aryan vs dravidian features

Jewish Wedding vs. Christian Wedding: Wedding Comparison, Narendra Modi vs. Nitish Kumar: Top CMs of India, Land of snake charmers to land of intellectuals: Transition of India, National Debt Of Portugal vs. Greece Compared. Stella Kramrisch (1976), The Hindu Temple Volume 1 & 2, Tillotson, G. H. R. (1997). It was those seals that Alexander Cunningham had found in the rubble in 1856, started to multiply in thousands in the archaeological digs that were carried out since 1922. If the system in South-Central and Central Dravidian is understood to reflect the retention of the parent language, the shift of meaning in the plural in the other languages can be explained as a natural one from men to men and women (mixed groups) to women (exclusively), thus generalizing the meaning to any human group. Culture Ignorant or Good Vs. The dilema of the historians continue. In India, too, the mingling with the locals resulted in the population of Anglo-Indians. that is " they come from south russia through iran" not "from iran", persians are a semitic people, original aryans were probabely an Ural-Altaic people since if u study the history u will see that almost every white immigration has begun from that vicinity, the mahabratara (or what ever is its name!) Ben, thank you for pointing out that the intellectuals have rejected the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), and I do hope that is the case. [30] In Amaravati in present-day Andhra Pradesh there is an inscription referring to a Dhamila-vaniya (Tamil trader) datable to the 3rd century CE. The word Arya had great attraction for the Europeans, who used the word to create, one of the greatest fictional race of this world, the Aryans', with none of the arya qualities and complete illiterates with no script of there own. Mudumby Narasimhachary (Ed) (1976). When they get older, around the age when puberty begins, they transition to a langa voni or half-sari, which is composed of a skirt tied at the waist along with a cloth draped over a blouse. Indian history has not yet been written by the original ionhabitants of India - the Dravidians. Up, Drowsy Driving vs. In the first para of the subject for comparison, it is stated that 'Aryans have mingled with the authentic Indian population, so no one can be characterized as a pure Dravidian or as a pure Aryan'. These people were Home-less, made transit stops before entering India. [40] There are also hundreds of Dravidian loanwords in Indo-Aryan languages, and vice versa. The face is typically flat where the eyes are oblique with epicanthic fold. There may not be any archaeological proofs (none what so ever)which testifies the historicity of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana but that India was completely a tribal country can be easily be proved by the remains of the numerous prehistoric tribal megaliths that is scattered all over the country. Proto-Dravidian *to/*to occurs in compounds with the words for 10, 100, 1,000 as second members with the meaning 1/10th lesscomparable to Tamil to-u 90 (or 10 less 100), toyiram 900 (100 less 1,000), and on-pattu 9 (1 less 10). However, Telugu tom-badi (from *to-pat) 90 implies that *to means 9. The South Dravidian languages have cognates that support the first, 1/10th less, meaning. One day,working in the vineyard, he got very tired, had a few wine drinks, went to his tent and slept, naked. The historian, Hendrik Van Loon,in his book 'The Story of Mankind', published 1921, provides an interesting meaning, even though incorrect in my opinion, of the word 'Aryan'. All of them are equally important, therefore, no one is higher or lower than the other. Therefore, every person of the Aryadesh had a right to be an arya person. This book should provide some information about the origin of the people, about their journey to the Promise Land, and about their deeds to uplift the dire situation of the indigenous people. Thus,every aspect of the human life, that is considered beneficial to the human society, was qualified by the word 'arya'. The Muni never returned! There is no past record of such effort being made by world nations to study the origin of the culture and language of one occupied nation! Please, do not be unhappy about the darker skin, I have one. The outcome at the last Cal. The object of the AIT was to demean the Indians. [15][41] In the 1990s, Renfrew and Cavalli-Sforza have also argued that Proto-Dravidian was brought to India by farmers from the Iranian part of the Fertile Crescent,[14][42][43][note 1] but more recently Heggerty and Renfrew noted that "McAlpin's analysis of the language data, and thus his claims, remain far from orthodoxy", adding that Fuller finds no relation of Dravidian language with other languages, and thus assumes it to be native to India. The Modern Tamil word for temple is koil (Tamil: ). However, these invaders (AIT), in addition to carrying out destruction and creating slavery, have provided Vedic history and culture and Vedic language Sanskrit, with a Caste System as the 'Jewel in the Crown'. Because of contact with Hindi and Bengali, Kurukh and Malto introduced gender distinction in the first and second persons also. For all these Unis, the hot subject was the 'Comparative Philology'. Dravidian languages are considered to be distinct from those defined as Aryan. [66] Cultural and linguistic similarities have been cited by researchers Henry Heras, Kamil Zvelebil, Asko Parpola and Iravatham Mahadevan as being strong evidence for a proto-Dravidian origin of the ancient Indus Valley civilisation. Perhaps, you may like to answer, presently, why people of the same color are fighting and killing each other in the Middle East, Africa and Eurasia? The Dravidian movement and Aryan illusions. If the word 'Aryan' is related to 'arya', the meaning of Aryan would be 'a person of noble character'. In contrast, South Dravidian had a three-way distinction in the singular (masculine, feminine, neuter) and a two-way distinction in the plural (human, nonhuman). This proves Aryan invasion theory was wrong. The Dravidian language family is one of the oldest in the world. In fact, until the late 19th century most Kerala women did not wear any upper garments, or were forced to by law, and in many villages, especially in tribal communities, the sari is worn without the blouse. The final element (predicate) in a sentence can be verbal or nominal. (2009) principally reflects gene flow from Iran and the Middle East". He was a law-maker, the Father of the Indian Constitution. In the last century or two, cross-breeding has taken place in the West. Many villagers have only a lungi as their article of clothing. A large section of the submerged city has been located only few years ago and reported by the Archaeological Dept of India. The river had dried up around 1800 BC, where as it was in its full glory as far back as 3000 BC and earlier. [73] Parpola led a Finnish team in investigating the inscriptions using computer analysis. Thus, the river is no longer a mythical river. India has always been known for its mixed tribes. Upon subsidence of The Great Flood, Noah came down to the plains and busied himself tending a vineyard. The native Indians had been conquered without great difficulty by the war-like Aryans, and there-after, the Aryans had been the rulers and masters of tens of millions of docile little brown men'. What are the major differences between Indo-Aryan and Each of the major Dravidian languages has its own film industry like Kollywood (Tamil), Tollywood (Telugu), Sandalwood (Kannada), Mollywood (Malayalam). Aryavrita, Aryadesh, Aryalok, Aryasamaj and Aryarit. The corruption is an outright mismanagement of the nation's business. Re. Ghadhiji couldn't oblige, and that was a great disappointment for Ambedkarji. As the term is commonly used in India today, Aryans are considered to be those who dont hail from India but instead came to India in 1500 BC from southern Russia and Iran. People from the sub-continent have been going to far-away lands all the time, as well as the people of other lands have come to India for variety of reasons. A comprehensive description of Parpola's work until 1994 is given in his book Deciphering the Indus Script. (2019) found that their analysed sample had little to none of the "Steppe ancestry" component associated with Indo-European migrations into India, which occurred after the decline of the IVC. The reconstruction for 9, however, has some problems. Difference Between Aryans and Dravidians [104][105] Modern words for god like "k" (Tamil: "king"), "iai" ( "emperor") and "avar" ( "conqueror") now primarily refer to gods. The population of the world then was estimated at 5 million (The Economist - Dec 24, 2005), mostly settled around river deltas. It was used by him to include a specific group of people who are native speakers of 19th century Indo-European languages. [93] The Agamas are Tamil and Sanskrit scriptures chiefly constituting the methods of temple construction and creation of murti, worship means of deities, philosophical doctrines, meditative practices, attainment of sixfold desires and four kinds of yoga. In Mahabharata, Bhishma claimed that southerners are skilled with sword-fighting in general and Sahadeva was chosen for the conquest of the southern kingdoms due to his swordsmanship. The most traditional dress for Dravidian men is the lungi, or the more formal dhoti, called veshti in Tamil, panche in Kannada and Telugu, and mundu in Malayalam. The word Aryans was brutally used by Hitler during world war second to attain exclusion of Jews and other ethnicities from a specific group of Germans. His followers, upon misbehaving, became the victims of God's anger, resulting in the Great Flood of 2350BC. Once, it was decided among the wise and the learned that, as it has become necessary, Agatsya Muni should be authorized to locate an area where educational activities can be carried out, in safety and in peace. [21], The process of post-Harappan/Dravidian influences on southern India has tentatively been called "Dravidianization",[22] and is reflected in the post-Harappan mixture of IVC and Ancient Ancestral South Indian people. The debate over the Aryan-Dravidian Distinction: Aryan Invasion and Migration Theory: This theory which has been floated by the British has attributed to the Aryan- Dravidian distinction and has been always been contested by the political class. Perhaps, Revision as a subject should be introduced as a subject in Indian schools. There were good reasons, for the Biblical Great Flood in 2350 BC, as well as the submergence of the Dwarica due to rise in the sea level around 3050 BC, and even the Ram Setu (Adam's Bridge) being under water for the same reasons. Look at us - we are up to our necks into the Caste System, and our own government takes the advantage of the divided society. [96] Early iconography of Murugan[97] and Sivan[98][99][100] and their association with native flora and fauna goes back to the Indus Valley Civilisation. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The melting of the ice created lakes and filled the rivers, in turn, the water was emptied in the sea, raising the sea level. Aryans and Dravidians have different accents. One of the events mentioned in the Mahabharat is Lord Krishna's instructions to his Sarthi, to go to Dwarika to inform the citizens, of the imminent submergence of the city due to rise in sea-level. Great Gurukuls were established in the South, and for that reason, the South is often addressed as Dravid-desh, and the teachers and the gurus as 'dravid' (dra - drasta and vid - vidya), a knower of knowledge. Dravidians also live in central India and other countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. [109] The temples of the Sangam days, mainly of Madurai, seem to have had priestesses to the deity, which also appears predominantly as a goddess. This is the time when, according to the historians, waves of invading/migrating Aryans arrived in India. How can we blame anyone but ourselves, for the present situation, prevailing in the Indian societies - provincialism, caste and corruption? or by adding an interrogative particle (*-) to the phrase or clause questioned. Drunk Driving: Awake at the Wheel. [78] This represents an early religious and cultural fusion[79][note 3] or synthesis[81] between ancient Dravidians and Indo-Aryans. Mary Stanton & Albert Hyma in Streams of Civilization (1976) - They were nomads, lived of the meat of their herds and what loot they could gather from pillaged and conquered cities. [122] The theatrical culture flourished during the early Sangam age. In Dravidian, gender is primarily determined by the meaning of the noun or pronoun and secondarily by certain formal features. The people of India belong to different races and have gained appreciation for their physical traits. Weech (History of the World) opines that 'the **** type ssems early to have passed from Africa to South India', where as Bouquet (Comparative Religion) has not ruled out 'sea-borne invasion'. The article seems to be a consequence of erroneous scholariness and faulty research. Six languages are currently recognized by India as Classical languages and four of them are Dravidian languages Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. I always thought that the historians are intellectuals who understood the saying, 'A lie repeated often, becomes the truth, and a lie altered often becomes a noose'. They are spread over the states of, Kurukh are spread over parts of the states of. Max Muller and the historians were tied up in knots with the Christian chronology. The centuries were awaiting the arrival of Lords Buddha and Mahavir, however missing Lord Krishna. AIT refers to a period of few thousand years, written up in the last two centuries. Thus, Zebu or Bos Indicus cattle did not come from the West, if anything, it is related to the cattle East of the Indus. Kenneth C Davis, in his book, Don't Know Much About History (Pub 1990), points out the European behavior as follows: 'Although, Hitler's attempted extermination of the Jews of Europe was a calculated, methodical genocidal plan, the European destruction of the Indians (Amerindians) was just as ruthlessly efficiently killing off perhaps 90% of the native population it found, all in the name of progress,civilization and Christianity'. Aryan The participants being the Jews, Christians Muslims and the Hindus, it was decided, with the agreement of more than 50 well known historians, that the Aryan Invasion Theory be called the Aryan Migration Theory. WebWith the Aryan race concept was contrasted the idea of what was called the Dravidian race equally erroneous as a racial term. The SUN is the culprit providing darker skin to the people, living along the equatorial belt,to be able to tolerate the stronger rays. there is no similiarity. these are two exclusive tribes. dravidians are the people who constitute the southern states of india and srilanka. aryans Dravidian vs Indo-Aryan? : r/AskHistorians - reddit They also set the caste system in India consisting of 4 general tribes of priests, businessmen and aristocrats and scheduled castes. Portuguese explorers like Vasco de Gama were motivated to expand mainly for the spice markets of Calicut (today called Kozhikode) in modern-day Kerala. Ancient Dravidian religion constituted of an animistic and non-Vedic form of religion which may have influenced the gamas, Vedic and non-Vedic texts[92] which post-date the Vedic texts. It goes on to explain that,for a long time, after their arrival in India, they were in many ways less civilized than the citizens of Mohenjo-daro had been. [122] Ancient literary works, such as the Cilappatikaram, describe a system of music. Basu et al. Dravidian visual art is dominated by stylised temple architecture in major centres, and the production of images on stone and bronze sculptures. Aryan vs This sari consists of a cloth wrapped around the waist and draped over the shoulder. Locally developed scripts such as Grantha and Pallava script induced the development of many native scripts such as Khmer, Javanese Kawi, Baybayin, and Thai. The present population is over 1000 million. Genetics and archaeogenetics of South Asia, Non-resident Indian and Overseas Citizen of India, History and Archaeology, Volume 1, Issues 12, "200-Year Drought Doomed Indus Valley Civilization", "The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia", "A-11 Individual Scheduled Tribe Primary Census Abstract Data and its Appendix", "Global Religious Populations, 19102010", "Do you speak Telugu? Each of the Dravidian languages has developed several postpositions from independent words that indicate case meanings (e.g., near, up to, until, purpose, cause, above, below, by the side of). Aryans are white skinned. All other higher numerals are borrowed from Sanskrit. Svastika Mansion: A Silpa-Sastra in the 1930s. [27] Traders and religious leaders travelled to southeast Asia and played an important role in the cultural Indianisation of the region. The Dravidian languages have a decimal system. In the Buddhist Jataka story known as Akiti Jataka there is a mention to Damila-rattha (Tamil dynasty). South India consists of a lot of Aryan and Dravidian was the British colonial propaganda, they used this theory to attack basic of Hinduism and Indian nationalism. No such thing ha Carnatic music originated in the Dravidian region. The mounds of earth, that covered bones and skeletons of the indigenous, now unearthed highly developed cities with all the facilities for the residents.