a caste known for great psychic power. Meulin's reputed skills as a masterful matchmaker, even bringing together unlikely pairings, also supports this view. Three male-exclusive classes were stated (Bard, Prince and Lord), as was one female-exclusive class (Muse). [5], Trolls chat with unique typing quirks, inserting clues concerning the speaker's identity in their chat patterns. )[HS 15][HS 16] His introduction mirrors Dave's, his astrological sign is Gemini,[HS 17] and his classpect is Mage of Doom. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Page outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. Space - One of the two Cardinal Aspects, that must be present in every session for a chance of success, Space is the Aspect of Matter, Creation and the Genesis Frog. Andrew Hussie also inserted himself into Homestuck's story as a character, where he offers detailed summaries and ends up in "bizarre in-world encounters. This concept is illustrated through Equius's fulfilment of his aspect in his act of dyingthe alpha timeline could not have continued if Equius had lived. Karkat becomes KK, Terezi becomes TZ, etc. Known Witches are Jade Harley, the Witch of Space; Feferi Peixes, the Witch of Life; and Damara Megido, the Witch of Time. According to Lauren Rae Orsini writing for The Daily Dot, there existed 128 named characters in Homestuck in September 2012, with more still being introduced. Paint", Hussie included a minor Carapacian character to Homestuck with that name.[19]. As the Condesce, in A2, she was able to lengthen the lifespans of others, possibly indefinitely, on a whim. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. Homestuck Class Quiz - Personality Quiz - It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. Changelog here. [3] The four main characters are presented as Internet friends who have technically never met one another, but interact through an online chat application.[4][5]. A forum page to discuss theories regarding class can be found, Andrew Hussie has jokingly stated that that, The Mage class is the only one that hasn't been seen in. It seems that you get better results if you come up with an answer to the question before looking at the choices. 3) Dirk destroys Jane's romantic chances with Jake, forcing her to come to terms with her timid and go-with-the-flow personality so that she can become a stronger and more decisive person in the future. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. Q14: You're now much higher-leveled, with only a bit of preparation and training left to do in your co-player's land before you can face your Denizen. [1] Roxy also regularly ganked pumpkins from Jake's island (gourds noted as being mostly detached from reality) to help feed the Carapacians in her neighborhood, in-keeping with the "Robin Hood" comparison sometimes attributed to the Rogue class. Sylph is a magic-based class that is thought to specialize in healing. Feferi is a sea-dweller like Eridan, as well as his former moirail. Nepeta is an olive-blood, considered the "middle class" of the hemospectrum. Four Examples of Space players are availible, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam and Calliope. His classpect is Knight of Time. These similarities go beyond just the terms though, the traits of each type also fit the general personalities of canon characters who are of the associated class. Of the remaining 10 classes, 5 are known to be non-gender-specific (Knight, Rogue, Thief, Seer, and Mage) - though some appear more commonly amongst a certain gender, (The Thief and Rogue pairing is typically - though not exclUsively - assigned to female players) - the remaining 5 having been only assigned to a single gender in canon, but not confirmed as being gender-exclusive (Heir, Page, Sylph, Maid, and Witch). Her class, Muse, is the most passive (+) of all classes, while Caliborn's class, Lord, is the most active (-)[citationneeded]. Act 6 Intermission 3 implies that both non-God Tier and God Tier Seers can use tarot decks to enhance their sight powers. Q10: You've reached your first gate, and find yourself in a village full of [insert favorite color here]-colored [insert favorite amphibireptile here]s. You realize that these are your planet's consorts! Dirk (albeit the splintered version of Dirk that exists only within Jake's subconscious) reveals that Pages have a lot of untapped potential and once they find this potential within them they are adept at using it. Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. It may also be a reference to the Hindi word meaning waste, a reference to his blood color. We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to chat with fellow fans. Homestuck features a complex story and a large cast of characters, starring the four children John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. Known Rogues are Roxy Lalonde, the Rogue of Void; Nepeta Leijon, the Rogue of Heart; and Rufioh Nitram, the Rogue of Breath. The exact definition of the Mage class is unknown, as is its passive/active alignment. Gave that ship a Viking funeral - Tumblr a hero of light might have luck/fortune-based leprechauns, or a hero of breath might have wind-based leprechauns) and Calliope inserting herself, or at least, her trollsona, into real events. Seated at a desk in front of you is a white horse with no facial features and a green bow tie. Analysis Of Homestuck's Mythological Roles - Aspects If inheritance is thought in terms of programming (which is a commonly visited subject in Homestuck), it can be speculated that heirs are those whose behaviour and existence is controlled by and expected to represent [aspect], sometimes, independently of their own will. The pairing is further alluded to by the fact that, in the post-scratch Troll session, only the Seer and Mage are blind, and Sollux says that iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. Sollux also is able to sense impending doom through the voices of the dead. Your favorite Homestuck kid/troll bursts through an inter-session portal, badly wounded, making a last stand against furious horrorterrors pouring through after them. Homestuck Classpects Explained - Tumblr This can also be seen by how Meulin, the Mage of Heart, is very good at finding romantic pairings that will last. more directly cognizant of their exiles' commands. All seen Maids have been female. Yet another speculation is that Mage is synonymous to being "given protection from [aspect]'s ill effects". This interpretation would also make sense with respect to Jane Crocker being the 'heiress' to Crocker Corp but not actual royalty, and Porrim Maryam being in the class that tends to the Mother Grub (similar to a queen of insect hives) and took part in this occupation (unlike Kanaya). Mituna, the Heir of Doom, was said to have lost his psychic powers (and part of his sanity) while protecting his friends from an imminent disaster. What are you going to do now, once you've grabbed a weapon and beat up a few imps for experience? Maids are the only class seen with two colors (not including multiple shades of the same color) on the shoes that are unique to the rest of the outfit. They eventually defined themself as non-binary. Princes, it seems, are devoid of their aspect. Maids may also be the active (-) counterpart to the Sylph class, being healers or repairers, as Sylph appears to be a healer class. Vriska, the Thief of Light, is notable for stealing "luck" from her allies or enemies, and in doing so makes an outcome fall into her favor. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii homestuck class personalities. Homestuck aims to normalize and humanize internet cultures that are usually disfavored and rejected. Other characters featured in Homestuck include the nearly-all-powerful antagonist Lord English,[18] and a pair of "diametrically opposed twins living inside the same body" named Calliope and Caliborn. [HS 22] He is Nepeta's moirail, a companion who is seen as a platonic soulmate and helps pacify their more aggressive tendencies. At least 2 of the remaining classes would therefore have to be female-exclusive, in order to balance the number of known male-exclusive classes (presumably Witch and Maid, given the feminine connotations). Eridan's actions become important for building new relationships and creating a new hope for the future of trolls as they join the humans in the B2 session. Known Pages are Jake English, the Page of Hope; Tavros Nitram, the Page of Breath; and Horuss Zahhak, the Page of Void. You know they're inside, and their dreamself is dead. However, maid could be a possible counterpart to page, due to a page boy being a form of male servant. loquaciousGamer Classpecting This could make Witches the active (-) counterpart to Mages, if they are also related to the rules in some fashion as is sometimes speculated, whether it be the Mage enforcing/enacting the rules due to being manipulated by said rules or the Mage having the power to manipulate the rules. Sollux created the mobius double reacharound virus that resulted in the death of the trolls lusii, although it actually prevented a far more sinister timeline in which Gamzee kills everyone. This religion is similar to that of the juggalo: he has an obsession with Faygo and believes firmly in miracles and the coming of the Dark Carnival. Presumably, these classes are paired. List of every character with a known aspect and role : homestuck - Reddit Sollux also programs Sgrub, which causes the doom of Alternia. Ginger Nettle Slippery Elm, bitches. Witches might choose "which" portion of their aspect they want, such as Jade choosing which Space to occupy, including traveling to another session, and Feferi choosing which Life to lead.