what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

Pisces woman dating an aquarius man - Find me man It takes time for the both of you to completely open up, but it is worth it. A Pisces mans ideal woman is genuine and straightforward, yet knows how to temper her honesty with kindness and compassion. He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs, dyed his hair, traded in his truck on a nice white car, bought new shoes and clothes and had 2 affairs with married women and one with a 20 yr. divorceeHe married that last woman the same year that I divorced him. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. Some are, some arent (which could be said for just about anyone). Pisces are takers, and require everyone to support them, but they are always too drained to give support to others. when he passed away in 2011. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? I know she fell in love very quickly, while I took my time as pisces does in love. not including friends, family or a lover! Likewise. The Type Of Perfume He's Attracted To On Her (Based On His Astro) He got a permanent crook in his neck from turning his head from side to side to look at every woman's ass. Its even better than the real thing, cause its just so intense, every single nerve just screams for more. 15 Ways To Attract A Pisces Woman And Win Her Heart - Bonobology After three years I finally told her I had a crush on her, and she was warm, friendly, there was no doubt she was interested in me, liked me All i can say is great friends they were and are. My mind is only 40 thank goodness for that, but I just turned 71 in Feb. He married the 3rd one. Ok Im a younger aquarius woman with an older Pisces man. PISCES MAN AND AQUARIUS WOMAN COMPATIBILITY - GaneshaSpeaks Stuff off.. Aquarius women are used to more passion and intensity from the man. Neither of them faces ego clashes. Aquarius woman is always truthful when asked a question. She is not one to rush into anything. I love having my significant other cook for me. In the past I did not have sex with love, but that changed with my pisces man. He was so jealous at first. When she matures, she begins to realize she prefers an actual companion. Honey, just a smart piece of adviseGET OUT while you still are alive and can. 16. Id say 60% in favor of a homebody. He knows how to bring me back when I have had enough yet he goes back to the same old nasty human being he was before. He will find excuses to hug you, hold your hand, and touch you in any way he can. 15. On the other hand, when a Pisces guy is in a good mood, his Aquarius friend will find him relaxing and pleasant company. Im a female Aquarius and whenever my male Piece is not around because of work he delivers flowers to me of he sends me a long text telling me how much he adores me. The Aquarius man brings an air of reason to the Pisces' dreamy nature, preventing her head from getting caught up in the clouds. Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility Guide, click here to learn more about Pisces Man Secrets. And to be able to attract her, you should be talkative, but deep, mysterious, and practical at the same time. I am an intense Aquarius who wants to merge emotionally,physically and spiritually with my man and become one with him. By that stage its done. Tried for awhile to change me but it didnt work. Weve been married since 1983 and were still in love. Id be hypocritical if I said I was against it. But first be good friends n go from there. But the thing Ive learned from relationships especially the one with my Aquarian, is that communication is so important. When I look in their eyes I see emptiness and blankness, like there is no soul inside. Most other people would die for their family, but pisces would gladly sacrifice their family in order to pursue their superficial dreams. -I would add though ,in true Aquarius fashion, that Pisces mens constant need for attention and appreciation/ validation is usually what turns us Aquarius off neediness yuck, go back to mommy mommys are needed, women are wanted! You Broke Up With Your Capricorn Man. Her detachment. Aquarius women want to feel excitement and passion from a man. Its rather a tossup dependent on their individual decisions. And violent when pushed. They are dreamers and they are very moody as well she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in. He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. Before I just did not know how much more amazing sex could get. Aquarius is a good match for this person because Aquarius can't put up with the false. I really feel his presence during sex, and I never had that with anyone before. What attracts a Pisces man is a woman who is as caring and compassionate as he is. I am a Pisces man and my partner is an Aquarius woman. With such a mental bond between the two, they reach new levels in their lovemaking, much more so than the ordinary couple in love. A Pisces man can be described as clingy or codependent because he seeks a partner he can share every experience with, no matter how mundane. The Pisces man will like an Aquarius ladys quirky charm. Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. Any advice for Pisces to be in a successful relationship with an Aquarian? He is a charming person and he use that charm to entrap women to get what he wants. No matter how much the society wronged you, you are not defined by others.You are your own person and I hope you learn to let go of the resentments and anger because others arent responsible for your happiness, you own your life and yourself.Its never too late to start from the clean slate, be kind to yourself and be open to receiving love. She will not wait for you Weve been together for 10 years so far (and hopefully more) and he is the sweetest and kindest person Ive ever known in my entire life. Let her know you love her and you are hers. A Pisces man often has brilliant ideas, but it is hard for him to put them into practice. broken hearted Pisces Man, I brushed it off jokingly but it got me thinking about my relationship with pisces is it leading up to anything? 3 years ago i got into a relationship with a Leo (never again toxic relationship and somewhat mental torture!) Ideally, in order to attract a Pisces man, be the crutch they can blindly trust and rely on. A bit of both, depending on the mood. Pisces men are naturally empathetic. I like to be polite,kind and caring but my kindness is definitely not my weakness. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! Never put on airs or pretend to be something you aren't. Hug him as a greeting, touch his arm when you speak to him, or hold his hand when youre walking together. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with a piscean. Because it is long distance you need to trust eachother. Scorpio is a sister Water sign who'll naturally just get you. He can teach her to open up, but she will never provide him with the emotional depth and sensitivity that he needs in a lover. I know I am searching even now for my MR. Thanks. Therefore I started to check all the other signs compatibility with me. Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I feel very lonely and unseen in this relationship. with her he passed away in 2011 Best thing it to NOT have the distance. I just find them awkward personally. 15. 16. Has she given you reason to be suspicious or is it just your imagination running wild? She should not only be emotionally self-aware but also sensitive to the feelings of those around her. I know that most serial killers are of the Pisces zodiac sign but trust me, Aquarians arent shocked or disturbed by that fact. Im not 71 and I never remarried and am unfortunately alone now b/c of the phycological damage that all of that did to me. There is a mutual level of respect between these two signs and they appreciate their differences, but they simply dont speak the same language, making a romantic relationship nearly impossible to navigate. Since we broke up, he has lost and is losing everything he got when he was with me. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. I have met a Gemini man recently and am way MORE compatible with a Gemini than I ever was with a Pisces Pisces Man Aquarius Woman Compatibility Degree. Im a 3rd Decan Pisces sun/Libra moon ascendant in Aries. The more otherworldly and eccentric the Pisces man is, the more she will find him interesting. I have noticed pisces men need a looooooot of alone time which can actually mean he wants to be alone or he wants to be alone with strangers! Theres miscommunication and my emotional needs often feel unfilled, but its a small price to pay for the most truly special woman Ive ever known to be in my life. Hello Russell, First of all Happy New Year! Currently we argued cause during our last breakup he sent a girl $250 for nudes and I wanted reassurance that hes not that type of guy but as Im typing this I realize how stupid I am trying to make excuses for him when Im reality he is like every other guy after a breakup, just jumps to any female thatll make his dick hard. But now I am feeling more relaxed and the heavy fog is lifting and I am able to think a bit clearly. She likes to do things her own way, without having to listen to orders or cooperate with anyone. We compliment each other well, are able to be so comfortable with each other, and I cant wait for many more years with him. Usually I dont see such a thorough and accurate reading of this pairing. I am a picese man and testify to loving an Aquarius woman. Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of crazy that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. Hello Astrogirls! They also understand each other in terms of creativity. I have offered you my advise and thats really all I can doYOU better decide to do something b/c it seems like YOU are allowing this man to drain the life right out of YOU. A Pisces and Aquarius friendship can be enjoyable, but they will never bond closely enough to become the best of friends. Theyre a waste of time. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Long-Term Compatibility - I.TheHoroscope.co He acts like a woman wants everything to be done for him. 2) Forgive easily within minutes Well, what I can say is the fact I am a Pisces and I am finding it hard to hand this Aquarius. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. I dont see any reason to bugger about. I feel like my light is being smothered out. The Aquarius is kind and generous; This is something your partner will like . A Pisces woman is all about inspiration and uplifting, frequently spiritual feelings of calm joy and beauty. But that could also possibly be because of what was stated in point #5. He has no forgiveness in his heart for simple mistakes like this. We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. They will show them the importance of dreaming, working, being an upstanding human being, and learning how to work well with others. Yes but I like to cook also and love doing things like this together. This post may contain affiliate links. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. 4. If a Pisces Man Aquarius Woman relationship is going to work out then he will be the one to put in all the effort. Hi Rose. It isnt always easy between the two of us. I hope it wont happen to you, but you need to respect yourself and realize that things are the way they are and NOT the way you wish them to be.