why animals should not be kept in zoos articles

There are a number of reasons why animals should not be kept in captivity. They are removed from their natural habitats and confined to small limited spaces and often forced to perform tricks or entertain visitors. It is expensive and difficult to keep wild animals in captivity. If one could simply stop urging and encouraging zoos then maybe someday animals get to live in the free wild as they please. This may be true to some extent; however, many zoos are running breeding programs for their own benefit and have no interest in releasing their animals back into the wild. For example, the typical enclosure designed for a polar bear is about a million times smaller than its natural roaming grounds. They bought tickets, and the wild creatures should behave accordingly. Welfare of Wild Animals in Captivity | RSPCA State And Local Laws: Strong state laws and even local laws have historically been a useful way to protect exotic and wild animals. However, looking back as an adult with a world-savvy eye, there is far more to animal captivity than meets the eye. They go to get out of the house, to get their children some fresh air, to see interesting animals. A peer-reviewed 2017 study in the . Zoos are expensive to run, often have a very tight budget, and cannot afford to maintain and support animals that do not pull their weight in terms of attraction. Zoos also say that they save the endangered animals, but all they really care about is how much crowd the animal draws. See Related: Animals That Have Become Extinct in the Last 100 Years. Little Joe, a gorilla, escaped from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston twice in 2003. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. These wild animals are sold at auctions, pet stores or over the internet. Yes And Someone is Paying Attention, Swimming with The Seahorse: Discover Their Mystical Charisma. There is more to natural environments than just looks. Why the world needs zoos | Dr Dave Hone | The Guardian Check out more news and information on Wild Animalsin Science Times. Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Claws N Paws, Looking for case and legal resources? The lawsuit asserts the agency must be able to remove animals if the USDA has deemed the facility unable to provide minimum standards of care set out by the Animal Welfare Act. Reasons why people think keeping animals in zoos is bad for their welfare: the animal is deprived of its natural habitat; the animal may not have enough room; the animal is deprived of its natural . When a female gorilla named Johari kept fighting off the male she was placed with, the zoo dosed her with Prozac until she allowed him to mate with her. They could either bite, peck, scratch, kick, or flap their wings. Things like ensuring animals arent caged and treated less than they deserve. A 2000 survey of U.S. and Canadian zoos found that nearly half of respondents were giving their gorillas Haldol, Valium or another psychopharmaceutical drug. However, it does not change the fundamental fact that as the world changes, we must also become more aware of the darker side of such animal sanctuaries. Don't be suckered into supporting companies that offer experiences like hugging a tiger, swimming with dolphins, riding elephants, or kissing sharks. Zoo keepers are often trained and specialize in a particular breed or species. In 1982, only 22 condors existed in the wild. Keeping animals in captivity can prevent their extinction. See Related: Animals With the Best Sense of Smell. Why? As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. And it is true that the territory size of an animal like a wolf depends greatly on the density of resources and other wolves. Nature reserves, bird watching, going on a safari. Zookeepers are not mustache-twirling villains. That claim is up for debate. Here are my eight reasons why zoos are critical to conservation: 1. Four of the zoos and the aquarium in New York City, for instance, are managed by the Wildlife Conservation Society, which is involved in conservation efforts around the world. The animals too have rights and they shouldnt be subjected to half the things they undergo. Zoos can be productive when it comes to reviving an animal species on the brink of extinction. PETA isn't alone. As a result, many animals at zoos may die prematurely from stress or illness. Captive Animals - Animal Legal Defense Fund Why Animals Should not be Kept in Zoos? Essay The role of our leaders: Writing at the end of 2020, Al Gore, the 45th vice president of the United States, found reasons for optimismin the Biden presidency, a feeling perhaps borne out by the passing of major climate legislation. Regardless of the merits or ethics of zoos, one thing's for certain: they're going to be around for some years yet. When theres a surplus, you can just have a plant sale. Now, Alex writes full-time, and when hes not working on an article, hes knee-deep in writing fiction. Once again, a change of this magnitude can cause captive animals to exhibit changing behaviors, which include self-destructive acts and unrelenting restlessness. Wildlife experts said that the incident was just another proof that wild animals should not be kept captive because it would not happen had the dolphin was only in the wild. This was the first time that the ESA has successfully been used to protect captive wild animals. There are 39 animal species currently listed by the IUCN as Extinct in the Wild. Why Animals Should Not Be Kept in Captivity: The Problem With Wildlife In most cases, animals in zoos lead very unhappy lives. Because so many diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans, such as Ebola, Hantavirus, and the bird flu, zoos frequently conduct disease surveillance research in wildlife populations and their own captive populations that can lead to a direct impact on human health. In the case of America, our maps, developed with experts, show where extreme heat is causing the most deaths. Ive heard and read some of their stories. The educational day out model of zoos endured until the late 20th century, when zoos began actively rebranding themselves as serious contributors to conservation. The Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES): CITES is an international treaty that regulates the trade of wildlife for nations that are signatories to the treaty. Well, scat reveals all sorts of things about individual animals; information the keepers share with the scientific community. Do not reproduce without permission. Chimps pull out their own hair. Living collections were often presented in taxonomic order, with various species of the same family grouped together, for comparative study. That's not a record that justifies tens of millions of wild animals kept in zoos. In a 2011 study, researchers quizzed visitors at the Cleveland, Bronx, Prospect Park and Central Park zoos about their level of environmental concern and what they thought about the animals. Thousands of animals are captured and put in zoos and aquariums for tourist attractions every year. In 1898, the reason was cited by the New York Zoological Society when it resolved to inform the public of the continued decline in animal populations, to stimulate sentiment in favor of animal protection, and to cooperate with scientific organizations to ensure the preservation of species. Children leave most zoos with a misconception about how animals behave in the wild and what it takes to truly care for endangered animals. An animal lover, Alexs family, have all been involved in various animal welfare charities. In 2020, facilities accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums contributed more than $230 million to conservation efforts. Groundhog More than Just a Weather Prognosticator! They learned from their parents to be mistrustful because they have no way of knowing whether people could be good or do them harm. Their sleeping quarters can get overcrowded and this can lead to the animals harming each other. (This law does not affect zoos or circuses.). Animals kept in an unsuitable environment or fed the wrong diet can suffer, and this can lead to illness or death. Marine mammals in captivity | The Humane Society of the United States Should Zoos Keep Endangered Species? - Treehugger The Endangered Species Act: The Endangered Species Act, the ESA, is a federal law that protects fish, mammals, birds and plants listed as threatened or endangered in the U.S. and beyond. Its protections are minimal as well. Some, however, argue that children benefit from zoos. The first modern one was opened in Paris, France in 1793. Increasingly, animals were presented with the distasteful fact of their imprisonment visually elided. Even the best zoological park cannot fully capture the wild, and many smaller zoos fail to take effective measures to ensure the health and well-being of their animals. Captive tigers pace back and forth, and in a 2014 study, researchers found that the time devoted to pacing by a species in captivity is best predicted by the daily distances traveled in nature by the wild specimens. It is almost as if they feel driven to patrol their territory, to hunt, to move, to walk a certain number of steps, as if they have a Fitbit in their brains. "Animals in zoos suffer tremendously, both physically and mentally. People are always attracted to exotic animals such as grizzlies, lions, wolves, tigers, and alligators among others. Especially not for the broad spectrum of species they have in their park. After all, more than 700 million people visit zoos and aquariums worldwide every year, and biodiversity is still in decline. Grizzly Bear vs Black Bear: Whats the Difference. Zoos are held to their word of conserving animals and releasing them back into the wild when they are ready. In addition, when animals are removed from their natural habitats, they are also removed from their family structure and social hierarchy. What if they sent all the animals that need really large areas or lots of freedom and socialization to refuges? Since most countries dont have any regulations on how to handle animals in zoos, these business people can do whatever it takes to make the most profits possible. Slow animals with minimal to zero predators such as elephants have brief life spans in captivity. Another problem of zoos is that animals often only have rather limited space to move. The lack of enough vegetation will then lead to global warming due to less carbon in the atmosphere. But that incident has triggered conversations on the negative impacts of marine parks and aquariums on wild animals. This gives the poor pets a home and creates a revenue stream for the zoos. Humans have kept wild animals for thousands of years. Its zookeepers who arent fond of animals that go around hurting animals even when they havent been provoked. 2021 ScienceTimes.com All rights reserved. See Related: Endangered Species in Oklahoma. The better alternatives to zoos are the options that dont result in animals being held in conditions that are unsuitable and forced to live in natural environments. But whether recent events have triggered a profound shift in public consciousness is harder to . 525 East Cotati Avenue,Cotati, CA 94931 This alone increases the risk of disease, as animals are exposed to viruses they have never encountered before. For comparison, in 2018, they spent $4.9 billion on operations and construction. Alas, theres plenty of heartbreaking evidence that many are not. The environment that these animals are kept in isnt natural to them more so the animals that are taken from the wilderness and kept in zoos. Zoos are built as a source of income for some. For example, the law does not restrict the display or private ownership of captive wild animals or prohibit the use of controversial bullhooks, whips, electrical shock or other devices commonly used in circuses. Life expectancy is controlled by both the mental and physical health of most animals. Earlier this month, footage of a dolphin attacking its trainer in Miami Seaquarium went viral. Existing animal protection laws do not actually consider the true ramifications of captivity. Zoos, aquariums, water parks, and other facilities can help to maintain the viability of endangered species when humanity does not do a good enough job of protecting the animals in the wild. Power-mad men from Henry III to Saddam Husseins son Uday to the drug kingpin Pablo Escobar to Charlemagne all tried to underscore their strength by keeping terrifying beasts captive. For example, Orcas are migratory animals with a vast range. However, few people stop and actively consider why zoos are bad. I do not doubt that some people had their passion for a particular species, or wildlife in general, sparked by zoo experiences. A species protected in captivity provides a reservoir population against a population crash or extinction in the wild. That doesnt mean there havent been criticisms. For example, if the number of lions is drastically reduced in an area, their prey will thrive. One way that is rarely documented is the sale of other animals into the exotic pet trade. Terrifying, Pre-Historic-Looking Fish Captured in the Ocean's Twilight Zone; What Is It? A.Z.A. Many zoos will then resort to drugging animals in order to keep them docile and normal for the pleasure of the viewing public. Alex started writing from the moment he could hold a pen. But few federal laws protect these animals, who may be forced to perform or kept confined in small cages with little to keep their minds occupied and bodies well. I have written before about the importance of zoos and the role they have to play in the world for conservation . Emma Marris is an environmental writer and the author of the forthcoming book Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World.. Below are a dozen reasons why zoos can be bad for animals: 1. 7 reasons why animals in captivity deserve freedom. The Dark Truth behind Bear Bile Uses: Hidden Costs of Traditional Medicine, The Untold Story of Factory-farmed Cows the Consequences for Animal and Human Health, Are Giraffes Endangered? Zoos | Freedom for Animals Even though they might be getting enough food, if your animals are not okay mentally they might still not live to their full potential. Properly curated and interpreted, a well-run garden can be a site for a rewarding outing with friends or family, a source of education for the 27 percent of people who read signs and a point of civic pride. Your email address will not be published. Not investing enough when designing a habitat for your animals to save money. Sanctuaries promise to take in and care for any animals that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned and to keep them for life. Though the zoos business has grown from what it was over a century ago, there are still some things that can be improved. Top 50 Most Good-looking Nationalities: AI Shows Beautiful People From Different Countries; How Does Science Measure Beauty, Attractiveness? Animals also lose their genetic diversity especially due to inbreeding. Caring for animals on a full-time basis requires someone who is both informed and cares about them. Writing at the end of 2020, Al Gore, the 45th vice president of the United States. William Randolph Hearst created his own private zoo with lions, tigers, leopards and more at Hearst Castle. Sanctuaries occupy a "gray area," says Tanya Espinosa, a . Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos? | The Minimalist Vegan Is Keeping Wild Animals In Zoos Unethical?: Arguments For - WorldAtlas What if zoos stopped breeding all their animals, with the possible exception of any endangered species with a real chance of being released back into the wild? And this is not a definite number of victims; there is probably a good number that hasnt been documented. 2. All things considered, animals should not be kept in zoos or aquariums. This can make the animals neurotic, causing them to start biting bars, pacing repetitively, and swaying. However, only a certain number of each species are really needed, and so should breeding result in a sharp increase, these numbers are reduced via various methods. This becomes a major blow to the biodiversity of the affected region. The common negative effects of zoos on animals are listed below. Can captive animals ever truly return to the wild? | BBC Earth WHY ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN CAPTIVITY - Adobe Slate Personally speaking, Ive been to zoos in Sydney, Australia, and all over the UK. Giant Insect From Jurassic Era Found in Walmart Opens Deeper Ecological Questions, 3,500-Year-old Perfectly Preserved, Mummified Bear Might Lead to 'Breakthrough in Ancient Animal Study', Presumed Extinct Funji-eating Fairy Lantern Plant Found Emerging Again in Japan, How Did Missing Argentinian Man's Remains Get Into a Shark's Stomach? Roadside zoos dot the American landscape. For many wild animals, this is a vital part of their life, and they can struggle to redefine their footing. Another time, one of the orangutans, Kumang, learned how to use sticks to ground the current in the electrical wire around her enclosure. The owners of such zoos are focused on maximizing profits even at the animals expense. In normalizing captivity zoos, and teaching animals to perform tricks for human entertainment, zoos and animal sanctuaries are spreading the message that animal captivity to normal, healthy, and fully acceptable. Zoos also have the power to euthanize their animals when they themselves deem it permissible. So when they face a threat, wild animals believe that they should survive by fleeing, fighting, flirting, or freezing. Here's What Experts Think. Animals are forced to sleep, eat, and defecate in the same small area. Copyright 2015-2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. "We engage huge audiences with wildlife, inspiring the conservationists of tomorrow," argues zoological director of ZSL London and Whipsnade Zoos, Professor David Field. They learned from their parents to be mistrustful because they have no way of knowing whether people could be good or do them harm. These are wild animals, who are dangerous by nature and cannot be domesticated. This can lead to an appreciation of animals, which in return will see them being treated much better. Especially animals like lions that are used to roaming vast distances in the wild in search of food. Animals held captive in zoos are in very small environments such as cages, and they have no freedom. All Rights are Resvered. Some of these animals are surplus from roadside zoos. When the caretakers are not well informed about the animals they are to be taking care of, it can be problematic. The idea of conserving animals that are at risk of going extinct is a great one; the problem is that not most zoos live up to it. Many zoos give children the wrong lessons about wild animals and how to protect animals. There are zoological park associations that were formed to keep zoo owners on their toes. Lawsuit to Force USDA to Recognize Its Authority to Take Possession of Animals Upon License Revocation, Demanding USDA Strengthen and Enforce AWA Licensees Recordkeeping Requirement for All Animal Deaths, Demanding USDA Revoke Animal Welfare Act License from Pennsylvania Roadside Zoo Claws N Paws, Big Cat Public Safety Act Passes the U.S. Senate in Victory for Animals, USDA to Strengthen Tracking of Animal Deaths at Licensed Facilities Following Legal Petition, Lawsuit Seeks to Force USDA to Recognize Its Authority to Take Possession of Animals When Agency Revokes Licenses. Zoos often do more harm than good, creating unnatural environments that look realistic enough to make any potential return to the wild all but impossible. Outside of providing sufficient space to allow natural behaviors to develop, issues such as climate, diet, and the formation of a social hierarchy where appropriate make running a zoo a difficult task. All rights reserved. Whats Causing Their Decline? Black-footed ferrets and red wolves in the United States and golden lion tamarins in Brazil all endangered, as well have been bred at zoos for reintroduction into the wild. Elephants, lions, tigers, rhinos, and such. Polar bears have one million times less space. The allure of baby animals and the crowds they pull can lead a zoological garden director to increase them to keep attracting customers. Zoos across the US can take credit for reviving the wild Arabian oryx, golden lion tamarin and Californian condor populations, among many others. The bill helps end the rampant abuse of tigers and other big cats in captivity by banning private possession. Zoos provide opportunities for nice family trips. Visit animal sanctuaries instead of zoos, marine parks or circuses. There have also been reported cases of zoos not properly disposing of dead bodies when animals die on their premises. They often display neurotic behaviour, like repetitive pacing, swaying, and bar biting. at the time estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 animals are euthanized in European zoos each year. On the other hand, some animals try to flirt their way to protect their nest. It is these boastful collections of animals, these autocratic menageries, from which the modern zoo, with its didactic plaques and $15 hot dogs, springs. See Related: What Is The Hunters Role in Wildlife Conservation? Due to the low density of the population of some animals in their natural ecosystems they struggle to find partners. Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos However, there are various reasons that explain why zoos are unethical. Why Animals should not be Kept in Zoos? - StudyDriver.com Marine mammals are best protected by cleaning up and protecting their habitats. But the law excludes protection for birds, rats and mice, farmed animals and "cold-blooded" animals such as reptiles, amphibians and fish. Declawing is extremely painful and causes permanent disability. Though the idea of breeding endangered animals to help increase their numbers back in the wild is great, there are problems that come with it. Persuasive Speech: Why Animals Should Not be kept in Zoos. There is considerable variation from state to state and among cities and counties, as to how much legal protection is offered to captive wild animals. Zoological gardens have been working to help ensure that any endangered species are given another chance to thrive again over time. We say zoos are bad because animals are forced to live in unnatural, stressful, boring environments, leading to a lack of mental and physical stimulation. The truth is there is a vast difference between genuine conservation efforts and endangered species protection and running a zoo. Our EIN number is 94-2681680. Once an animal has served its purpose, many zoos will either sell them or euthanize them. Your email address will not be published. Severe arthritis and foot infections are common in captive elephants due to standing on hard, unnatural surfaces all day without room to roam. Many suffer from arthritis and other joint problems from standing on hard surfaces; elephants kept alone become desperately lonely; and all zoo elephants suffer mentally from being cooped up in tiny yards while their free-ranging cousins walk up to 50 miles a day. Animal Legal Defense Fund petition for rulemaking spurs reporting improvements: Forms will be revised to ensure AWA licensees maintain complete records of all animal deaths. Reasons Why Animals Should not Be Kept in Zoos - GradesFixer The shooting of Harambe the gorilla spawned the most-shared meme of 2016 and caused a hounded Cincinnati Zoo to suspend its social media accounts. According toAnimal Behavior: Resources for Applied Ethology, fleeing or running away is the most popular reaction of animals towards humans. When it comes to lethal force and animal welfare, at least, public opinion swiftly sides against zoos. Mr. Fisher is a photographer based in New York. Read on to find out why animals should not be kept in zoos. Animals are stressed when they get separated from their packs or herds, especially when they end up as the only one of their kind in their new homes. While researching my book on the ethics of human interactions with wild species, Wild Souls, I examined how, exactly, zoos contribute to the conservation of wild animals. PETA says: "People who care about protecting endangered species should donate to organisations that safeguard them in their natural habitats if a species' native environment has been destroyed, there's nowhere left for the animals to go. Zoos and circuses are among those who fall under this act. As long as there is demand should zoos exist essay them, zoos will continue to exist. Healthy animals in zoos are killed because they are not needed. Running a successful zoo is about drawing in visitors as much as it is caring for animals. There is no end to the risk of cross-contamination and disease spread, especially when considering the fact that lots of zoos fail to provide the correct standard of care. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. However, suffering doesnt have to be physical; boredom, confinement, and stress can cause an animal a lot of suffering. This is due to the inhumane conditions that these animals are forced to endure. When she caught up with the boys at the cafe, she mauled them before she was shot to death by the police. In this article, we will take a look at why zoos teach children the wrong lesson about captive animals. Ms. Marris is an environmental writer and the author of the forthcoming book Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World.. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Orcas don't do well in captivity. Here's why. - Animals On top of that, the animals dont have much freedom even in these tiny spaces that they are forced to live in. Animals in captivity can struggle to adapt to their new environment. Throughout history, men have accumulated large and fierce animals to advertise their might and prestige. First and foremost, captivity can be extremely detrimental to an animal's physical and mental well-being. These laws help the animals and also people, since wild animals in captivity present a serious public safety risk. Though some zoos plan on reintroducing the animals into the wild after a while, living in zoos makes it impossible for some animals. But the law excludes protection for birds, rats and mice, farmed animals and cold-blooded animals such as reptiles, amphibians and fish. Required fields are marked *. Animals in zoos are easier to get various kinds of diseases because there are thousands of people around the animal every day. An estimated 20 red wolves are all that remain in the wild. The Brutal Truth About Seal Clubbing: Because Everyone Needs Dead Seal Pups (Not)! From there, it was an easy leap to protecting animal species. Animals are forced to live in artificial habitats that arent anywhere close to their former homes (the wild). 32 Important Pros & Cons Of Zoos - E&C There were five such states until 2017, when South Carolina passed a law banning wild and exotic animals to be kept as pets. The law, adopted by Congress in 1966, protects so-called warm-blooded animals who are bred for commercial sale, used in research, transported commercially or publicly exhibited, like in a zoo or circus. A 2014 study by the Society for Conservation Biology found that of over 2,800 children surveyed following visits to London Zoo, 62% showed no positive learning outcomes. I find one statistic particularly telling about their priorities: A 2018 analysis of the scientific papers produced by association members between 1993 and 2013 showed that just about 7 percent of them annually were classified as being about biodiversity conservation.. 1. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Captures Dramatic Hour-by-Hour Changes of Dart Mission Slamming on an Asteroid, Can Humanity Deflect Potentially Hazardous Asteroids? This is how animals get physical and psychological scars from abuse. Should animals be kept in captivity? - The Current (The culling of mammals specifically in E.A.Z.A. This could cause problems for the animal. Instead, they will hire generalists with a degree of knowledge specificity and run with that.