can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery

Sometimes it could be implantation bleeding, or it could be cervical irritation from intercourse. However, today February 28 2021, I had some brown discharge mixed with pink. Implantation bleeding: Symptoms and causes - Flo This is very unusual for me. It is like the LH hormone of the brain; it signals the other hormones required for pregnancy. Monday morning started spotting very lightly & pinkish that night the colour changed got brighter red and was more consistency but didnt require tampon or pad everytime I was going to pee I was passing small amount of blood on and off, Tuesday was the same but lighter in colour Wednesday I had no bleed and (today) Thursday I checked again this morning when I wipe there is pinkish brown colour now all gone 2.37pm According to the ACOG, only about 25 percent of women experience the phenomenon of implantation bleeding. Every Thursday I send an email with three quick tips to brighten your day and help you and your family lead a more natural life. CC. All fields are required *. I doubt it is pregnancy but just after some other opinions. Im experiencing the same thing right now. Looking back, I did feel a significant drop in my symptoms around two weeks before bleeding but didnt think much of it. i have 3 kids and had a misscariage may 2020 at 6wks. Today its Sunday and Ive had some very mild light cramping but nothing compared to my usual period cramping. (Please read below for more details). Is this normal? Similar question here. As well, Hie i lastly had my periods on 26Feb.and about 3days i started another period which is very dark in colour but the flows are light.during the night im just bleeding fill drops which is on and off can that be implant bleeding, I have had my period on 06.03.2021-8.03.2021 however since yesterday I have some light pink spotting which is really weird since my period was a week ago. Implantation Bleeding With Twins [How long does IB last with twins? And ilnot yesterday but today I found very dark murky bloody discharge when I went to use the restroom. Bleeding during pregnancy Causes - Mayo Clinic Ok so Im 31yrs old.I have a 4yr old.So Ive had implantation bleeding before..that 1st picture was what mine looked like,brought back memories!Anyways..what Im about to say has Never happened to me before in my almost 20yrs of periods.I got my period on Feb 1st.I had sex w my Husband on Feb12th.Im not due for my period for atleast another week or 8-10days.Over the last 2 days I was spotting brown.Which is normal for me,I usually spot brown the week before my period but it always stays brown.I wokeup today wiped and sure enough brown..started going about my morning and felt a gush when I was bending over,I wiped again and it was red.Like a red like Ive gotten my period, maybe a bit brighter.I have cramps but not like my normal period cramps.Im nervous because I was telling my husband how sore and tender my breast were over the past week.To the point my daughter would give me an elbow to the boob and Id say Ow! so im confused. What do I do about this? Could I be pregnant? as well as retching bloating and fatigue.. last night I was super emotional in bed crying and now today I wake up and use the bathroom, wipe and I see blood I dont know if this is a period or could be implantation bleeding but I am stressed out over the unknown. I went for the ultrasound on February 17 2021 and it was negative. After implantation bleeding, you can take a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy. After successful implantation, the blastocyst starts the formation of germ layers. Im not due my period for another 5 days. But some lucky women get a sign before they even get that BFP on that home pregnancy test. On July 1-5 days my period was normal, why is it that August is not normal? Implantation bleeding signs and colour. The wall stays intact for the incoming embryo and pregnancy development. I hope you get answers soon! My last period was 20th Aprilmy ovulation date was 5th May we DTD unprotected a few times around that time. Implantation bleeding usually should not be bright red. I just felt my symptoms early. I didnt think anything of it and now 15 days after I have light bleeding. Hi I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on Sunday January 31st my period vame January 21st and ended on/ around January 25th today I notice light spotting when I used toilet paper should I be concerned? I am really confused my periods are always irregular and my age is 35 .plz plz plz plz help me to understand whether is this implantation spotting i am eager to conceive this is my third pregnancy second one was aborted due to personal The first day of my last period was November 26, it usually lasts seven days but this time I can only remember it being about three to four days long, but I also heard the vac causing irregularities to women and their cycles but well say the last day of my last period was about November 29. issue, HI San if your worried about it Make an apointment with your Obgyn i am actually having the same too, I had been Spotting 5days ago till now and Im not sure if its implantatjon bleeding. I had implantation bleeding with my 1st pregnancy it was a few hours of spotting on 11 or 12 days past ovulation. With some tests, you could get an answer now. My husband and I are TTC. My period isnt due till the end of the month so in about 3 weeks. Has anyone had implantation bleeding a week after their due period, I am currently having the same experience and its frustrating me so much. The blood may look orange, pink, or brown. I had an implantation last month and I saw my period 3weeks after but my period is not like my regular kind of flow at the ending days of my period it turns brownish for this also a sign of implantation bleeding? Can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery? The truth is, implantation bleeding can resemble a lighter version of your period. Im 32. Its been about 2 weeks and Im spotting.. not sure if its the plan b that caused it or implantation? Im trying not to symptom spot, but Ive had some very weird symptoms when I normally have no symptoms before my period other than little tenderness in my boobs here and there. Have had some very cramps too but not as intense as period pain. oh my gosh, im literally going through the same thing right now and im worried too! My OBGYN wants to send me for another ultrasound due to the positive tests I had back in January and because I still havent had another period since December 2020. Had intercourse on March 17th, started to spot very lightly for one time one day 6 days after the unprotected sex. I was putting off another surgery because the recovery from the last was a painful nightmare. I then tested very slight positive on January 31 and February 1 2021. I didnt have implantation bleeding with my first and only one. Your timing seems off. This could be caused by an ectopic pregnancy, which is a medical emergency. So first time this has happened to me. Think of it as the afterparty, or even the after-after party. Im getting really nervous and not sure what to do or think. It may last from a few hours up to several days. I dont know if this is a reaction to coming off my contraception or if I could be pregnant? Even on a blood test anything below a 5 is considered a negative and 10 is borderline. If youre getting ready to start your period, its not likely to be implantation bleeding. complete answer on, View For conception, the sperms need to have the right shape, number, and motility. Im just so frustrated & its just so annoying that this implantation bleeding could mimic a reg period so well. I took an at home clear blue test and it came back negative.. should i retest in a couple of days? I am feeling mild cramp and i am bleeding less than normal. Could I be pregnant ? On the day my period was set to start, predicted to be August 12, I had a tiny bit of pink only when I wiped. Found your page through google search: spotting at 14dpo. whats your best advise to me. Hi. Typing too fast. Used tampon, normally (tmi ahead) if he brings down my cycle it will continue the duration of my period. Implantation bleeding can last anywhere from from a couple hours to a couple days. Implantation Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms & What To Expect Can implantation bleeding be bright red? I use it correctly and everything and I also havent had sex in about a little over a month. Were you ok? But its started out as reddish brown, then red, now its back to clear/brown/water like. There is no surety about it, and that is why every time you have sex near ovulation you dont get pregnant. could i be pregnant? I took a HPT and had the faintest positive result. There wasnt much but definitely blood. I was suppose to get my period on Wednesday or Thursday. Before having my last son, I had my period once(I was also breastfeeding and no BC) and got pregnant after my first period. I bled for about 4 days inconsistently. You should call a healthcare provider if: Remember: Many women experience light spotting throughout the first trimester to no negative effect. For the past week or so I have been feeling nauseous with no vomiting. The blood from implantation bleeding is typically pinkish or brown, but it could also be red. Thanks and God bless you. Hi guys I need some help, I missed my period by 5 days and then suddenly started bleeding with cloths for 2 days and then it suddenly stopped now Im having pink discharge or something like implantation bleeding for the past 2 days, Im so confused as to what is happening, my husband I have just started trying for a baby during my last ovulation, I took a pregnancy blood test last week due to a medical emergency at work and it came back negative but Im experiencing symptoms of pregnancy for the past week, so Im really very confused with regards to whats going on, can someone please explain to me i would really appreciate it, Ive had lots of pregnancy symptoms too and Ive been spotting for going on 5 days now. Its not safe to have it every time. I havent been to the doctor until now. Ive always been 28 day cycle. Im going through the same thing now. What tipped you off? Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Generally, implantation bleeding is spotting only, while a menstrual period is heavier. Did anyone ever experience this and got a positive result. I supposed to have my period on March 4-9, it also means implantation bleeding? Implantation typically occurs 6-12 days after ovulation/fertilization, although some sources give it a wider range of 5-14 days. I would suggest waiting another week and taking a testif it is positive, then yes, this was implantation bleeding. It is the shortest fertility period and can be longer in some cases. The only other time this has happened to me I was pregnant. Implantation bleeding heavy but then got BFP? - What to Expect Rarely, bright red bleeding may be a sign of cervical cancer. I had unprotected sex on the 7th of October and my period ended 5 days before that and i ovulated on the 16th. capricorn investment group portfolio; carnival miracle rooms to avoid; california state senate district map; Hello world! I hope this helps someone out there. I would notice the light pink every time I would wipe. HAD SOME BLEEDING TODAY (29TH) WAS A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE TENSE CRAMPINGWITH LIGHT BLOOD FLOW TO A DARK BROWN TO LIGHT FLOW AGAIN AND NO BLOOD IN THE TOILET WATER HAVE ALSO FELT MY WHOLE PELVIC AREA TIGHTEN UP ON AND OFF ALL DAY, I AM GOING FOR A PREGNANCY TEST IN THE NEXT WEEK OR TWO. Miscalculation of implantation or period. I am sure you really want to know what is going on. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, spotting is normal. I had to have an emergency D & C. I have been nervous about getting pregnant again since Im considers high risk (advanced maternal age). Menstrual bleeding, on the other hand, may start off light pink or brown, but it soon changes into crimson red. Pinkish spotting later may turn into thebrown discharge. So me and my boyfriend had protected sex on the 24th of November on the last day of my period and then again on the first of December when I was like a day or two before ovulation according the my app Flo. My period is supposed to start Tuesday, Friday night I noticed some light brown blood but had been drinking and didnt even consider that usually my blood is bright red and heavy. Did you by any chance test positive? I had sex June 2nd a day before my period came off then my cycle was 8 days late then July 1st I wiped and seen light bleeding then about a hour later it was heavier but the blood is like a light / brown color but Ive been vomiting for the passes week my appetite isnt the same I have mild cramping I took two pregnancy they were negative but maybe I took them to early do I need to go to hospital or whats wrong with me. It is likely to be longer for first time mothers and shorter for mothers whose bodies have had children before and are used to implanting. Maybe next month will be mine! The blood from implantation bleeding is typically pinkish or brown, but it could also be red. How long did it last? I am having the same symptoms! And, I have very white, discharge. Week by Week Promo [In-article]. Whatever stage youre at, trust your instincts, do your research and communicate with your partner and trusted Doctors . I feel like I would have started my period by now? Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Please tell us what became of the situation. Can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery? I hope you get this figured out very soon! My last period was July 9th to 13th. I took a pregnancy test as soon as I left and lo and behold, it was positive! Either way, by then Ill know if this is my period or late implantation which I had with my first. Implantation bleeding occurs for a few minutes. 2. Yesterday I had creamy white discharge and today I am spotting. I have 4 children already so I dont know what kind of signals my body is giving me. I just wish I could relax and not stress about all of this right now Im 19 and want to be child free until I can get my life settled down. Cheers. this time i got my period its light spotting and pink not red.