a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone

1. Which entity is responsible for processing insurance advertising in New Jersey? In advertisements of life insurance and annuities, all of the following are true EXCEPT, Advertisements must include training materials provided to the producer. A Medicare supplement policy can be cancelled by the insurer for: Maria the insurance producer completes a sale by collecting the required signatures on the application and obtaining the initial premium. Whoassumes the investment risk with a fixed annuity contract? Maria is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) subscriber and received care from an out-of-network provider. Which of the following enables a life policy to be replaced with another life policy and results in the postponement of the tax consequence? a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. Jim recently sold his whole life insurance policy under a critical settlement contract. If he files an application for renewal before the expiration date, his license will, A Medicare Supplement policy can be cancelled by the insurer for, Recording the receipt and distribution of premiums due to an insurer is considered a producer's _________ responsibility. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Medicaid? There is protection of proceeds against the insured's and the beneficiary's creditors, Susan is insured through her Group Health Insurance plan and changed her coverage to an individual plan with the same insurer after her employment was terminated. In the event of employment termination, group health insurance can be kept if the employee pays the premiums. An attending physician's statement would be appropriate for which life insurance purpose? Who would most likely be coveredunder Workers Compensation? D. Licensedproducers not appointed by an insurer. Which license is REQUIRED in order to solicit Long Term Care insurance in the State of Maryland? Whichphase is this annuity in? Which of the following actions is REQUIRED by a producer who is replacing an existing life insurance policy? Replacement regulation is designed to protect the interests of, A health insurance policy that allows an insurer to change the policyowner's premiums, but NOT cancel the policy is called. A producer's secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Must be licensed as a producer Which of the following is a requirement for ANY change in an insurance application? All Medicare Supplement policies MUST contain which provision? Kathy pays a monthly premium on her health insurance policy. the exceptions, reductions, and limitations affecting the basic provisions of the policy, Any advertisement that mentions a dollar amount, period of time for which any benefit is payable, cost of policy, policy benefit, or the loss for which the benefit s is payable MUST disclose, All of the following is considered a form of advertising EXCEPT. Maximizes productivity through use of appropriate tools; planned training and Columbia Care LLC . Maria the agent would like to advertise an annuity product on a highway billboard. Which of the following may be used as continuation education credit? Medical history from the insured may be reviewed and reported, If an insurer receives a notice of claim under an individual health policy, and fails to provide proof of loss forms within 15 days, the insured must, File a written proof of loss, detailing the occurrence, character and extent of loss. To be eligible for small employer group coverage, anemployee must work a MINIMUM of __ hoursI a typical week. If an insurer refuses to pay a claim, how many days must the insured wait to take legal action against a health insurer after submitting written proof of loss? On which date would Sonya have coverage? Which of the following is true concerning the proceeds of a life insurance policy? What does a life insurance policy guarantee to the stated beneficiary upon the death of the insured? The Office of General Counsel issued the following opinion on April 25, 2005, representing the position of the New York State Insurance Department. This is an unlawful practice known as, must be delivered with or prior to policy delivery. Financial report from the previous year. A. C. Protects consumers with guidelines regarding creditreporting and distribution. B. Guaranteedlifetime withdrawal benefit, D. Guaranteedminimum accumulation benefit. How often must an insurance producer's license in Maryland be renewed? The death benefit paid will be what the premium would have purchased at the correct age. d. Alump sum payment upon first diagnosis of cancer, heart attack, or stroke. b. Incomeif an insured is unable to work for a period of over six months, c. Coveragefor excess charges not paid for under Medicare. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone She paid the premium on May 15 with the policy indicating the effective date being May 30. Tim's individual life insurance policy has just recently lapsed. Who is eligible for insurance under a group policy issued to a labor union? An example of a primary care physician would be an, A fee for service health insurance plan will normally cover. This change is called a(n). 14 day waiting period / 10 year benefit period. B. Protects insurers from an applicantsMisrepresentation, C. Protect consumers with guidelines regardingcredit reporting and distribution. In the advertising of Individual Life Insurance policies, an "introductory" or "special enrollment" may not be made available until any previous enrollment period for the same policy has been closed for at least how long? . Under a disability income policy, which provision would be payable if the cause of an injury is unexpected and accidental? The IRS allows a taxpayer to deduct medicalexpenses of that exceed 7.5% of their adjusted grossincome. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone D. Assist an insurer in determine an applicantscreditworthiness. What will the beneficiary receive if an annuitant dies during the accumulation period? The funeral of Wayne Emmerson Wilson leaves Downes and Wilson Funeral Home, Eagle Hall, St.Fax: 540-662-2627. Which market index is associated with an indexed annuity's rate of return? Afterwards, she deposits the check into her personal account. Term, Whole, and universal life insurance, C. Joint, credit, and group life insurance. XZY company has applied for group health insurance for its employees. Failingto promptly provide a reasonable explanation for the denial of a claim isconsidered to be a (n). Mark continues working after the age of 65 and is covered through his employer's group health plan. 2.1.1 6 Whole life Insurance in Malaysia As beneficiary, he will pay__taxeson any money withdrawn. The Commissioner must examine the financial affairs of each admitted insurer operating in Maryland at least once every how many years? We understand that this must have been both very frustrating and disappointing. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone To be classified as a small employer, an employer mustNOT have more than__ eligible employees. Both partners are still married at the time of Bob's death. 1. Which of these is NOT considered to be a risk factor in life insurance underwriting? Which of the following is NOT a duty of the Commissioner? Which of these will typically authorize treatment from a specialist? C. Funded by federal, state, and local taxes. The entity which issues the certificate of authority is the, A policyowner has _____ days after policy delivery to return a major medical policy for a full refund, make any transactions before being approved for a licence, counsels and advises the Governor on all matters assigned to the Maryland Insurance Administration, A Maryland insurance producer solicits an insurance policy. Within how many days must a producer notify the Department of Banking and Insurance of a change in address? A professional liability for which producers can be sued for mistakes of putting a policy into effect is called. How much does Medicare Part B pay forphysician fees? Which type of coverage pays an amount per day for hospitalization directly to the insured regardless of the insured's other health insurance? At the request of the insurer to assist in the underwriting decision. Determine financial strength of an insurance company, As classified by the Adorable Care Act (ACA), a silver plan offers. The applicant's medical history may be analyzed and reported, Which of the following MUST contain a "Statement of Policy Cost and Benefit Information". To be classified as a small employer in Maryland, and employer must employ, Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (p^1p^2). If the consumer price index has gone up 4%, how much may Ron increase the face value of the policy? Krissa purchases a 10-year level term life insurance policy that has a death benefit of $200,000. An agent is required to keep replacement forms on file for at LEAST _____ years, When a Medicare supplement policy is purchased during the open enrollment period, The policy must be issued regardless of health status, Have it's content approved by the Insurance Commissioner. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. A life insurance policy which contains cash values that vary according to its investment performance of stocks is called. 1. The policy automatically converts to whole lifeafter the 10-year period, B. It is administrated by the federal government, C. It is funded by federal, state, and local taxes. The face amount and the premium will remain constant over the 10-year period. 59 and owned account for a minimum of 10 years, B. She is receiving the deathbenefit in payments of $10,000 per month until the principal and interest hasbeen paid out. audio not yet available for this language. In what part of insurance policy benefits found? Must be bonded through the state. A producer who sells an individual life insurance policy in Maryland MUST deliver to the policyowner a, Refusing to pay persons bringing false or fraudulent claims, All of these may be an Unfair Claims Practice EXCEPT, is eligible for a Federal tax credit through the SHOP Exchange, An existing health benefit plan offered by a small employer may be replaced by a SHOP Exchange Navigator only if the small employer, An insurance producer who replaces an existing policy by making false written or oral statements is committing the act of, A producer has recently died and leaves behind a spouse. Making the policy effective on an earlier date than the present. An insurance producer who convinces a prospective insured to purchase a policy by exaggerating the benefits of the policy may be found guilty of, An ____ _____ sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance contracts for compensation, All of these activities require an individual to hold a producer's license EXCEPT, Jim recently sold his whole life insurance policy under a viatical settlement contract. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Welcome To Be Falcon Solutions Website Hotline & WhatsApp : +971556212280 | Landline : +97143873596 , +97167499398 james reynolds obituary popeyes vs chicken express do venmo requests expire yorba linda football maxpreps primary care physicians in cleveland ohio They are both involved in an automobile accident where Pat dies instantly and Karen dies 5 days later Key Person Disability Insurance pays benefits to the. Which of these premium payment frequencies is not typically available to a policy owner? Lower than the typical whole life policy duringthe first few years and then higher than typical for the remainder. Who is required to notify the producer in the event of appointment termination? In this situation, who will receive Bob's policy proceeds? In what form do disability income policies typically pay benefits? Term, Whole, and universal lifeinsurance. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone How long is the Contestable Period for health insurance policies sold in New Jersey? She recently replaced the policy with a new one that provides better coverage. Which of the following describes a person who is NOT acceptable by an insurer at standard rates because of health history, occupation, or hobbies? a. Oneor more diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance orpersonal care services in a setting other than an acute care unit of ahospital. This illustration MUST disclose that. Krissa purchases a 10-year level term lifeinsurance policy that has a death benefit of $200,000. A producer who sells an individuallife insurance policy in Maryland MUST deliver to the policy owner a(n), b. Tarathe producer is delivering a specified disease insurance policy to a new policyowner. On Social Security disability for over two years, D.Falling below the federal poverty level, D. Falling below the federal poverty level, Field underwriting performed by the producer involves, Completing the application and collecting initial premium, A provision that allows a policy owner to withdraw a policy's cash value interest free is a(n). \text{Net property, plant, and equipment} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}100,000} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}105,000} \\ Whattype of beneficiary should be named if the insured wants to give explicitdirections on how the policy proceeds should be paid? An insurer must furnish to a claimant forms for filing proof of loss within ___ days upon receiving a notice of claim. Jay the producer is giving insurance advice regarding a prospect's existing coverage. When a qualified plan starts making payments to its recipient, which portion of the distributions is taxable? What is the primary purpose of a rating service company such as A.M. Best? Which of the following is not a reason for the Commissioner to deny or refuse a producer license application? Advertising material for a life insurance policy does NOT need to contain which of the following? Which of these gaps in Medicare coverage is addressed with Medicare Supplemental Insurance? Whathappens when an insurance policy is backdated? An applicant's character and personal habits can be obtained for underwriting purposes from which source? A producer's secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone: a) is an example of the illegal act called twisting . Pay for Medicare charges exceeding the approvedamount. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding an individual applying for life or health insurance? Which of the followingunfair trade practices involves an agent who makes malicious statements aboutanother person's financial condition? This type of agreement is called a, The act of using misrepresentation to induce an insured person to terminate an existing policy and purchase a new policy is referred to as, An advertisement for an insurance product may contain, Signing a prospect's name without their knowledge or presence. Long-term care insurance and Medicare Supplement plans have a free-lock period of ______ days, A ______ insurance company is one that was formed under the laws of a state other than Maryland, they are both licensed in the same line of business, Two producers may share a commission ONLY if, Mary's Medicare Supplement policy had been in effect for 12 months. Which of these is NOT subject to income taxation under a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)?